While searching Lot 2, Gary Drayton discovered a cartwheel penny with a depiction of King George III made in 1797. The imitation Chinese porcelain on these hand-painted pearlware pottery fragments suggest that they originate from Staffordshire, England from 1700-1800. Posted by The Curse of Oak Island onMonday, January 25, 2021. Read on to discover the mystery for yourself. I think its a big snipe hunt, but the history is fascinating. It all happened when they tried to lift him back to the surface. He moved closer and noticed a tree with branches cut away. Robbie is currently a reporter for TheBiography based in Santa Monica, CA. Nothing they tried worked and the non-stop pouring of water made their mission impossible to carry out. As the legal battles took over, Oak Island fell silent for over a decade (1990 through 2005). His next discovery was an odd layer of natural limestone that contained some oak splinters. Who remembers this find? As a fresh start for their Oak Island journey, the Lagina brothers integrated the modern technology earlier explorers hadnt had access to. Tests conclude that it dates between the early 1600s to 1700s and could be a hinge meant for a very thick door. Found during a metal detection search, this pilum was discovered on Lot 26once the home of 18th century privateer, Captain James Anderson. Some of us are just more adventurous and curious by nature and such was young Rick. While they usually refrain from claiming to know for sure what is really in the Money Pit, it doesnt mean they dont have their own ideas of what the treasure is. Thanks to their geologist, Dr. Ian Spooner's electronic slide, they believe they have pinpointed where the gold might be buried on the island. Most recently, the search for the Oak Island treasure has been taken up by Rick and Marty Lagina, whose quest is chronicled in The Curse of Oak Island. It revolves around men talking important issues in. Subscribe for more amazing videos! Either way, while touristic activity surely helps a lot to fund Laginas explorations of the island, the most interesting events are surely reserved to be showcased exclusively for the show, and thats not something we mind at all. What was found at Oak Island in 2022? The Curse of Oak Island - YouTube Love The Fellowship. Determined to know more details, Daniel McGinnis sought the help of his friends, John Smith and Anthony Vaughn, to uncover whatever might be hidden under the tree. Buried treasure was officially found on Oak Island which officially solves the 400 year old mystery. Oak Island is closed until further notice - 2022 S8, Ep14 16 Feb. 2021 A Bend in the Road 7.4 (56) Rate Tweet . Applying science, I discovered that 1804 came AFTER 1802. There was speculation that Vincent Astor contributed an incredible amount of money to the excavation of Oak Island. Scientists Solve Mystery Of Oak Island | Southwest Legends The story goes that Marie sent her maid all the way to Nova Scotia in order to hide her wealth and her jewelry on the island. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); In the middle of their excitement at finding such promising evidence, the Lagina brothers engineering team decided to excavate further into the swamp. #CurseOfOakIsland, Posted by The Curse of Oak Island onTuesday, June 1, 2021. One of the most intriguing theories about the Oak Island treasure relates to the alleged Masonic markings that can be found all throughout the island. Subsequently, many other operations were led throughout the course of over 100 years, but all of them were unsuccessful. Templars probably came back and got it? Map What's Been Found on Oak Island - The HISTORY Channel With winter quickly approaching and time running out, the fellowship unearths the most compelling evidence yet that a ship may have been buried deep in the swamp. Theres a story to be written up here. Bogus clues to it existence! All Treasure Hunting May 15, 2022 #1 From the Oak Island Tours website: Oak Island is a private Island and is closed until further notice. The Mystery Of The Oak Island Treasure And Money Pit - All That's Dreams come true and hard work pays off when the team discovers gold in the Money Pit area. While those aforementioned facts dont necessarily prove the shows authenticity, its obvious that the interest in the place is very real. In Nova Scotia, Canada lies one of the most highly-sought after secrets of all time: Oak Island and its mythical treasure. But wait, let's talk about the treasure's origins first. Share . Oak island was a templar hideout for when king George wanted them disposed of they fled to oak island with all there riches and buried there ship and made it into an underground hideout and made traps to where if any tampering went on it would open underground tunnels to flood the entire hideout so there treasure would never be found. As the team follows the trajectory of the mysterious stone pathway in the swamp, they discover an elusive piece of Oak Island lore. Recent scientific evidence confirms what's really there. The map also dropped hints that the alleged treasure may have come from Africa. The Truro Company realized that the so-called Money Pit was deeper. Eight years later, the Onslow Company launched a team to search the area. Rick and Marty Lagina have spent countless hours digging over the years and have discovered some "top pocket finds." In The Curse of Oak Island, the presumed existence of the Money Pit is hyped-up, and there are a lot of operations centered in the area where its supposedly located, but contrary to what many people assumed, the pit is not an invention by the show. The swamp is a perfect locatipn for old world dry dock.a ship under repair is extremly vulnerable to accidental fire,they even found evidence of that.with all the people working on a sailing ship in the swamp,residents , visiting mariners over the years ,theres potentially thousands of artifacts.treasure hordes from pirates spanish galleons etc are found because they sank in the ocean .theres no good reason to go to that much trouble to bury it,how would you recover it ,as far as that" mysterious shaft and structures on the other side of the island,per haps it part of a system to drain and or refloat the dry dock in the swamp.200 plus years ago sea levels were lower,the cove with the wooden structures and shafts would be ecposed ground. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Its BS, and a big scam. Coalbed Utah. While searching the spoils excavated from the Money Pit area, Alex Lagina discovers evidence of human activity deep underground, dating back to 1492. Excitement grows when the team discovers evidence of wooden casks on the mysterious stone roadway, while new research may have them closer than ever to locating the original Money Pit. More payoffs are coming. Experts set to work, attempting to interpret and understand the transcription. The ship sunk had slots in it or shafts that were planned so the deep once ocean current would wash the island away but travel through it. Now let's get back to 1796 when an intriguing discovery happened. When the pump burst, one of their members was killed. It continues to be a mystery if this brooch is a piece of buried treasure or was once the property of a resident. The Canadian island's mysterious stone pathway and swamp, which might hold a sunken ship, are just two of the other sites primed for possible major finds. Oak Island is in Nova Scotia, and the mystery in question is a legend that there's big treasure buried there. Once he did, Restall Jr. fell to the same tragic fate. Im going to find another video on a better channel. Oak Island Treasure Found January 17, 2020 The Money Pit Found Gary Drayton discovered a wrought iron hinge that is similar to the decorative hinges discovered on Fred Nolan's property. The Mystery of Oak Island Has Finally Been Uncovered, But A Major Since the 19th century, many attempts have been made by explorers from different parts of the globe to locate cryptic artifacts and treasures. Perhaps one day a pile of gold will be uncovered on the tiny island but for now, it seems safe to say the island may have been used as a smuggling operation or a hideout spot. The show also gave the treasure search more meaning and credibility. That not ancient architects but a bunch of pirates manage to build a an elaborate treasure tunnel system. They found a buried stone tablet with an odd inscription. Oak Island Treasure Found January 17, 2020 The Money Pit Found. With their equipment, they were able to delve down further, and after reaching 60 feet, they saw more oak logs, this time with coconut fiber and charcoal in thick layers. Then all you need is one person to come along at some later date see the same thing were seeing ,and think, what a mystery maybe its buried treasure. While they were excited about the chests, it was hard not to be distracted by the human remains. However, while believing in such a supposed myth is up for discussion, its true that several people have died on the island while involved in digging-up the supposed treasure, though following reports made by sites such as Starcasm, the number of people whove died while doing so is already over 20. Although so far an announcement regarding another seasons premiere hasnt been made, the fact that the network has claimed the show as one of its highest rated series hints that they most likely dont want it to end just yet. While investigating near the foundation of Samual Balls former home on Lot 25, Alex Lagina spotted what the team believes is a British naval officer's button from around 1804 to 1825. Leather bookbinding was found 160 feet underground along with bits of parchment. In 1796, another young boy discovered a strange depression on the ground of Oak Island. More than that, the fact that the shows eighth season ended on such an inconclusive note, tells us that there will surely be more to see when it comes to The Curse Of Oak Island in the near future. To their surprise, their efforts revealed secrets and allies that were far from their expectations. Just as the team receives scientific evidence that there is a massive amount of silver is the Money Pit, the first snow of the harsh winter falls on Oak Island. Michigan Brothers Unearth 220 Year Old Treasure - Traveler Master Do They Ever Find Anything on Oak Island? Plus, How to Visit - Distractify The louganis bros are smart,reality tv needs stories like this the get viewers doesnt matter if the story is true. The team uncovers significant evidence that the stone road in the swamp was built long before the discovery of the original Money Pit just as the future of archaeology investigation on the island is threatened. The Truro Company thought of creating a dam to obstruct the flow of water and dig out the treasure. The only thing thats settled is something on a large scale took place on the island and theres no records of what happened. Some of these findings are materials such as copper, iron, coconut fiber and granite. If youre also wondering whats up nowadays with the show, then fear no more. Solving the Oak Island mystery feels closer than ever when the team learns they may have been reading Zena Halpern's Templar map incorrectly all along. Is there a chance such a ritual took place on the island? To prove it, by the time the shows eighth season ended in mid-2021, the islands mystery hadnt been solved, but left viewers with many open questions and unsolved theories. Will this be the start of what is expected to be an upcoming and positive resolution of the Oak Islands mystery, or are the Lagina brothers fellowship just going around in circles? A decade after the Triton Alliance officially ended their quest for the buried treasure, Oak Island was starting to catch the interest of the general public. Another man by the name of Daniel C. Blankenship also went to the Money Pit to dig in 1965. The article that struck him was about the legend of a treasure being buried on an island in the wilds of Canada. Oak Island Archaeology Update: Does the water analysis show that there To fight for independence with it. Maybe this meant that there was a treasure lying beneath, just waiting to be discovered? Between the two brothers, Rick was more captivated to further investigate the buried treasure, especially when he learned that many people had tried their luck and yet failed to find it. on . But what would a British naval officer be doing visiting the home of a simple cabbage farmer? Plenty of theories have surfaced. Many believe that pirate treasure is hidden on the island, perhaps that of Captain Kidd himself, or that the Knights Templar were on some sort of secret mission that brought them to the island. As such, he believed that a layer of wood existed underneath the limestone layer. This realization led to the discovery that the entire beach was artificial; a complex construction with drains and flow tunnels beneath it. Found 160 feet underground, this parchment and leather bookbinding could be clues that support a theory that William Shakespeare's original manuscripts could be buried in the Money Pit. Rick and Marty were more than determined to get to work and investigate the island further. . And with age and wisdom on their side, they came prepared. Thats something we dont know yet, but it doesnt make the experience less thrilling. To hold all the crap they fed all of us! Matt Leinart's wife, Josie Loren Wiki Bio, net wor Who is Skip Bayless' Wife? Some people, oddly, traced the source of the treasure back to William Shakespeare. Nice refresher. Screen shot says (half a billion). When he started drilling in 1939, he came across two interesting discoveries. Money pit or sinkhole? Retired geologist digs up Oak Island's history - CBC The mysterious island was featured in an episode of the 1979 TV show, "In Search Of " The episode concerning the island earned the mystery a huge fan base, both locally and internationally. It has been centuries since people started exploring the place in search of a millions and ancient treasure, which may or may have not been hidden in its depths. In fact, people of all walks of life were curious about the elusive treasure and the legends that surround it. When they came ashore to restock their supplies, they reportedly located a depression in the ground. Surely this kind of effort would only be undertaken to protect a pretty hefty treasure, right? Although the whole story might look too fantastic or unbelievable, the mystery surrounding Oak Island its certainly extraordinary, considering it has inspired so many people to relentlessly pursue the supposed treasure. One lady who thinks shes solved the mystery is Joy Steele. They failed both times the 2nd time being in 1804 he followed that up by saying there was another attempt shortly after 1804 by the Onslow company in 1802 thats 2 years earlier. Marty had extensive experience with gas wells and digging, and he shared his knowledge and skills with his brother, Rick. They sunk a Borehole 10-X steel tube into the ground. Check out our new videos every day. - May 10, 2022. He and his brother Marty got even more fascinated when their father showed them an article about Oak Island in The Wall Street Journal. This only sparked their curiosity even more. One such theory suggests that the hidden treasure belonged to King Solomon. Well that was a waste of time. Do you think theyre for real? The main reason why Oak Island holds so much intrigue is because it's said to be where Scottish pirate Captain Kidd buried his infamous treasure. The second one. Its purpose was to lower a camera into the pit. Discovered in the swamp during the first season by the Laginas and their team, this copper coin from 1652 suggests that there was activity on Oak Island long before the 1795 discovery of the Money Pit. Its unclear what originated the legend of the islands curse, or by whom, though as Historys channel website states, in order for the treasure to be found, seven people must die during its hunt. Could this mean that all of their work was for nothing? The Triton Alliance members were more thrilled when they saw three chests that looked a whole lot like the ones people like to bury treasures in. With regards to the ninth season, here is what we've got. That place has so many holes in it, its a wonder it hasnt sunk by now. After finding the stone with the inscription, there was only one thing left to do, try and decipher what was on it, of course! Oak Island | TreasureNet The Original Treasure Hunting Website Spanning 15 episodes of length 42-60 minutes each, the season concluded its run on February 15, 2022. As winter descends on Oak Island, leaving only days left of the year's search, the team is euphoric when scientific data suggests there is a massive amount of silver in the money pit. In this exploration, he was thrilled to have seen a huge granite rock. Could this keyhole be a part of a chest similar to Captain Anderson's sea chest? What do the Lagina brothers think of it? Oak Island Treasure Found May 18, 2021 Gagare1952 13.4K subscribers Subscribe 1.2K 292K views 1 year ago Breaking News: My friend John from Oak Island spend his whole life looking for. Another theory suggests that the hidden treasure of Oak Island actually belongs to one infamous royal lady - Marie Antoinette. As the team follows the trajectory of the mysterious stone pathway in the swamp, they discover an elusive piece of Oak Island lore. The discovery of a tag with the name Ball engraved in it might have belonged to Samuel Ball, a freed American enslaved person who became one of Nova Scotia's wealthiest land owners. All The Treasure Uncovered On The Curse Of Oak Island - ScreenRant For now, that seems to be enough reason to keep watching the show, besides the obvious excitement that watching people searching for an ancient treasure inherently entails. Gilbert Hedden and Fred Blairs decision to take on Oak Island did not disappoint them, as they became the first witnesses to the islands newest revelations. Was this just an accident? To Rick's and his friend's dismay, not a trace of any valuable items was found underneath the big rock. company. NO SUBSTANTIAL TREASURE WAS FOUND, THIS IS ALL PUBLICITY, ITS LIKE THE TRIANGLE OF THE BERMUDAS AND THE UFOs,..NOTHING MORE THAN SEVERE STORMS AND HUGE AMOUNT OF LIGHTING,BOOKS, AND MOVIES SALES,..SO MUCH IMAGINATION! As such, they had to keep draining the water over and over. When an Oak Island local leads the team to a previously-unknown giant wharf, the mystery of Samuel Ball deepens.