I just sat crying for past two hours I mean Im happy if baby is healthy but I so wanted my girl this is it for us and just its you so hard I got my results back and it says a boy i havent stopped crying for two days I decided not to tell anyone the results yet bc in My heart i just feel like its a girl I took the sneak peek test at 9 weeks and it came back 100% boy! But then I will love this child no matter what . I was hoping for a girl to name her after my mamaw who passed away last year. Got the results from the doctor on Tuesday saying its a Boy! Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. Everyone around me is saying girl. Results came back Girl and after two ultrasounds to confirm and her birth earlier this year she is indeed all girl! Yep, happens frequently. crossing my fingers for you! I just washed my hands with soap and water. SneakPeek test results are sent by email to the "results email address" provided at kit activation. However, my gut feeling has been conflicted I felt it was a little girl deep in my heart. Jul 24, 2020 at 12:11 PM. 8 weeks is not considered far enough along. When I did my sample, the test tube absolutely would not click shut and my sample clotted. Kind of had a gut feeling that it was a girl, but maybe it was wishful thinking? I went into their office still in denial. As long as you keep that in mind, you won't be disappointed. I was right at 10 weeks when taking the test. Who can use SneakPeek Traits Early DNA Test? If you as a woman have a basal V the boy sperm will be very fast to get to the egg. I have 2 boys and just received my sneak peek results back and it said boy as well. She apologized for sharing her story and that she didnt mean to upset me. I delivered it to the post office right after taking the blood. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. I had same thing I went for my NT scan with one shot she said boy then she said wait for nipt bcoz its too early to say so waiting for nipt results for a more wk.. sneak peek snap says boy I did at home 9wk2D so lets c.. you did nipt test? Incase you missed it on Instagram, I announced that we are expecting another SWEET BABY GIRL!!! We discussed boy names and such, but I in my heart was still so shocked. Sneak peek said girl but my doctor said today she thinks its a boy!! Use a doctors blood test for the most accurate results. I Cleaned an area in the kitchen counter top with Lysol (my kids sit in this same area everyday to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner). This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. It happens, and there is no reason to be so upset with this company just because you happened to fall into a small minority. Ive had 4 miscarriages over my time at 6 weeks and I believe these were my girls . I did the test completely correct. I would go with the NIPT results. I am so sorry that you are going through this. Started buying little pink bits and even had a name picked and everything. Wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy. Congratulations!! Its almost like letting go of a dream. @arinsolange is my handle!! I had been bonding with this baby boy. I also did the peekaboo test. Lets scan again. I just wanted to share my experience. and now Im really wondering if its true or not! Ive had so many others reach out to me with the same experience. Fingers crossed for you and you will have to let me know what you are having when you find out. If you used SneakPeek. Hi! One of my favorite things about the comments on this blog post is people actually being honest about hoping for a certain gender haha. Hi Ree I will have to research that test! Amy, I am so curious to hear what you are having! On the site it says most orders placed before 2 will ship out the same day and all together it should take 72 hours, not including weekends or holidays, for the whole process. I also took 3 pricks on different fingers and still couldnt get enough blood to fill the line but got enough to fill 3/4 way to the line. So I quickly sit down get my refillable waterbottle(that my boys handled earlier), I wasnt thinking but knew I needed something cold quick. thats just alway been my experience. #sneakpeekbaby. Any experiences welcome TIA! Labeled Verified, theyre about genuine experiences.Learn more about other kinds of reviews. I have. Guess well see if Ill be bringing my daughters stuff out of storage. Hi Maggie! Like I said earlier, my mind wasnt thinking. I did the sneak peak test at 11 weeks and it came back 100% boy. I usually read reviews before trying new products. I have an early anatomy scan on 6/24. I think this was an emotional roller coaster I could have completely avoided and I also believe Sneek Peak needs to do a revaluation on their statistics. LOL!! After fertility issues with my first two I always prayed for just healthy babies. I found your post on google and Im soooo glad so many of us feel the same. | happily trista, 7 Steps For Creating Better Goals For Yourself In 2020. I was excited by the prospect of finding out the gender way before the 16w scan. We also have no strong desire for a boy or girl and just pray for a health baby. I appreciate hearing your experience!! Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. I had my mom come help me and made her change and scrub before coming into the roomI felt crazy but we laughed so hard at my inability to get my blood working and my moms reaction to the whole thing. It goes against our guidelines to offer incentives for reviews. Hope it was wrong for me. Ive also wondered if it means anything or not. F O L L O W M Ehttps://www.instagram.com/isabelgalvMY AMAZON PAGE https://www.amazon.com/shop/isabelgalvinMY SNEAK PEEK VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v. I did like that it was fast! But I agree with you, the angst and added stress is not worth it. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. And Ive just been told Im having my FOURTH girl, so girl gang remains here too. Is the Sneak Peek Gender Test Accurate? - arinsolangeathome Again, results came back saying girl. The test says it is 99.1% accurate. Lol!! If you used SneakPeek FastTrack, your results will be sent by 8:59 pm Pacific Time (11:59 pm Eastern Time) the same day your "Sample Arrived" email is received. Fast forward to 11 weeks we do the NIPT screening and results come back that baby is actually a BOY! This is my last. I have 4 kids, 2 boys & 2 girls, my husband has 1 boy and this is our first together, I was really hoping he would have a chance to experience a girl since this is definitely the last pregnancy (it was an oops- got pregnant with a iud in). I have a 5 month old boy. My daughter has two boys already and we did this test.like you, she followed it to a tee!! were the results correct? We had a doctors appointment 2 weeks later where I was already planning the doctor ordered blood panel. I got GIRL but really want a boy. Girl it is!! If its easier for follow up, Im on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/arinsolange, What did you end up having? You will use a item they send to pick your finger and fill a vile to the line. Theres a reason why there were lawsuits against them and they have numerous complaints on BBB. Again, your experience is an outlier, and not the norm. Especially having 4 boys lol. When will I receive my SneakPeek Traits collection kit? At 7 weeks into pregnancy, SneakPeek's Early Gender DNA Test lets you accurately determine the sex of your baby with results as soon as 72 hours. Like everything was turning black, shallow breathing, shakingthe whole 9 yards. I know this thread is older but I m curious to what anyone thinks of my situationI went for my first blood test at 7 weeks on the dot since they changed the time of when you can do it. I was squeezing like no ones business and even had to use more than one finger. What do I do if the blood sample does not coat the test tube and mix with the preservative? This pregnancy just feels different! Ive done it with this one and it says girl , I also had a reading back in January last year and she told me I would have another baby and it would be a girl . I thought something was weird with your Instagram post but it didnt really hit me! This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Thank you Arin! 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. I definitely will! Eventually, I realized that I am very naturally a boy mom, I love being a boy mom, was excited thinking about all the pros of having another boy. Im hoping to hear back from them by Monday ! Hes here now, about to turn a year old. I too feel more confident with my results since the issues tend to be around male results. You will have to report back the blood under the nails seems to be one of the biggest culprits for the wrong result, but for me there was no way to stop that. I started reassessing and picking up my mistakes after the results came back saying BOY. I was shocked because everything that I read said boy results would be the false because of cross contamination but that it is sooooo unlikely to get a false girl result. My 20 week anatomy ultrasound is on Wednesday and Im so excited to find out if it was right or not! I just needed to do the test, drop it off In the mail and go to work. I just took mine at 9 weeks, my husband never came in contact with the package or contents. Are SneakPeek products safe from COVID-19? I did a Sneak Peek test at exactly 8 weeks at a third party ultrasound place. I used sneakpeek for my daughter born in 2021 and it was really fast and easy then. Its a girl! Michlove. But I've done it twice now and both times, the turnaround was longer than 72 hours. I think Ive found 3 different ones of the clinical version online. I decided to assume that the Sneak Peek might have been wrong, but to also assume 90% it was a boy. Results are not accurate. Because you totally have a lot of boy DNA in your house too! I took the test around 8 weeks and it was correct ! Was your girl result correct? Like not at all. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. In the end a healthy baby is all that matters and we are so blessed. They look at the same thing that the NIPT test looks for for genderThat being said, you were either not far enough along, or they mixed up your result (also rare). My husband left for work. Thanks for sharing your story! If you used SneakPeek FastTrack, your results will be sent by 8:59 pm Pacific Time (11:59 pm Eastern Time) the same day your Sample Arrived email is received. Im so hoping I didnt clean good because I went to my first doctor appointment today and my Dr told me he believed it was a girl this time. I purchased the fast track snap kit and sent it off it arrived at the lab in one business day as promised, however its now been at the lab for 3 days now and I have yet to receive a confirmation email that it has arrived. I received it, took my sample and dropped it for return on January 13th. Total scam, do not waste money !!! I did fib up a couple times during the testI scrubbed under my nails, but didnt use soap *it was super early, brain not functioning. Oh I love hearing these results too!! They gave me my results in two days from taking the test. I have 4 boys already ! I feel awful feeling awful about this. Unless you take the test too early, the girl results are accurate, as we know, all fetuses develop at their own pacethat being said and hopefully understood, with some (and by their accounts most) babies will give off enough fetal DNA to be detected in the mothers blood. His response was well genitalia can be ambiguous at 12 weeks, but this doesnt look ambiguous to me, this looks like a girl. So well see! But Ive done it twice now and both times, the turnaround was longer than 72 hours. Came back saying a girl. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. Hi everyone I have 4 boys 13,11,8 and 10 months I done sneak peak @ 9weeks 1day I scrubbed everything with bleach washed hands 1000 times and air dried them got blood easy didnt get under my nails. Thats my 3rd and last pregnancy, I had 2 boys and was hoping for a girl. Someone has some explaining to do Im going to get a second blood test done today. You clearly lack compassion and empathy. They are rarely in my bathroom. I didnt know that anything would be formed so early on and other people have told me its most likely the cord or tailbone or something. I went into the room hoping for the best (the tech before was wrong), yet expecting the obvious. Last edited 7/24/21. I dont want my gender results to be sent to my email address. So I really want my girl I am only 11 weeks but have a doctors appt tmr and am going to ask for blood work there too since I am high risk . yes, 100%. I know people say that Sneak Peek has a 50/50 chance so they just guess, that is crazy. I was very excited but she told me that SneakPeak is wrong more than it is right. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. I have always wanted a daughter. Happy for you Morgan. I did the sneak peek at home gender test at 10 weeks and it said I was having a boy. But most likely I'm having another boy. Gender disappointenent is real! Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. I ordered the expedited gender test on a Friday morning. Keep us updated!!! But again, super easy to see today on an abdominal ultrasound. I took a Sneak Peek test at 8 weeks. But what is important is having an healthy baby! I was so sure I was having a girl. Praying I get my baby girl! When I got to the OB they drew my blood and I sent it off that same day, the next day I got my results and it said boy. If they get a positive result, then the kit was most likely contaminated and the "boy" result should not be trusted. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). I literally burst into tears. We did the Sneak Peek test (through a lab that collected my blood, not at home!) Sooo happy. One flake of dust w/ your male partner's DNA (or your male dog's DNA) and you'll get a "boy" result, regardless of the sex of your future kid. I didnt know you did this! Omg! (A smaller room?) Did not pay for fast track my sample got there yesterday at 10 AM. Of course I will love my baby no matter what, but is it wrong to hope that theres still a chance? While my oldest is 7 & also a girl. Im in your boatmy at home shows boy and already have 3 boys. Yes I surely did! A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Im holding out hope its wrong!! Verification can help ensure real people write reviews about real companies. . So even if our results change, we are happy. I am a first time mom and have had dreams since I was a little girl of having a girl first! Can I use them on two different people? When we found out we were pregnant I was pretty impartial on what we would have. I hope for you who is reading this you really got the gender that you want. we are way too excited to be upset.but i dont think the results are as accurate as described. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. (my handle is @arinsolange). I know you dont know me so it probably doesnt help, but gender disappointment shouldnt make you feel bad for one second. I have 3 boys, my husband and one of our dogs are male. So I did sneak peek at 12 weeks a d it came out it was a boy. And I think I have pretty good intuition. Can SneakPeek determine the gender of each one? Also, the genitals on a baby dont fully form until around 14 weeks or so, so usually at 12 weeks it will be too early still to tell. fast forward a month and ultrasound says GIRL!!! I sent in my sample twice and both times the samples were unable to be processed. I had to cancel my gender reveal twice! Reviewed in the United States on January 23, 2023. By the time I was done I truly had a bruised finger, but I am sure that isnt everyones result. I've previously had a boy. Will that affect my test result? I can totally relate to that, and am so happy for you. Just wait until your OB can confirm everything. What do you think?? A little edit there are lots of comments on here, andI have had so many messages on Instagram, so always feel free to message me there! I cried of course I want a healthy baby no matter what and I was so sure this was a girl this time because everything was so different! I am just curious, because this blog post has been by far one of my favorites for hearing others stories, and connecting with others! My oldest is 20 and a neat freak, but the other two are not. Oh my gosh I am so curious to hear if it is correct for you or not. I paid almost $200 because it sounded good on the site but now I regret wasting the extra money. I just sat in my car. sneak peek gender test results wrong? - What to Expect Best of luck with your sweet boy. She said that if it is taken too early or on the border line, it can say girl but in fact be a boy. Like you, I followed the steps very carefully, washed thoroughly, scrubbed, etc. With Walker and this baby I was so sure on gender, so it just felt wrong. Before I left the house I hugged my husband skin to skin. Sneak peek is great and definitely gives results way before the normal 20 week scan. I have had a few people tell me that the clinical was wrong too, so I would wait until your doctors scan to fully believe it! Can I wash the swab? SneakPeek works by tests blood samples for only one thing: male chromosomes. Me and my Fianc both have been together since oddly enough grade school and both pictured us having a girl. This extra PCR would only need to be run on a little over half the samples (true "boy" and contaminated "boy"), so it wouldn't double their testing costs and it wouldn't affect shipping or packaging costs at all. HIGHLY doubt anyone will respond. All babies look the same until then! I was so uncomfortable with the results that I asked my doctor for a test in his office yesterday (at 9 weeks) because I want a second opinion! Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for SneakPeek DNA Test Gender Prediction - Know Baby's Gender at 6 Weeks with 99.9% Accuracy - Lab Fees Included - Early Pregnancy Boy or Girl Reveal Home Kit (Lancet) at Amazon.com. But my mind wasnt even thinking that at the time because was eager to do the test plus I was already running late for work that morning. I was confident. They should return a "contaminated" result to the customer with a reminder about preventing contamination. I took the sneak peek test at 9 weeks, I have my husband and my sons DNA floating around my house. And they wont send the test until the next business day so my disappointment just keeps on growing for this company. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). so I waited to announce until we had an ultrasound to confirm it. Yes 100%, I will feel much better after an ultrasound. Best of luck, and Im so appreciative I found this post. Now I must admit I didnt clean as much as I should from what Im reading and my 3 year old was bothering me lol . I should also add people always ask if I guess well for other pregnant women, and hilariously I DO NOT. I am crossing my fingers for you that its a girl and if not like you said HEALTHY! Will that affect my test result? Omg i just read everyones response, i just got the results to my test and it says girl i already have 3 girls and this is my last pregnancy i feel soo guilty that Im sad. What do I do if no blood at all is collected with SneakPeek Snap? with the at home tests, boy results are wrong. Perks of being financially irresponsible. With my oldest two I had several ultrasounds confirming gender, but really needed that confirmation when they were born to believe it, so I defintily lean towards needing 100% results. Ive just done sneak peek its come back as a boy . Anyway the results came back today and it says Im having another boy . I did so much research on the company and how they treat, read the results. Wow, you took the time to read my blog post where I poured out my heart and you decided that this was the way to respond. I am so happy to hear that others have resonated with my story and just get it. I am feeling super down and depressed, I wish I never did this test :(. So I believe you can guess the amount of male DNA in my home. Im not sure what the odds are. I have been telling myself that it was most likely just the cord or tailbone or something because we want this baby girl that we have envisioned sooo badly. Clinical studies have shown that fetal DNA is undetectable in mom's bloodstream between 1 to 2 days after birth. Wrong Sneak peek results!!! Did this test as early as allowed and I wasnt able to get enough blood so had to retest two weeks later (I believe it was 8 weeks when I did the second test). I definitely thought about doing that, and know that is much more accurate, however, I felt as though if they stated a 99% success rate with home tests it was worth following the directions and doing it that way. My hopes are dashed literally crying here. I was pregnant with my girl. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. Well we did the panorama test at 14 weeks to check everything was ok with bb due to me being so sick on the beginning. We got a girl result but ive felt so strongly that its a boy! I would go with the NIPT results. Ill be 9 weeks then. Read on to read my opinion. You really have to make sure the area you are in doesn't have cross contamination. Youngest son is 23 months old. My results came back 4 days later saying Girl. But I so desperately want a little girl . I went for my 12 week appointment and the nurse said do not do the sneak peek. So much go how I felt! With the increased accuracy, their reviews would increase, so they'd probably sell more kits and any time they return a "contaminated" result they may end up selling another kit as well -- much better than sending a "boy" result and having an angry customer bashing you to their friends and on Amazon when they get the ultrasound and see that its really a girl. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. People who write reviews have ownership to edit or delete them at any time, and theyll be displayed as long as an account is active. Thank you for sharing your story. Sneak Peak Clinical, wrong result? - Glow Community Done at 7 weeks 7 days. I just got boy results and am hoping they're wrong. I just did the sneakpeek test today! Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. I scrubbed hard, but I feel like there is no way to know if they were possibly clean enough. I really wish I would have never gotten the Sneak Peek done. I did 2 clinical tests and the first one came back as a baby girl ( we were so happy ) and the second test came back as a baby boy. - SneakPeek. I sanitized a full section After reading a few of the negative reviews for results saying it was a boy and then going to the anatomy scan and it being wrong, we were a little concerned when our results came back and said it was a boy. I love hearing that it was right!! I have an almost 2 year old boy (October baby). My SneakPeek test results were wrong. I used the Chinese gender prediction with all my children and its always been right . At the end of the day Ill be happy either way but I 100% regret doing the test. I cleaned and scrubbed and all the good stuff. We decided to book a 15 week gender ultrasound before publicly posting anywhere to confirm that it was a little boy. I would love if you came back to let me know what the baby is! My name is Laxmi. The flood gates opened. Taking the test was HARD. My daughter could never tolerate bows and Ive never been able to paint her nails due to sensory issues. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Okay, ignore all of the bad reviews. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. The tech stated that we could do another scan but it wouldnt be possible for a few weeks because of the holidays. Dont have results yet but wanted to share in case anyone else is looking at this. You did NIPT also, so you would know that they make you wait until 10 weeks so that there is for sure enough fetal DNA in your blood. I did the SneakPeek clinical at 8 weeks 2 days as well and it came back saying girl too. Because Im done too, I cant make another baby I just cant. My blood sample was taken at a participating location. I was still nervous because I just didnt think it would happen. NIPT and ultrasound have both said girl . We have decided to not share anything until confirmed in our anatomy scan. If there was a .0001 spec of male in my blood or on my hands, in the air etc. Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. Ill do the same. I will be so bummed if it is wrong because then well have to go back and tell everyone never mind. Haha Fingers crossed that my results are accurate! Air dry your hands also, dont use any paper towels after washing. Im nauseous most of the time, my boobs are already sore and have been sore since I first found out. Got the results, I was happy.. then cried my eyes out that I would never get to do hair bows and tutus, etc. It was kinda fun but caused too much emotions for me, personally. I scrubbed, ran my hands under hot water frequently, cloroxd and dawnd the area before doing the test. Specially if you have had previous boya. I even had my friend who is a female nurse come over and help as well. I know it can be such a point of frustration and grief. As far as the blood draw went, I have extremely small veins so I wasnt expecting to get enough blood from one finger prick. I had my 12 week scan this morning and the tech told me she was very sure it was a boy! I was then moved into an exam room to meet with the doctor. Does taking progesterone or other hormones affect my results? Our results said its a girl! Thank you so much for the comment I have wondered if the accuracy was great with the lab draws, so it is crazy to hear yours was still wrong in lab! Im having twins. If you think of it, you should update me here or on Instagram (@arinsoange). My sister (who lives in Australia) told me about a new test that is popular over there which can tell you the baby gender from 8 weeks. I attempted to schedule a call from customer support but they dont have any availability to talk for 2 days from now. 2023 Trustpilot, Inc. All rights reserved. I have an 8 month old daughter and made my husband stay upstairs. See How! Do you have a pregnancy calculator that tells me when I can take the test? Therefore, I suppose there is a chance of contamination. Please keep me posted on your appointment went! In researching more I learned that I was one of so many. I did the Sneak Peek early gender test, and found out yesterday it was wrong. Had booked for sneek peek clinical partners blood was drawn 24th October.Results back on 29th October had gender scans since and all confirmed correct gender and matched the result.I would recommend if you where going to do it try and go for clinical version as most reviews I have seen are from home tests and can see why people are annoyed and disappointed.10weeks at time of blood draw also.