One of the main avenues for acquiring new information is through direct communication.. Its house placement in the Solar Return shows how that function can work out. I think one of the best ways of describing the Solar Return Eighth House is as follows: it is transactional.
Dana Gerhardt: The 8th House - Astrodienst I say that without passing judgement. Venus is known as the lesser and Jupiter is known as the greater benefic. using your 6th sense about something that isn't what it appears to be. Thanks to your comment, I think I will begin a month-by-month analysis of this 2nd 8th house sun in 4 years. A more positive interpretation of the 8th house energy for my solar year is immense transformation born possibly from pain.
Solar Return Mercury Houses - Uranian Goddess The solar return chart is a forecasting technique that offers an overall view of one year. The Eighth House is about death, sex, regeneration, other peoples money, secrets.
Solar Returns: Understanding The Houses Made Easy - starcrazypie astrology The desire to connect with others can be thwarted by a fear of being hurt and taken advantage of. It is through the peaceful resolution of these issues or the disengagement from the struggle with them that true power is gained. January 2012 March 2021 - Venus aspect Mars. Me, Too: The Day my Parents Killed the Pedophile, The Conflict Between Motherhood and CareerStill, Spiritually Eclectic and Pagan Blog Directory. The 6th house emphasis on practical application and testing information lays, The 3rd house rules factual data as well as superficial information without an immediate and obvious purpose . The Self, Identity, Independence, Self image, Self Awareness, Self Assertion, Focus, New Beginnings, A New Approach, Enthusiasm, Seeking Attention, Paying Attention. How an SR chart manifests depends pretty heavily on how it's interacting with the natal. Who knows? September 2016 So book your ticket and go. November 2022 This does not mean, however, that a heavily tenanted Solar Return Twelfth House will turn you into a substance abuser your previous life history will be the most important factor in this. I feel the worst is over and it can only get better from here. December 2019
Sample: Planets in Solar Return Report | Cafe Astrology .com Lifestyle Choices, Practical, Responsibilities, Organisation, Time-keeping, Health and Fitness, Diet, Routines, Pets, Work Life Balance.
Jupiter Transiting The 8th House - Star Oracles The SUN in 5th House in SOLAR RETURN CHART Interpretation Its where you may save, squander, find new ways to boost your earnings or find big bills heading your way.
When will I MEET MY SOULMATE Astrology - Best Online Astrology! February 2014 It's 0 on the house cusp between 1st and 2nd. Death in this years Solar return I just want to get you guys' input on this and try to clear my mind/conscious. Unless it is conjunct a house cusp within 1. July 2016 It is hard to predict a death in the family, but after studying this years chart, my Solar 8th house is in Taurus, Venus in the 9th. Sex I really dont know what to say about this one. The phrase "acute awareness'' encapsulates the interpretation of Mercury in the 8th house of the solar return. So, by the time you reach the Solar Return Ninth House, youve learned a bit about life. And talk. 2 of the offers include thier wives whod like to have 3-somes. Placements in the Solar Return Tenth House give you the opportunity to redefine yourself in the eyes of the world but remember pride comes before a fall. They are like family to me. View all posts by starcrazypie. Sag, I wrote this article several years ago, looking back on an 8th house sun. Sitting in the cemetery at sunset, 8 months into a year with Solar Return Sun in the dreaded Eighth House; Photo copyright by Aislinn Bailey, AisPortraits, Niceville, Florida. Their money. Id heard so many horrendous storiesthough in hindsight, they were mostly from amateur astrologers who knew just enough to assume the worst and then blather about it. One of the big lessons for the year was in figuring out how to let go of emotional wounds that caused physical illness and injury. That won't always be on the exact day of your birth. She also describes what it means for each planet to be in the Seventh House. Resulting, The 8th house is commonly associated with the earnings of others while the 2nd house is more indicative of your own earning power. In three years' time, when the Sun has, This is a good time to organize and assimilate information you have collected. Your imagination (because of the Moon!)
Your best Solar Return Chart - Lindaland - Linda Goodman June 2018 Rather unfairly, I think, because of this, the Sixth House has a rather dull and boring reputation. Friends, the future, hopes and wishes, social contacts, social media, technology and invention, freedom, ideals and good fortune. November 2020 Birth . With bad aspects, troubles are likely, death in the family, among friends, as a result of which - depression, pessimism. An emphasis on the Solar Return Third House is often characterised by restlessness and a need to be in several places at once or do more than one thing at a time.
Solar Return 8th House Please Help! | Astrologers' Community I was recovering from a heartbreak that happened about 6 wks before my bday, but the year itself was rather quiet. However, its more accurate to think of the Solar Return Fifth House as the place you express yourself and develop your own interests hence its association with creativity of all kinds. The natal house placement of the Solar Return Ascendant ruler shows how the planet operates for the year. Looking back over the past eleven months, I have to agree that its been an extremely important year where death, sex, secrets, other peoples money, and regeneration were all spotlighted for me. The natal house that is brought to the Solar Return Ascendant should be given special consideration. In many ways this therefore correlates with a wider message brought by the Solar Return Seventh House. What to expect? Put this way, you can see that the Solar Return Eighth House is where you meet a turning point in your life. Solar Returns: Donald Trump's Solar Return Chart 2020, Solar Returns: The Best Way To Interpret the Planets. In 2015 I've got the sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in the 8th house, with the Sun, moon and Venus squaring Saturn in Scorpio (WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE GET BACK TO SAGITTARIUS I'M CALLING YOUR MOTHER). Its about your values and very often, your self esteem, in other words, how you value yourself. This house is the root or support system for the rest of the solar return chart. December 2018 Like you this year, I also had SR Mercury in the same house as SR and natal suns. I'll resurrect a new chart and upload when I'm off mobile. There is an openness to new knowledge and a willingness to consider new topics that lead to mental expansion. Planets in a solar return 8th can make you quiver. December 2016
8th House in Astrology - South Florida Astrologer document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Lorna Tedder is the author of more than 20 books, both novels and non-fiction guides. . March 2013 Does this mean what I think it means? February 2017 I discovered a few health products that helped me detox and feel better than ever. You dont become a different person, the persona shown by your Natal Chart is still there, however it has a temporary overlay which results from changes in how you feel about yourself during the Solar Return Year. The idea was that I might be at some other spot on the planet at that exact moment and by traveling on my Solar Return birthday to somewhere else, it would change the position of the houses within my Solar Return Chart. Soothe yourself with music, art, a good book, the theatre or cinema losing yourself in another world does not have to be expensive or illegal. The 8th house is also reckoned as the house of death. These traits are often ancestral; the wound itself may even be ancestral. Im trying to prepare now because I know one can feel the energy 3 months prior to your birthday which means I only have 1 more week to prepare . This article covers the North Node in Scorpio and the South Node in Taurus through every house in the birth chart. This can indicate a proclivity to die through some debilitating illness. June 2021 SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE In many astrology books, this is the house of spiritual and religious information, but it actually rules much more than that. Overall, the sex was fantasticbest ever! Solar Return Charts are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. December 2015 I think I went into the Solar Return year wondering if I was going to discover that Im really a closet lesbian or get a sudden craving for a sex change. I will also have solar return uranus in opposition to solar return jupiter in 2nd house. December 2014 The natal + solar return with houses option is the one I would use. If youd like to check my Solar chart, my Natal data is: June 7, 1951, Burbank, CA 9:50 am PDT. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the Moon's nodes will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology. - Venus in good aspect to Pluto. The ruler of the 8th house is Jupiter in Libra at a critical degree, the 26th. As of a couple of weeks ago, Im now in another 8th house sun year, withlike youa whole bunch of planets in the 8th house. Death Death is probably the biggest concern when it comes to the Eighth House.