Contact the lodge to determine the purpose of the meeting and w We will be once again holding our Game Feed to benefit our scholarship fund. Emessay Notes - Masonic Service Association of North America - MSANA the Journal of The Masonic Society.. John Wesley ein Freimaurer? - apostasia Thank You. 130 at 3815 Fleet Drive, Wausau. Wisconsin Masonic Journal 5823 Madsen Circle Oregon, WI 53575 Key Contacts Richard Rygh - Ext 209 Editor-in-Chief David Ritchie - Assistant Editor Wisconsin Masonic Foundation Wisconsin Masonic Foundation Grand Masonic Center 36275 Sunset Drive Dousman, WI 53118 262-965-2200 Key Contacts Gary Beier - Ext 205 WMJ November 2018 PDF | PDF | Freemasonry | Masonic Lodge Wisconsin Masonic Journal is a company that operates in the Newspapers industry. of Wisconsin All Rights Reserved. Proceeds benefit Wisconsin Honor Flight. The meeting, held at 1613-1/2 10th Street in Monroe, WI 53566-2001, starts at 6:30pm. Music and. a.m.-1:30 p.m., Waterloo Gun Club, N1029 County Road T, Waterloo. Brother Scott Pieper receives his Past Master. 178, open air MM Degree, 10:00 a.m. at the Gant Farm, 19685 English Hollow Rd., Blanchardville. Home - Wisconsin Freemasons By Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin Brother Gary L. Stang On Our Cover THE WISCONSIN Masonic Journal "Do What is Right" Lou . Our meal beforehand will feature corned beef and cabbage, keeping in mind the upcoming St. Patrick's Day celebration. It will be held on April 22, 2023 at the Tomah Masonic Lodge starting at 5:00 PM. I was honored in August when the Master of my plural lodge, Lafayette No. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! Richard Rygh - Editor - The Wisconsin Masonic Journal | LinkedIn The meeting, held at 617 Masonic Blvd in Jefferson, WI 53549, starts at 7:00pm. Freemasonry is a society of men bound by Brotherhood, united through the practice of sound moral and spiritual values and a love of family. Wisconsin State Journal - Home - Facebook RSVP: Scott Scharnell, Chartered on 06/09/1858 by the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin, Bicknell Lodge #94 F. & A.M. in Brodhead, Wisconsin is part of District #009. After talking with her, her criticism came from her memory of the be-, havior of her uncle who had been a Mason dur-, passed away several years earlier, and by her ac-, count he was a terrible man in many ways, and, yet according to her he was just fine with the, lodge. My response concerning her uncle was, that it sounded to me that he had failed the fra-, ternity not that the fraternity had failed him. For, more information email or call Bro. In reality, a gourmet is someone who simply enjoys food. A 50-bird trap shoot, 16 yard and Lewis, plus merchandise shoot. Get Started We teach our kids not to talk to strangers. THE GENTLEMAN IN THE ROOM By Senior Grand Warden David R. Ritchie. The meeting, held at 301 - 1st Center Ave in Brodhead, WI 53520, starts at 7:30pm. How, you answer those questions ought to make you pause and take stock, of what being a Freemason has meant and continues to mean for, When our lives come to a close the honors we, the riches we have acquired in life will not be what defines who we, were as a man in the eyes of others; it will be. p.m. Buffet style meal, $20 per person. One of the universal doctrines of Freemasonry is a belief in the Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God. The Kenosha Lodge #47 Facebook Page Wisconsin Masonic Journal Thus, the discussion of religion, politics, and business is not permitted in our lodges. 27, 204 Washington Ave., Oshkosh, dinner at 6:00 p.m., open lodge at 7:00 p.m. See story on page 2. Contact the lodge to determine the purpose of the meet Albany #36, in Albany, Wisconsin, holds a monthly Stated Communication on the third Wednesday of the month. Regular Stated Meeting for March. Make reservations at 608-833-, one and all to join them for an all-you-care-to-eat spaghetti dinner at, the Trinity United Methodist Church in Montello. Masonic Journal - Freemasons of Wisconsin. WISCONSIN MASONIC JOURNAL - OCTOBER 2019 - PAGE 23 Advertise in the New Master Masons Wisconsin Masonic Journal The Number 1 Source for Reaching the Masons of Wisconsin We have a special rate for promoting your upcoming lodge events! Vision:We will be the preeminent fraternity of choice for men of quality and vision who seek personal knowledge, moral growth and leadership development; ultimately improving the individual mason, his community and the world., Mission: To promote personal development by reinforcing moral principles, to assist those suffering unfortunate circumstances, and to foster friendship and cooperation among all people.. Editor at The Wisconsin Masonic Journal United States. Contact the lodge to determine the purpose of the meeting and Jefferson County #9, in Jefferson, Wisconsin, holds bi-monthly Stated Communications on the first and third Monday of the month. Dinner and meeting all had fun, Waterloo provided cake for the meal. Journal Name. Powered by WordPress and the Graphene Theme. Masons champion the heroes of our society such as veterans, teachers, police and first responders. The very essence of, Freemasonry concerns developing ones life into being, ture. Imagine going to a lodge picnic that has a street block, barricaded, has three different bands with different types of music, to please all, great catered food, Culvers frozen custard, and a roving, other lodge, instead of the standard family dinner, turned it into a. degree, conferred by a father on his son, making him his Brother, but a new angle was added, making the degree even more memo-, rable and emotional. Kenosha Lodge #47 F. & A.M. The Whence Came You? Podcast, a Masonic podcast with an average global reach of two hundred fifty thousand listens per episode, held a Masonic essay contest in late 2022. If you're interested in renting the Wisconsin Masonic Center for your next reception, corporate event, private, or organizational gathering, contact us today. 26 2nd Annual Mosinee Masonic Lodge Car & Truck Show, River Park, Mosinee. It is a brotherhood of like-minded men who genuinely care about each other. Hurley #237, in Mercer, Wisconsin, holds a monthly Stated Communication on the first Monday of the month. Wisconsin Masons practice Family Friendly Freemasonry. Tom Kohl at 10770410), is the authorized publication of the Grand Lodge, Free and, Accepted Masons of Wisconsin. Crawfish Boil 2023 was a great event. AUGUST 2 Shawano Lodge No. Hosted by the Tripoli Scottish Highlanders since 1973. The Wisconsin Masonic journal. 66 presents Past Grand Master Davey L. White Jr. with a rough and perfect ashlar for Warren Lodge No. Preparedness Class starting at 6 p.m. at the Lake Masonic Center. Contact Included in these programs are help for families of our deployed military, scholarships, support for youth, medical research, childrens hospitals, and our Honored Ladies. The Masonic Information Center (MIC) was founded in 1993 by a grant from the late John J. Robinson, well-known author, speaker, and Mason. Contact the lodge to determine the pur St. John's Lodge #57, in Whitewater, Wisconsin, holds bi-monthly Stated Communications on the first and third Monday of the month. In 1891, the First Presbyterian Church on Wisconsin Avenue was purchased and remodeled into a Masonic Temple. Registration from 8:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m., at Camp Douglas Sportsmen's Club, N8117 Keichinger Road, Camp Douglas. Many free events for the children, entertainment and raffles. Many people think of a gourmet as someone who eats only the most expensive or fanciest of foods. Jefferson County #9, in Jefferson, Wisconsin, holds bi-monthly Stated Communications on the first and third Monday of the month. 1843 Stated Communication, 9:00 a.m. coffee, 10:00 a.m. meeting, Henry S. Baird Lodge No. Designed by Madison architects James R. and Edward J. EVEN BETTER 30 seconds The Journal features articles by the best-known authors in Freemasonry, and the brethren from the lodge in your neighborhood. Wisconsin Masons practice Family Friendly Freemasonry. Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. 11 Second Annual 50 Bird Trap Shoot, Juneau Lodge No. History of Madison WI Event Space Wisconsin Masonic Center See page 7. On Monday 2/23 Waterloo Lodge Delivered the Traveling Gavel To Columbus Lodge. Scottish Rite NMJ USA. Thank You. I must, first and foremost, start out by expressing my appreciation for the wonderful experience my Lady Ronda and I had last evenin Mar 4, 2023 - 8:00am - 23 E Davenport St, Rhinelander, WI 54501, Mar 4, 2023 - 1:00pm - 241 E Wisconsin Ave, Neenah, WI 54956, Mar 4, 2023 - 4:00pm - 402 W 4th Street, Marshfield, WI 54449, Mar 6, 2023 - 10:00am - 3000 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53208, Mar 6, 2023 - 6:00pm - 4315 N. 92nd Street, Wauwatosa, WI 53222, Mar 6, 2023 - 6:30pm - 5189 N. Harper St., Mercer, WI 54547, Mar 6, 2023 - 7:00pm - 617 Masonic Blvd, Jefferson, WI 53549, Mar 6, 2023 - 7:00pm - 504 W. Grand Ave., Port Washington, WI 53074, Mar 6, 2023 - 7:00pm - 241 E. Wisconsin Ave, Neenah, WI 54956, Mar 6, 2023 - 7:00pm - 441 Smith St., Plymouth, WI 53073. 119, Brat Fry, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., public welcome. 19 Olive Branch Lodge No. RSVP to Brother Robert, Ott at 608-415-2536 no later than Thursday, September 26. See story on page 10. Thats, the kind of life that philosophers have called a li, Brethren from Wisconsin receiving their 33rd Degree during the Supreme Council meeting in, Milwaukee from left: PGM Scott E. Pedley, Steven Lasure, Pet, Schwartz, Craig Froelich and Lyle Korner. A person who dines rather than eats. Saturday: Grand Bethel meeting and Miss Wisconsin Job's Daughters Pageant. The, meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments and dessert auction to, Waushara County. Masonic Journal - Freemasons of Wisconsin - 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, cial, meal will be served at 6:15 with the lodge opening at 7:30. The meeting, held at 3000 W. Wisconsin Avenue in Milwaukee, WI 53208, starts at 10:00am. 18 Neosho Mayville Horicon Lodge No. More. On the morning of the big Wisconsin-Michigan, game, he challenged me to a wager that if Michigan won, I would, have to post on Facebook a picture of myself wearing a Michigan, "Go Blue" cap, and if Wisconsin won, he would have to post one of, himself wearing a Badger cap. 145 donated four Fire Suppression Tools to the Bristol Fire Department in late January. We do this out of love and practice it in how we live and through programs we support. 'Shambolic': Ethics complaint rips Gableman election review, Kewaskum teen becomes youngest ever speedskating world champion, Iranian students at UWM fight the regime while earning PhDs, Brookfield doctor repeatedly defrauded Medicaid, owes more than $2M, DOJ says. PDF What's the Point of Each Degree? From the Wisconsin Masonic Journal Charles E. Whelan, Past Grand Master, delivered the address. 19-22 Wisconsin DeMolay Conclave at Edgewood College. 47 and Washburn Masonic Lodge No. Contact Us - Wisconsin Freemasons Law, the Masonic Center is an official state and local landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Thank you to all the Lodges who are working hard to raise new Brothers within t As an old sailor, I love a good sea story. 14 Fundraiser for Tristan Loew, 3:30 p.m., Blue Hills Masonic Center, Rice Lake. EN. We need you to accept our conditions to continue browsing. Suggested $10 donation. Ward Nottestad 608-423-3931. Contact the lodge to d Janesville-Western Star #55, in Janesville, Wisconsin, holds bi-monthly Stated Communications on the second and fourth Monday of the month. The company is headquartered in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. Table Lodge ceremonies will commence at 7:30. Proceeds go to Wisconsin Masonic Heritage Center. The meeting, held at 441 Smith St. in Plymouth, WI 53073, starts at 7:00pm. Noon to 3:00 p.m. THE GENTLEMAN IN THE ROOM By Senior Grand Deacon David R. Ritchie. We need you to accept our conditions to continue browsing. 170 dedication ceremony, Shawano Masonic Center, 2324 E. Richmond St., in Shawano. Bicknell #94, in Brodhead, Wisconsin, holds a monthly Stated Communication on the second Monday of the month. 272. 4 in Potosi. Rich Rygh - Editor - Wisconsin Masonic Journal | LinkedIn On September 30, 1925, the dedication of the Madison Masonic Center was headlined in the Wisconsin State Journal. Day Lite #358, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, holds a monthly Stated Communication on the first Monday of the month. Freemasons are united in the common goal of becoming better men. I really never get, into debates with people about the fraternity as. The 2019 Wounded Warriors on the Water (WWOTW) bass tournament and fundraiser will take place on June 8 on Pewaukee Lake and will feature $10,000 in cash and prizes, with all proceeds funding projects for Wisconsin Hero Outdoors (WHO). Masonic Journal - Freemasons of Wisconsin - Isnt that a worthwhile investment? Report this profile . 201 Grand Secretary. WISCONSIN MasonicJournal JULY WisconsinMasonicCalendar 4 Dodgeville Lodge No. Wisconsin news, photos, video and investigative reporting from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Wisconsin Masonic Center (WMC) is owned and operated by the Wisconsin Masonic Center Foundation, Inc. (WMCF). Admission to our lodges is open to men of good character and faith, regardless of their race, color, religious beliefs, political views, sexual orientation, physical ability, citizenship or national origin. We develop lifelong friendships with fellow Masons and their families, and are welcomed at Masonic lodges throughout the United States and the world. Since the inception of the tournament five years ago, WABTA has raised more than $110,000 for nonprofit groups. from Dinner will be hosted by our Tiler, John Wagenbach and will be served at 7:00. The meeting, held at 226 W. Main Street in Whitewater, WI 53190, starts at 7:30pm. The meeting, held at 201 Park St. in Oregon, WI 53575, starts at 7:00pm. From our special partnerships with the U.S. York Rite bodies, we also bring you the latest in news and scholarship avalable about the Royal Arch, Cryptic Masons and the Knights Templar, along with the Allied Masonic Degrees and appendant Masonic organizations. It is published monthly except for the. 13 Milwaukee Valley Scottish Rite, Teddy Bear Classic Golf Outing, Muskego Lakes Country Club, 14020 Loomis Rd, Muskego. If youre a Wisconsin resident and ready to learn more, fill out the form below and a representative in your area will reach out to you shortly. 14 Wisconsin, Utah concealed carry training 10:00 a.m., Tomah Masonic Center. Wisconsin Masonic Journal - Janesville Masonic Center Presented by the Milwaukee Police Department Tactical Enforcement. We especially invite research lodges to submit their papers to The Journal of The Masonic Society for publication to an international audience. Contact Valley of Milwaukee Scottish Rite, 414-727-3154. Ask yourself these questions: has having been a Freemason, made a positive difference in your relationships, see you as being somehow different and had commented on it? Join to connect The Wisconsin Masonic Journal. The process document gives you the background on the new, approach to the interview process as well as a, The goal is to not mimic questions on the petition, but to better un-, derstand the character of the man that is petitioning to join your, lodge, asking him why he is joining, what he expects to get from. Scottish Rite NMJ USA, The 9th Masonic District in the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin. Wisconsin News - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Tripoli Shrine Center. Charles F. Lamb, Grand Master, presided. Taking Service and Assistance Brotherly Love I was blessed to have served on the Service and Assistance Board for over a decade. entertainment by Daddy D Productions. If you haven't looked at our Facebook page and "Liked" or are following us yet, please do so. Lets make them good memories so that when our time comes oth-, ers who are there to bid us farewell will be able to say, he was a, good man, a good and upright Mason, and a man of faith. Cash raffle prizes. Detailed contact information including email, phone number, social profiles, tweets and journalists working at or writing for The Wisconsin Masonic Journal. Thanks for a Great Year. This question was asked on a social media site, and the answers might, or might not surprise you. Wisconsin Masonic Journal - Overview, News & Competitors | Madison, Wisconsin 53703. 82, Mustang Roundup, Mustangs only car show, Manawa Masonic Center, 520 N. Bridge St. (Hwy 110 and 22). Just try to make your events unique, fun, and, memorable for all that attend. It was one of the most rewarding opportunities I have ever had. We are starting to get some traffic and more will only help with our hall rentals. Masons champion the heroes of our society such as veterans, teachers, police and first responders.Membership in Wisconsin Masonry is growing and getting younger. is 1077-0410 . For general inquiries, pleasefill out the form below: Junior Grand Warden Jeffrey S. Schoenfeldt, Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America, DeMolayDeMolay InternationalWisconsin DeMolay, Jobs DaughtersJobs Daughters InternationalInternational Order of Jobs Daughters, Wisconsin, Order of the Eastern StarGeneral Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern StarGrand Chapter Wisconsin, Order of the Eastern Star, Order of the AmaranthSupreme Council, Order of the AmaranthGrand Court of Wisconsin, Order of the Amaranth, Prince HallPrince Hall of Grand Lodge Wisconsin, ShrineShriners InternationalShriners Hospitals for Children, White Shrine of JerusalemWhite Shrine of Jerusalem, York RiteGrand York RiteGrand York Rite of Wisconsin, Masonic Medical Research LaboratoryMasonic Medical Research Laboratory. See story on page 8. The Wisconsin Masonic Journal, 36275 Sunset Drive, Dousman, WI 53118. Over 50 guests came together and enjoyed the brotherhood and comradery of the Hays boys and Henry Palmer Lodges. Title. THE WISCONSIN Masonic Journal JULY Wisconsin Masonic Calendar 4 Dodgeville Lodge No. It is a brotherhood of like-minded men who genuinely care about each other. Send a news tip or press release to The Wisconsin Masonic Journal. One of its most basic purposes is to make good men even better. Key Factor Analysis The land acquired, prior to the building of the Temple, cost some $56,000 and was appraised in 1923 at over $97,000. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Dodgeville Masonic Center, 7 p.m. Public opening and closing as wives, EA and FC candidates, (spouses and significant others) are invited to attend and enjoy the fes-, 322 and Washington Lodge No. Join to connect Wisconsin Masonic Journal. The Wisconsin Masonic Journal -Anewstip Database Kenosha Masonic Lodge Archives - Wisconsin Freemasons $20 with all proceeds going to Shriners Childrens Hospital Chicago. The Grand Masters Message: By Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin Brother Gary L. Stang On Our Cover THE WISCONSIN Masonic Journal Do What is Right Lou Holtz is a well-known coll Mar 13, 2023 - 7:30pm - 301 - 1st Center Ave, Brodhead, WI 53520, Apr 10, 2023 - 7:30pm - 301 - 1st Center Ave, Brodhead, WI 53520. Otherwise, please use the General Inquiries form or email for all other inquiries. Resist the temptation to. Lodge No. Contact the lodge Bicknell #94, in Brodhead, Wisconsin, holds a monthly Stated Communication on the second Monday of the month. Masons, this should serve as a good reminder since you have been through them. These innovative fire-fighting tools were made possible by a grant from the Wisconsin Masonic Foundation's "Acts of Kindness" program. The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District overflowed 230 million gallons of untreated water into Lake Michigan during a historic February rainfall. Madison, Joseph E. Thompson; and from the Valley of Milwaukee, Michael Andrew Burnham, Do not sell or share my personal information. He also challenged, him he is going to get good use of his Wisconsin, cap this year! Dress for the evening is blue jeans and polos. No charge, but request food donations for local food pantry. acter and the memories held of us that will remain and be our legacy. The new building, inclusive of fixed and attached equipment, cost $519,000. The Brothers had 7 different chilis to sample and 9 candidates who are seeking to enlighten their lives thru Masonry came to the meal. He just, seemed embarrassed by it all. This will be a practice for the EA degree. 5 6th Annual Friends and Family Festival, Three Pillars Campus in Dousman. For authors reusing their own material: Authors need NOT contact the Journal to obtain rights to reuse their own material. Non-Masons, save this article and use it to your heart's delight. 25 Third Annual Sportsmen's Shoot, Camp Douglas Lodge No. 12 Doric Lodge No. The meeting, held at 301 - 1st Center Ave in Brodhead, WI 53520, starts at 7:30pm. Hosted by West Bend Lodge No. Part of my welcome was saying that Mil-, waukee and Wisconsin have it all, which I. called the 4 B's: the first three being Beer, Brats and Bowling, the ones that made Mil-, waukee famous, and the fourth being Broth-, about the Forget-me-not being the focal point, phasizing that lodges need to get their Past, Masters and other Brothers with many years, under their belt re-engaged, sharing experi-, ences and memories. Casual dress will be appropriate, snacks at about 6 p.m, meeting at 7. ter #197, Lodge of Military Tribute, Hosted by Lafayette Lodge No. Contact Diane Igl Phone 262-965-3979 email: 16 The 10th Annual Lake Country Masonic Golf Outing to benefit the Pay it Forward campaign of Oconomowoc-Hartland Lodge No. The meeting, held at 301 - 1st Center Ave in Brodhead, WI 53520, starts at 7:30pm. The building is a local landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Scottish Rite NMJ USA. Ill. Michael A. DeWolf 33, Deputy for Wisconsin, announced the Wisconsin Brethren who were nominated to receive the 33rd Degree in Cleve-, land, Ohio in 2021: from the Valley of Eau Claire, Joseph Oscar Barlow; from the Valley of. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk Unknown Skip to content 608-256-5734 Saturday-Sunday Scheduled Events Only from The ISSN of The Wisconsin Masonic journal. Save the date and look for further de WI-Free Mason Charities Video and Commentary. Brother Robert Burns wrote, The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley. The line is from the poem, To a Mouse. The poem is about an apology. Rock River Lodge #108 F. & A.M. Table Lodge ceremonies will commence at 7:30. Are you sure you want to delete your template? Included in these programs are help for families of our deployed military, scholarships, support for youth, medical research, childrens hospitals, and our Honored Ladies. It's there now and gives the, lodges another way that may help give you a better feeling of confi-, dence that you've done your best to guard the West gate in your, lodge. Lunch available. Our mission is guided by the enduring and relevant principles of our fraternity: With more than 11,000 members statewide, our fraternity represents the entire spectrum of Wisconsinites. 301 Wisconsin Avenue Its quarterly magazine, The Masonic Philatelist has been published since 1944. Sticking with just the fraternity, although the same applies to Chris-, tians, what does it say when the general public sees a man with a, Masonic ring on his finger or a Freemason symbol on his car be-, value of a fraternity that claims to make good men better men when, the only change they have seen in their father or husband, is that, they are gone two more evenings a month? What is the purpose of Freemasonry? We develop lifelong friendships with fellow Masons and their families, and are welcomed at Masonic lodges throughout the United States and the world.