Internships are fixed-term periods of mentored work usually either undertaken by students during holidays alongside academic study or by graduates at any time prior to securing employment post-graduation. from solar cells) may offer the opportunity to achieve large-scale methane conversion with low energy consumption. However, there is a need for mathematical models to enable the measurements to be properly interpreted, and for further experiments to examine the behaviour of time-varying flow rates. Please contact individuals directly, and if they agree to supervise you, we can then go from there. 12 week bioinformatics internship available at Illumina, Cambridge. Are there any summer research internships at Cambridge or - Quora The Engineering Biology IRC is pleased to announce the dates for the 2022 No-Code Programming for Biology Training Workshop. Each year, up to 12 internships are available for 8 to 13 weeks, usually between July and September. This project will build on a previous internship as well as work currently being undertaken by fourth year engineering students. Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK is leading the way in applying techniques from diverse fields such as biology, machine learning, human-computer interaction, systems, security and programming languages to explore new domains of research in areas such as healthcare, cloud computing, and programming biological systems. Biomakespace is a not-for-profit social enterprise establishing a community laboratory for lifelong learning, curiosity driven research, entrepreneurship and public engagement at the interface of biology and engineering. Looking for a chance to meet some of the lovely Christ's cats? The project entails three phases: i) establish a framework structure of sub-topics ii) carry out extensive bibliographical research to create a database iii) populate modules corresponding to the sub-topics and iv) preparing some guidance for prospective users. The workshop will take place over two sessions from 5:30-7:00pm on 27th June and 1st July, and will include hands-on sessions, as well as the opportunity to meet other budding biomakers. The LMB, in association with the University of Yorks GenerationResearch scheme aims to facilitate greater equity in access to technical and research opportunities for all students interested in a career in science. Undergraduate Summer Research Programme - Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute The Institute welcomes any enquiries from students wishing to undertake a summer research placement or work experience in the building. Internships Overview | Engineering Biology in Cambridge Everysummer the Institute of Astronomy hosts a number of undergraduate interns who undertakeresearch projects supervised by amember of the Institutes staff. For further details, including eligibility requirements see: Internships are targeted at those about to start on their final year of studies. Summer Research Programme Every summer the Institute of Astronomy hosts a number of undergraduate interns who undertake research projects supervised by a member of the Institute's staff. Some field scale experiments have taken place over the Great Barrier Reef to try and protect the coral. questions, How the Summer and Work Experience Placements - University of Cambridge Placements should ideally be arranged with your school (during term time), but provisions may be made for independent placements during school holidays. One idea is to spray seawater onto existing ice during the cold winter thereby thickening it so that it will last through the Arctic summer. The balance between heat transfer, sensible heat and latent heat in flowing water is formulated in terms of distance and time. Do you need help with any aspect of writing from generating ideas, planning and structure, to clarity and editing? University-wide call for data champions to act as local advocates for good research data management, supporting researchers in areas such asdataorganisation, storage and sharing. The role will be Cambridge based with the possibility of visiting our offices in London. The Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge is working in affiliation withCambridge Zeroat the University of Cambridge to safeguard our planet from the disastrous effects of global warming. University and Colleges work, Creating an open and engaged research culture, Affiliated principal investigators overview, Interdisciplinary Research Centre overview, Cambridge Centre for Myelin Repair overview, Wellcome-funded Four Year (MRes + PhD) Programme in Stem Cell Biology & Medicine, Wellcome-funded Four Year (MRes + PhD) Programme in Stem Cell Biology & Medicine overview, MPhil in Biological Science (Stem Cell Biology), PhD in Biological Science (Stem Cell Biology), Equality, diversity & wellbeing (students), How the University The In2scienceUK programme helps disadvantaged and under-represented 16-17 year olds (studying at least one STEM subject, either at sixth form or at college) gain an insight into science, technology, engineering or maths. Manually intervening in earths natural system for climate repair remains a controversial topic across the public and among various stakeholder groups in large part because of concerns over the ethics of possible planetary-scale interventions. In the computational biology field, Microsoft Research Cambridge often offer 12-week paid interships targeted primarily at Masters and PhD students. 12-week internships available for undergraduates and postgraduates in theHealth Intelligence team at Microsoft Research Cambridge. How the The Network for East Anglian Collaborative Outreach (neaco) delivers activities across East Anglia to help students in Years 9-13, with little or no experience of university, to explore the world of higher education. Summer 2023 Internship Program. Sell what you love. Cambridge Biomedical Campus These student placements will address various aspects of Climate Repair. University and Colleges work, Illumina Summer Intern - Bioinformatics [apply before 20th June], New No-Code Programming for Biology Workshop Dates Announced, Biomedical/Medical Engineering Internship - 12 months [applications closed], Call for University Data Champions [apply by 20th February], Undergraduate Internship - Biotechnology at BAT [applications closed], GSK Biostatistics Industrial Placement Programme [apply by 1st November], Internship in Biology, Biochemistry or Bio Sciences [apply by 12th November], Bioinformatics Internship Opportunities at EMBL-EBI [applications closed], Bioinformatics and Digital Health Internship at Oxcitas [deadline unspecified], SynBioUK Hummingbird Venture Fellowship [apply by 15th September], Microsoft Research Internships in Health Intelligence [deadline unspecified], Research Resolutions: refreshing your research landscape [apply by 5th January], No-Code Programming for Biology Workshop Recordings Now Available, Molecular Biologist - COVID Testing Centre - Jersey [deadline unspecified], Royal Society Short Industry Fellowship [apply by 3rd November], University of Cambridge Launch Sustainable Futures Academy, IFST Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology Fellowship [apply by 31st August], Synthetic Biology/Molecular Microbiology PIPS Internship at CC Bio [applications closed], Computational Biology Internship at Microsoft Research (2020) [applications closed], Computational Biology Internship at Microsoft Research, [Apply by 8 July 2018] Summer internships available! For more information, see the, How the Interests in informal science education, maker spaces, open science, DIY science and public engagement are all desirable. Tutors will be supported to complete a series of training modules before beginning work with us, and further continuous professional development for each subsequent placement. Harvard University 54 Dunster Street Cambridge, MA . The Programme will support one 4 - 10 week summer internship placement, alternating annually between Cavendish Astrophysics and the Institute of Astronomy. Glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica are undergoing faster melting, and as a result of the loss of ice at the toe, the glaciers may descend towards the sea more quickly. 8-12 week internship opportunity at research tools provider CRB Discovery. A circulation current develops as the glacier melts which generates cold, fresh water which is less dense than the underlying warm salty water. This is best done in spring when people are likely to be thinking about these things. A fourth-year engineering student has developed ice-thickening experiments and has made interesting measurements with water flowing in a channel inside a freezer at -18oC, and work is now underway to undertake experiments with a radial geometry. Research at the Cavendish Laboratory is organised into seven themes. Puddicombe Way Cambridge Summer Program - School of Law - University of Richmond 5000 funding available to coverextension toPhD award, maintenance and accommodation. and Colleges work. We encourages applications from all sections of society, in particular from under-represented groups. The University of Cambridge Faculty of Biology provide an excellent list of internships and work experience opportunities, as does the Royal Society of Biology. We are looking for a coordinator for 10 weeks Jun-Sep 2017 to take responsibility for supporting the participating teams and managing online communications and social media. Summer Internship Scheme 2022 - MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit This work will determine the minimum energy requirements for methane oxidation and allow for large-scale conversion systems to be devised that fit within existing building ventilation systems or compressed air energy storage units. Spotify - Summer Internship, Account Management | Advertising Business The Arctic is melting fast. However, if you are from the UK or EU and wish to apply for a placement, please send your CV to CB3 0EZ United Kingdom Please refer to the Safety Handbook. The challenge is to identify the next steps which must be addressed in order to progress to field trials. You will acquire new knowledge through taking part in team discussions, attending seminars, reading research papers and presenting your results to your lab colleagues. If you are interested in biological engineering and particularly novel forms of IP, open source technologies, regulation of emerging biotechnologies, responsible research and innovation, public engagement and related topics, please feel free to get in touch and we will aim to direct you toward any relevant opportunities. Each year, up to 12 internships are available for 8 to 13 weeks, usually between July and September. These experiments would be undertaken in the Seawater lab and would examine the impact of different permeabilities of material for sea curtains. This project takes stock of the protections afforded by international law with a view to mobilising international action to prevent further damage caused by harmful activities in the CAO, particularly shipping over the pole and mineral exploration and extraction under the ice. For more information about the Erasmus Programme, please visitErasmus+. Applications for Summer 2022 have now closed. Follow along to get started with your own custom devices. The Cavendish Laboratory and the Institute of Astronomy recognise with deep gratitude the support of Mr David and Mrs Bridget Jacob and their establishment of The David and Bridget Jacob Internship Programme. BrisSynBio are looking for an enthusiastic individual to support some of BrisSynBio's innovation activities in 2018. Our research groups may be able to host work experience students*; you will need to contact them directly to agree this. Not sure what you want to study at University? As part of this mission, they're looking for a bright, motivated PhD student to join the team on an internship. Students from engineering, applied mathematics, physical sciences and geography are best suited to this project. Applications for the 2023 King's Summer Research Programmes are now open and will close on 20 March 2023. Students should be between their penultimate and final year of undergraduate study. University and Colleges work, Battcock Centre for Experimental Astrophysics, Theoretical Cosmology and Gravitational Physics, Variable Dielectric Delay Lines in Liquid Crystals for Phased Array Feeds, Graduate Admission Procedures for 2023 Entry, Graduate Admissions Timetable for 2023 entry,,,,, Research Assistant / Research Associate in Physical Organic Chemistry (Fixed Term), Assist. Working ongeneration of a new set of antibodies to be added to the Discovery Antibodies Catalogue. For details please see: In 2021, as a widening participation initiative, Experience Postgrad Life Sciences programme, will offer 8-week Summer research placements to second year UK and Republic of Ireland undergraduate students, with priority given to those from underrepresented and disadvantaged groups. To undertake an internship with us you must be or become eligible to work in the UK. University of Cambridge internships for international students If we have a good model, then we can use it to design methodologies for creating ice in the Arctic. University and Colleges work, The Addenbrookes Centre for Clinical Investigation, Cambridge Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre, Equality, Positive Culture & Wellbeing Champions, University Code of Practice for Research Students, Postgraduate Education and Clinical Academic Training - PECAT, How the University This project will explore the synthesis and testing of new low-cost carbon-based materials for direct air capture. The UROPs are available to all university students and are administered by the Engineering Department. Summer Placements/Internships. Dr Sean Lang: Cambridge: the Platinum Years, 1952-2022 Cambridge has a rich history of connections to royalty. These internships are open to undergraduates who are UK nationals or who have UK residence qualifications, to overseas students who are attending a British university for full time education with a valid student visa for the period of the internship, or to international students through the UKRI Temporary Worker Exchange Scheme. Every year over 500 students from all years undertake a summer internship in a wide variety of companies. The Centre for Climate Repair (CCRC) is looking at technologies that might slow down or reverse this melting. Insight Discover is a programme that students follow from Year 7 to Year 8, which aims to develop key academic skillsto support them in their academic work. twitter_ccrc.png It brings together news, opinions, advice, and perspectives from Cambridge students and graduates. The Centre for Climate Repair is pleased to be offering four internships and five UROPs during the summer of 2023 (as per 2021 and 2022). A particularly rich source of evidence can be found in the long history of bioethics and medical ethics on specific topics such as stem cell research, gene therapy, cloning and in-vitro fertilisation. . While staying in College you will meet fellow students and become familiar with Cambridge in a way few are privileged to experience. FORCE11 is a community of scholars, librarians, archivists, publishers and research funders that has arisen organically to help facilitate the change toward improved knowledge creation and sharing. The submit button will be disabled until you complete the CAPTCHA. Nuffield Research Placements give students the opportunity to work alongside professional scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians for 4-6 weeks over the summer holidays. Please submit a cover letter (max 2 pages) stating which project/s you are applying for, together with your CV attached to: ph@climaterepair.earthas early as possible. More information about taking part in work experience at the University of Cambridge can be found here. Work experience & internships - Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Cambridge Consultants is building an exciting new business in biotechnology, particularly synthetic biology. for SMEs funds 50% of a final year or graduate's intern salary for three months, with the SME contributing the other 50%. Nominations are open for our Christ-King's Residential with. Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB) is a potential technology which could help to cool the Arctic. The Cavendish Laboratory actively supports equity and inclusion and value diversity. In 2022 we returned to hosting interns at the Institute. If any of your queries are not answered above please contact us. Typically, they last between 4 and 12 weeks. Read our blog to get inspiration about your career choices. The five-day summer schools in July and August allow students to explore their interest in one of 26 subjects and gain an insight into what it is like to live and study as a first-year undergraduate student at Cambridge. Students with an interest in climate change law, international law, and environmental law would find this a fascinating project. For more information, please visit the BIOS websiteorcontact Dr Luke Skinner. The Centre for Climate Repair has good relationships with many MCB experts whose views need to be sought. The Brilliant Clubs 'Researcher Development Programme' offers PhD and Early Career Researchers a meaningful, professionally developmental, paid tutoring opportunity. A Summer vacation scholarship for undergraduate students with a weekly allowance to complete a research project in biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics and statistics. Summer internships Technical Talks Supporter Events and Competitions How to join Collaborate with Us Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits (4C) Equality and Diversity Equality and Diversity overview Athena SWAN E&D Committee Support and Development Targeted funding LGBTQ+@CL LGBTQ+@CL overview Events Links and resources Queer Library women@CL and Colleges work. We're pleased to announce applications are now open for our new Residential based around Small Subjects! You will join one of the research groups at LMB and carry out original research, working alongside LMB scientists with full access to our world-class research facilities. Knowledge of Matlab and/or Python is desirable, as is prior experimental work. We also have a wide network in local companies and organisation and we're happy to facilitate links for external opportunities, in addition to advertising existing vacancies and calls on the site. One of the potential ideas to slow down the rate of melting of glaciers is to construct a barrier mounted on the sea floor near the mouth of a glacier. Insight Explore is an academic programme for Year 9 students which aims to develop participants interests and tackle the barriers many students face when applying to university. FIRST Robotics Internship - Summer 2023 - Office of Career Services Digital Technology Group - Summer Internships - University of Cambridge If you are a secondary school or sixth form student in Years 10-13, you may be interested in our Work Experience placements. They will develop, organise and participate in the BrisSynBio 4-Day More Business Acumen (MBA) course. In summer 2022, applications are sought for a placement within Cavendish Astrophysics. You can find a list of our Group Leaders and details of what each group are each working on, including their contact details here. The project will also include research on applicable consultation procedures with indigenous or local peoples potentially impacted by climate repair. For details and to apply see:, The LMB is also part of the Experience Postgrad Life Sciences summer internship programme. and Colleges work. Extreme weather events such as recent heat domes over Europe and North America are directly linked to loss of this reflective polar ice. Discussions about climate repair frequently involve students and public policy researchers with very little background knowledge about this subject, so little in fact, that it is often assumed wrongly that climate repair is a hypothetical subject for the future. Cambridge Early Careers | Cambridge University Press & Assessment Cambridge CB3 0HE, How the The Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) ice pack is a vital global climate regulator due to its reflective properties and is under threat due to direct and indirect greenhouse effects. University and Colleges work, Change of hours or working pattern in next calendar month, Equality & Diversity online, Prevent and Unconscious Bias Training Report, NMC Registrations ending in the next 9 months, SWV - Minimum Salary Requirements overview, Academic-related and Assistant - Managerial & Director roles, Academic-related and Assistant - Administrative & Professional roles, Academic-related and Assistant - Technical & Specialist roles, Temporary Worker - Government Authorised Exchange visa, Supplementary employment (Skilled Worker/Tier 2/GAE visas), Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS), Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) overview, How to complete the ATAS application form, Global Mobility and Overseas Assignments overview, Covid-19 - New Appointees Temporary Overseas Working - Guidance, International Working Policy consultation, Personal and Professional Development (PPD), Information for prospective applicants overview, What happens once I've registered? The University of Cambridge in-person International Summer Programme allows you to combine courses from a wide range of subjects in the fields ofBusiness and Innovation; Global Challenges;History; Literature, Philosophy and the Visual Arts; and Science. Effective field theory of black hole perturbations with timelike scalar profile, Battcock Centre for Experimental Astrophysics For both programmes, you may apply to work on a projectwhich has been devised by a supervisor, or you can work with a supervisor to devise your own project. Summer Research Programme | King's College Cambridge Protection of Arctic Ice under International Law. The project would seek to draw on library expertise and resources in the University Library system, particularly the Department of Geography, the Scott Polar Research Institute, the Department of Engineering, and the Centre for Climate Repair. A great way for schools to explore Classics! For updates on the impact of the EU referendum on the UK's participation in the Erasmus programme please see here. As a student, participation in an Research Programme can make a significant contribution to your transferable skills, add to your CV and help gain understanding of the research environment and perhaps help determine whether this career direction is or isnt for you. Experience Postgrad Life Sciences offers paid 8-week research internships to UK and Republic of Ireland residents who are studying at a UK or Republic of Ireland university for their undergraduate bachelor degree and are in their penultimate year of study, with priority given to those from underrepresented and disadvantaged groups. The deadline for applications to the Amgen programme is 1st February each year. To ensure that effective strategies for methane removal or conversion are feasible, the fundamental kinetics must be better understood. View Courses and Apply now The successful candidate will receive a ca. University of Cambridge International Summer Programme University and Colleges work, How the University You will plan and carry out experimental research, learn how to perform techniques and how to record and analyse data. Research at undergraduate level can be a first stepping stone to a future academic or research-led career. Interviews will be held online in the week commencing 17 April. You will need to assess the technical barriers for MCB and learn what steps may be required which may include: energy sources; engagement of communities. Funding of up to 5000 to support medical students in laboratory medicine-related intercalated degrees. Special advice for final year undergraduates. Students with social science or humanities backgrounds (including, but not limited to HSPS, HPS, TRPR, History, Law, Philosophy) are encouraged to apply, although we will consider those in STEM subjects or other disciplines with a strong interest and background in ethics. 250 per week subsistence payment, will be supported in accessing accommodation in Cambridge, and will be encouraged to experience all that Cambridge has to offer during their internship. Another more recent case is the development of artificial intelligence (AI) where sometimes similar concerns arise over consent and equitable access but where we also see early examples that point to the potential for reinforcing or exacerbating existing biases around gender, race, class, nationality, etc. Summer School information Date Mon, 12 Aug 2019 to Fri, 16 Aug 2019 Places 28 Requirements Applications for the 2023 Kings Summer Research Programmes are now open and will close on 20 March 2023. *Please note that we can only host students in Year 10 (aged 14/15) and above (excluding accelerated students). A one-page expression of interest, together with contact details, an up-to-date CV and any brief supporting material should be sent the deadline.