Learn how to use the last move executed by the target. To get a more accurate idea about the concerned query, lets explore the detail in the section elaborated below. Well there are only plenty of plant in winter, Water can conduct electric but it willharm aquatic life, Higher you fly higher chance you get strike by thunder, Bug little wing has no match with hurricane, Some bug can walk at the surface of the water, Some bug has night version and also prefer light than dark. Well ifyou can't see your opponent how you want to punch him? There are two endings, go for theRead More Nightshade Kuroyuki Walkthrough, Nightshade Hanzo Hattori Walkthrough Complete Hanzo Hattoris route and unlock both endings (Good & Bad Ending) There are two endings, go for the goodRead More Nightshade Hanzo Hattori Walkthrough. Important Note : We are Using shared and public content which is totally allowed to use.Feel Free to use it. If plant take too much water it will dead. Sacrifice your remaining Health to fully replenish the Health of the Loomian that takes your place. Water types are known to have a substantial impact against Rock, Fire and Ground types but are more practical than against Grass and Electric styles. Bug May also lower the targets Ranged Defense. Lands critical hits more often. Attack the target with a cruel bite, and cause their next move to cost 25% more Energy. Protogon is a predominantly silver and grey robot-humanoid Loomian with white armor. Fire 2-3 darts at the opponent. Bug effectiveness from neutral to weak against Bug. Hone your senses to boost your Ranged Attack. If targeting a foe, a harsh torrent will hurt them; if targeting an ally, cleansing water will soothe and heal them. This also lowers their Ranged Defense. May lower the target's Melee Defense. Strike the target on the second turn, bypassing their fortifications. Send a wave of swamp water crashing into nearby opponents. Evolve Halloween Kabunga through trading while holding a. The second Battle Theatre is in Heiwa City, and its Battle Star is the serious and wise Akio, who uses fire-type Loomians. Blast the target with sharp leaves. Loomian Legacy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Welcome to the Loomian Legacy Type Guide, where we will provide you all Effectiveness & Weakness (attacking and defending) by type, Plant Type Loomians: Fevine, Felver, Tahtab, Antsee and also Florant, Ice Type Loomians: Snocub, Snowki and also Himbrr, Light Type Loomians: Luminami, Eaglit, Torprey, Falkyrie, Luxoar and also Geklow, Dark Type Loomians: Vambat, Dimpire, Vesperatu, Umbrat, Kleptyke and also Ragoon, Fire Type Loomians: Embit, Rabburn and also Searknight, Bug Type Loomians: Cathorn, Propae, Cynamoth, Pyder, Swolder, Antsee, Florant, Grubby, Coonucopia and also Terrafly, Metal Type Loomians: Searknight and also Falkyrie, Electric Type Loomians: Weevolt, Stozap, Zuelong and also Geklow, Spirit Type Loomians: Vesperatu and also Duskit, Toxic Type Loomians: Pyder, Swolder and also Terrafly, Water Type Loomians: Dripple, Reptide, Luminami, Air Type Loomians: Cynamoth, Twittle, Paratweet and also Avitross, Earth Type Loomians: Himbrr, Babore and also Boarrok, All the valid MechaMon Pet Simulator Codes in one updated list Roblox Game by Mechamon Redeem these codes for Orbs, Energies, Boosts, andRead More MechaMon Pet Simulator Codes Roblox November 2022, All the valid Anime Craft Simulator Codes in one updated list Roblox Game by Eggsies Redeem these codes for Cash, Rebirth, Gems, Boosts,Read More Anime Craft Simulator Codes, How to Unlock Gold Camo MW2 In this guide we explain how to get all the Gold camo, and also the Platinum Camos, PolyatomicRead More How to Unlock Gold Camo MW2, Bustafellows Shu Walkthrough Complete Shus route and unlock the good or best ending, the normal ending and also the bad endings Bustafellows Shu WalkthroughRead More Bustafellows Shu Walkthrough, Nightshade Kuroyuki Walkthrough Complete and unlock Kuroyukis route and also unlock both endings (Good & Bad Ending).
Barbadger is literally the STRONGEST ICE TYPE! - Loomian Legacy PVP Loomian Legacy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Brawler Type Loomians: Tahtab. There are currently 39 Loomians that are Water-type, the most of any other type, of which 16 are pure and 23 are part-type. Earth Pollution Toxic > Water. Wind Pollution Toxic > Bug. Dragon types are strong against Dragon types but weak against Steel types. May also boost your Melee Attack. Earth S.Guides1Last Updated July, 2019 Welcome the Loomian Legacy Type Guide, where will provide you all Effectiveness Weakness attacking and defending typeContents1 Loomian Legacy Type Plant1.1 Plant Type Defense1.2 Plant Type Attack2 Loomian Legacy. More powerful against heavier targets. Fire Water Plant Light Dark Ice Electric Air Bug Earth Toxic Metal Ancient Spirit Brawler Mind Typeless. To get the loomian legacy type guide, you must be clear about the interfacial horizon of the gaming interface.
Type Strengths and Weaknesses | Loomian Legacy Effectiveness Battle May burn the target. Every new update enables gamers to enjoy further featural support for their favorite gaming option. Surprise the opponent by ambushing them with uprooted shrubbery. Players can also use items during battle to heal their Loomians or provide other benefits. Brawler effectiveness from neutral to super against Metal. Check out Loomian Legacy on Roblox here: https://www.roblox.com/games/306964494/Loomian-Legacy#!/game-instancesHope you enjoyed watching the video! Protect yourself by growing a thorny barrier that also hurts Loomians whose moves attempt to touch you this turn. Loomian legacy provides a more authentic, adventurous overview of your personal experience. When finished, you will become dazed. Alternatively, it could draw inspiration from the Terminator series, in which hostile androids are often depicted without part of or all of their fake skin. Trap your opponent on the field, preventing them from retreating from the fight. We also are doing a Rainbow Shawchi Giveaway. Each move belongs to a specific type, and each Loomian has one or two types that determine its strengths and weaknesses. Cast a foul curse upon your foe. insecticides Toxic > Toxic.
Type | Loomian Legacy Wiki | Fandom Well ifyou can't see your opponent how you want to use Psychic power? In addition to being able to learning forgotten moves, Protogon can be taught exclusive moves by the Move Reminder in Colosseum Marketplace. All these things would be included in the interface after the precise justification of experts attempting to find the perfect and elaborated solution for the listing. Strike the target with a fierce mental blast. We also sho. Protogon is a Metal-type Loomian introduced in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow. Lets see where these water types rank. There are currently 33 Loomians that are Plant-type, including variants, of which 11 are pure and 22 are part-type. Recklessly dunk on the opponent with an explosive coconut, damaging yourself some in the process. The ultimate goal is to find the best team composition that works for you. Hits twice. (Loomian Legacy)I bet you wont click on "SHOW MORE"Now that you did, could you please check out my social lin. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place!
Loomian Legacy Type - Effectiveness And Weakness - agadg Plant Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Loomian Legacy Type - Effectiveness & Weakness - Mejoress In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms. All Loomians either have one or two types. Two Mind-types are currently unobtainable, being Somata and Clionae. Fighting types are strong against Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, and Dark but weak against Psychic, Flying, and Fairy. Two Mind-types are currently unobtainable, being Somata and Clionae. Put the foe to sleep with a cloud of sleep-inducing spores. Attack the opponent's mind by telepathically flooding it with confusing ideas and imagery. Here is a sample Loomian Legacy type chart: Loomian Legacy is a digital pet game where players can collect, train, and battle with creatures called Loomians. Hack at the opponent with sharp claws. Bite down hard on the foe. Its important to note that this is a general breakdown, with variations and nuances within the game. Attempt to completely destroy the foe. Protogon can be obtained in the listed installments of Loomian Legacy through the following means: All level-up moves learned below a Loomian's level can be re-learned at the Move Reminder for 20 CP. For instance, Embit is a pure Fire-type Loomian, while Duskit is a dual Spirit/Mind-type Loomian. Ice types are strong against Ground, Flying, Grass, Dragon, and Fairy types but weak against Fighting, Rock, Steel and Fire. There are currently 23 Loomians that are Metal-type, of which six are pure and 17 are part-type. Brawler effectiveness from neutral to weak against Mind. Psychic types are effective against Poison and Fighting-types but weak against Steel and Psychic types. The type chart in Loomian Legacy works similarly to that in other popular monster-collecting games, such as Pokemon. Today, we will rank the Top 5 water types in Loomian Legacy. Sacrifice your remaining Health to fully replenish the Energy of the Loomian that takes your place. Water Type is one of the 17 Loomian types. Strong against: Ice and also Bug type loomians Draw power from nature and fire it at the target. May leave the target dazed. In this video, I used Barbadger, and it was REALLY GOOD!If you have an idea for a Showcase, leave it down in the comments below!Like or OMGSub for WHA. Water Pollution Toxic > Air. If this Loomian has Lightning Rod, the . Weak against: Fire, Water, Electric, and also Metal type loomians; Loomian Legacy Type - Brawler. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Begin cleansing yourself of impurities. Roblox is an online virtual playground and workshop, where general audience of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. Players can collect and train various creatures called Loomians.
Monstermal types | LoomianLegacy Amino Unleash a blast of hot water and steam that has a chance to burn your target. Mind Type is one of the 17 Loomian types. Ram head-on into the foe with a sharp horn, bypassing their fortifications.
:)=====================================What is Roblox? There are currently 13 Loomians that are Mind-type, including variants, of which three are pure and 10 are part-type. Plant Type Loomians: Fevine, . Resist against: Ice and also Bug type loomians; Weak against: Air, Mind, and also Spirit type loomians; Brawler Type Attack. Protogon is first seen when Jake sneaks into the Secret Lab in POLUT Campus. The Loomipedia entry for Protogon in each installment of Loomian Legacy is listed as follows: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Loomian Legacy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. This may lower their Ranged Defense. Lands critical hits more often. Metal Type is one of the 17 Loomian types. Welcome to theLoomian Legacy Type Guide, where we will provide you all Effectiveness & Weakness (attacking and defending) by type, Plant Type Loomians:Fevine,Felver,Tahtab,Antseeand alsoFlorant, Ice Type Loomians:Snocub,Snowkiand alsoHimbrr, Light Type Loomians:Luminami,Eaglit,Torprey,Falkyrie,Luxoarand alsoGeklow, Dark Type Loomians:Vambat,Dimpire,Vesperatu,Umbrat,Kleptykeand alsoRagoon, Fire Type Loomians:Embit,Rabburnand alsoSearknight, Bug Type Loomians:Cathorn,Propae,Cynamoth,Pyder,Swolder,Antsee,Florant,Grubby,Coonucopiaand alsoTerrafly, Metal Type Loomians:Searknightand alsoFalkyrie, Electric Type Loomians:Weevolt,Stozap,Zuelongand alsoGeklow, Spirit Type Loomians:Vesperatuand alsoDuskit, Toxic Type Loomians:Pyder,Swolderand alsoTerrafly, Water Type Loomians:Dripple,Reptide,Luminami, Air Type Loomians:Cynamoth,Twittle,Paratweetand alsoAvitross, Earth Type Loomians:Himbrr,Baboreand alsoBoarrok. This may cause them to flinch. Remove your Metal typing to greatly increase your Speed. Plant effectiveness from neutral to weak against Bug. Light effectiveness from weak to no effect against Plant. Loomian Legacy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Typeless effectiveness from neutral to weak against Spirit. Resist against: Water, Plant, Earth, Electric, and also Light type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Ice, Dark, Bug, and also Toxic type loomians, Strong against: Water and also Earth type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Plant, Toxic, and also Ancient type loomians, Resist against: Ice and also Air type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Metal, and also Brawler type loomians, Strong against: Plant, Earth, Bug, and also Air type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Water, Ice, and also Brawler type loomians, Resist against: Fire, Light, Spirit and also Ancient type loomians, Weak against: Dark and also Metal type loomians, Strong against: Dark, Spirit, and also Ancient type loomians, Weak against: Plant, Light, and also Mind type loomians, Resist against: Dark, Mind, and also Spirit type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Light, and also Bug type loomians, Strong against: Plant, Light, and also Mind type loomians, Weak against: Dark, Bug, and also Spirit type loomians, Resist against: Fire, Plant, Ice, Bug, and also Metal type loomians, Weak against:Water, Earth, and also Air type loomians, Strong against: Plant, Ice, Dark, and also Metal type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Water, Light, and also Ancient type loomians, Resist against: Earth and also Dark type loomians, Weak against: Ice, Air, and also Brawler type loomians, Strong against: Plant, Dark, and also Mind type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Metal, Air, and also Brawler type loomians, Resist against: Bug, Metal, Air, and also Ancient type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Earth, and also Electric type loomians, Strong against: Ice, Light, and also Ancient type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Water, Electric, and also Metal type loomians, Resist against: Ice and also Bug type loomians, Weak against: Air, Mind, and also Spirit type loomians, Strong against: Ice and also Bug type loomians, Weak against: Air, Spirit (immune) and also Toxic type loomians, Resist against: Electric, Metal, and also Air type loomians, Weak against: Water and also Earth type loomians, Strong against: Water, Metal, and also Air type loomians, Weak against: Plant, Electric, Earth (immune) and also Ancient type loomians, Resist against: Dark, Brawler (immune) and also Toxic type loomians, Weak against: Light, Spirit, and also Ancient type loomians, Strong against: Mind, Spirit, and also Brawler type loomians, Weak against: Dark, Light (immune) and Ancient type loomians, Resist against: Light and also Mind type loomians, Strong against: Toxic, Typeless and also Brawler type loomians, Weak against: Mind and also Dark type loomians, Resist against: Plant, Toxic, and also Brawler type loomians, Weak against: Earth and also Mind type loomians, Strong against: Water and also Plant type loomians, Weak against: Earth, Toxic, and also Spirit type loomians, Resist against: Fire, Water, Ice, and also Metal type loomians, Weak against: Plant, Electric, and also Toxic type loomians, Strong against: Fire, Earth, and also Electric type loomians, Weak against: Water, Plant, and also Ancient type loomians, Resist against: Electric, Earth (immune) and also Ice type loomians, Weak against: Bug and also Brawler type loomians, Strong against: Fire, Bug, and also Brawler type loomians, Weak against: Electric, Ice, and also Metal type loomians, Resist against: Toxic and also Electric (immune) type loomians, Weak against: Water, Plant, and also Ice type loomians, Strong against: Fire, Electric, Metal, and also Toxic type loomians, Weak against: Plant, Air (immune) and also Bug type loomians, Resist against: Fire, Water, Plant, Electric, and also Spirit type loomians, Weak against: against Light, Metal, and also Ancient type loomians, Strong against: Spirit and also Ancient type loomians, Weak against: Light and also Metal type loomians. Loomians can evolve into different forms, allowing players to unlock new abilities and states. Attack all surrounding Loomians by crashing a large wave into the battlefield. Cast a spell that swaps the effectiveness of Light- and Dark-type moves against all Plant-type Loomians in battle.
Electric Before moving on to the type chart, it is better for you to get a precise idea about the use of these charts. Here, we will state a precise overview of the loomian legacy type chart with some basics for a good understanding of the interested people. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. some anti-venom has been created by the venom itself, Ancient is a brittle thing so iron can smash it, Primitive people are stronger than John Cena, Toxic has never been found by primitive people, Some scientists created medicine remember, Ok, guy, I know it off balance but this thing is logical and I should take a nap now so tell me thing I missed.
Plant Type | Loomian Legacy Wiki | Fandom Evolve Halloween Kabunga through trading while holding a, Evolve Holiday Craytal through trading while holding, Evolve Dandylil starting at Level 37 under. There are currently 17 Loomian types. Hey guys, in this video I show you guys the official type chart for Loomian Legacy! (Profile Picture by Dav and Intro by RadiateFX)#LoomianTypeChart #LoomianLegacy #Roblox Protogon's appearance is hard to pinpoint an exact origin, though it is likely based of various forms of mechas/robots, Withered Protogon is inspired by a fanmade design created by the popular Loomian Legacy YouTuber LuckyHD, while also possibly taking inspiration from the Withered animatronic characters from the Five Nights at Freddy's series. This may leave them dazed. YOOOO! Thanks for stopping by DeeterPlays!If you plan to purchase Robux or Builders Club and would like to support the channel, use the Video Star code \"DEETERPLAY\" when checking out.Please Like and Subscribe, and SMASH the notification bell!!!
Top 5 Water Types in Loomian Legacy - YouTube Here, we will state a precise overview of the loomian legacy type chart with some basics for a good understanding of the interested people. May leave the target dazed.
*OFFICIAL* TYPE CHART FOR LOOMIAN LEGACY! - YouTube Mind effectiveness from neutral to weak against Metal. Administer a special herb to your allied Loomians, both on and off the field, which cleanses them of their status ailments.
Water Type | Loomian Legacy Wiki | Fandom Exploit the foe's mental load. Water
Each Loomian has its unique appearance and abilities.
Type | Air/Metal Clan Wiki | Fandom Its feet resemble a Gundam type mobile suit, mainly the Turn A Gundam or a GM mobile suit. Has a small chance to lower their Ranged Attack. If a Plant-type move is used on a Loomian with. It is an attribute that mainly balances out Loomians, and helps to make each kind of Loomian unique in its own way. As Protogon is a Roaming Loomian, it can only learn the following moves from the Rally Leader while being the Rally Assistant with an open move slot. If this Loomian has Total Eclipse, the effectiveness of Light and Dark moves is 0. Hack at the target with prickly claws. If you have already been hit by an opponent's move this turn, this move's Strength is doubled. Swipe the foe with metal claws. It was designed by BobbenKatzen. Damage doubles if they are afflicted with a status ailment. Mind Toxic effectiveness from neutral to super against Brawler. Dive deep below the surface and hide for a turn. Additionally, a Loomians type can also change based on the players skill and playstyle. Wash the opponent away with an overwhelming amount of water. Its unique in that practically everything on Roblox is designed and constructed by members of the community. In this video we are going to show you a type chart with the various Loomian typs as well as their strengths and weaknesses against other types. They can then explore Roblox interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Metal This may leave the opponent with a burn. Its important to note that this chart is not set in stone and is subject to change as the game is updated. Swipe at the target with metaphysical claws. Loomian Legacy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Each typing has it's bonuses and drawbacks for using it. Water Type is one of the 17 Loomian types.
Loomian Legacy Type - Effectiveness & Weakness There are currently 23 Loomians that are Metal-type, of which six are pure and 17 are part-type. Upon defeating the corrupt Protogon, it becomes the third Roaming Loomian available in this installment of the .
Swat at the opponent from a distance, while using your mind to summon a larger, metaphysical copy of your hand to strike the opponent. Dive below the surface and hide there for a turn. Ghost types are shown against most worthy Ghost types and psychic but weak against Normal, Dark, and Fairy types. Brawler Type Defense. Once you beat this Battle Theatre, you'll receive the Medal . May fail if used consecutively.
Loomian Legacy Type - Effectiveness & Weakness - Playing.LoL Ignores Water's resistance to Metal. Feed the target to help them recover health. The type chart is a great resource to help players understand the strengths and weaknesses of each Loomian type, and how they can be used effectively in battles.
Trumbull can FINALLY HIT METAL TYPES!? - Loomian Legacy PVP Click on one to two Types to see its effectiveness against attacks of every type. To have a precise idea about this aspect, you must be a regular user of the loomian legacy experience. A Loomian Legacy type chart is a tool used to show the effectiveness of different types of Loomians (creatures) in the game Loomian Legacy. Recklessly clobber the opponent, damaging yourself some in the process. Do you have to try to punch water? Upon defeating the corrupt Protogon, it becomes the third Roaming Loomian available in this installment of the Loomian Legacy series. A unique move which utilizes the user's Ranged Defense stat in place of its Attack. Predict damage caused by Loomians with our Legacy Damage Calculator, Rt. . Air If this Loomian has Raging Fire, the effectiveness of Fire moves is 0. Swipe low at your foes with a metaphysical slap. There are currently 33 Loomians that are Plant-type, including variants, of which 11 are pure and 22 are part-type. Depending on the coding of the Monstermal species and where it lives, can have an effect on its typing.
Mind Type | Loomian Legacy Wiki | Fandom Metal Type is one of the 17 Loomian types. Drains a small amount of their Energy. It's, Protogon is available in all games of the, Withered Protogon's design was inspired by a creation from the Loomian Legacy YouTuber, This makes Protogon the second Loomian to have a custom reskin made for a YouTuber, the first being, Protogon's jumpscare animation in the Haunted corn maze resembles Mr. Ps jumpscare animation from. Slash the target with a sword imbued with light. Plant a special flower that slowly saps the foe's Health and restores it to you. Here is a detailed breakdown of the Loomian Legacy type chart: This chart shows that Fire-type Loomians are strong against Grass-type Loomians, but weak against Water-type Loomians. Its left arm has a built in energy cannon, and its head has two ears with a single triangular eye poking out below. Loomian Legacy Type - Plant. HEY, in this video i did EQ Trumbull! Here we have tried to summarize specific, more significant thoughts. A hard hitting attack that lowers your Melee Attack after use. This attack deals damage based on your Melee Attack, and the opponents Ranged Defense.
Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer Capture the Flag game or some other, yet-to-be-dreamed-up creation. Mind-type Loomians are immune to being put to sleep by Hypnotize. Strike the target on the second turn. Convert sunlight into nutrients to restore your Health.
Indoor vent box for dryer - fpuio.naturfriseur-sabine.de Four Water-types are currently unobtainable, being Polypi, Jellusa, Somata and Clionae.
How to Beat the Battle Theatres of "Loomian Legacy" Brawler effectiveness from neutral to super against Typeless. Loomian Legacy Type Effectiveness And Weakness, Resist against: Water, Plant, Earth, Electric, and also Light type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Ice, Dark, Bug, and also Toxic type loomians, Strong against: Water and also Earth type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Plant, Toxic, and also Ancient type loomians, Resist against: Ice and also Air type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Metal, and also Brawler type loomians, Strong against: Plant, Earth, Bug, and also Air type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Water, Ice, and also Brawler type loomians, Resist against: Fire, Light, Spirit and also Ancient type loomians, Weak against: Dark and also Metal type loomians, Strong against: Dark, Spirit, and also Ancient type loomians, Weak against: Plant, Light, and also Mind type loomians, Resist against: Dark, Mind, and also Spirit type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Light, and also Bug type loomians, Strong against: Plant, Light, and also Mind type loomians, Weak against: Dark, Bug, and also Spirit type loomians, Resist against: Fire, Plant, Ice, Bug, and also Metal type loomians, Weak against: Water, Earth, and also Air type loomians, Strong against: Plant, Ice, Dark, and also Metal type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Water, Light, and also Ancient type loomians, Resist against: Earth and also Dark type loomians, Weak against: Ice, Air, and also Brawler type loomians, Strong against: Plant, Dark, and also Mind type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Metal, Air, and also Brawler type loomians, Resist against: Bug, Metal, Air, and also Ancient type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Earth, and also Electric type loomians, Strong against: Ice, Light, and also Ancient type loomians, Weak against: Fire, Water, Electric, and also Metal type loomians, Resist against: Ice and also Bug type loomians, Weak against: Air, Mind, and also Spirit type loomians, Strong against: Ice and also Bug type loomians, Weak against: Air, Spirit (immune) and also Toxic type loomians, Resist against: Electric, Metal, and also Air type loomians, Weak against: Water and also Earth type loomians, Strong against: Water, Metal, and also Air type loomians, Weak against: Plant, Electric, Earth (immune) and also Ancient type loomians, Resist against: Dark, Brawler (immune) and also Toxic type loomians, Weak against: Light, Spirit, and also Ancient type loomians, Strong against: Mind, Spirit, and also Brawler type loomians, Weak against: Dark, Light (immune) and Ancient type loomians, Resist against: Light and also Mind type loomians, Strong against: Toxic, Typeless and also Brawler type loomians, Weak against: Mind and also Dark type loomians, Resist against: Plant, Toxic, and also Brawler type loomians, Weak against: Earth and also Mind type loomians, Strong against: Water and also Plant type loomians, Weak against: Earth, Toxic, and also Spirit type loomians, Resist against: Fire, Water, Ice, and also Metal type loomians, Weak against: Plant, Electric, and also Toxic type loomians, Strong against: Fire, Earth, and also Electric type loomians, Weak against: Water, Plant, and also Ancient type loomians, Resist against: Electric, Earth (immune) and also Ice type loomians, Weak against: Bug and also Brawler type loomians, Strong against: Fire, Bug, and also Brawler type loomians, Weak against: Electric, Ice, and also Metal type loomians, Resist against: Toxic and also Electric (immune) type loomians, Weak against: Water, Plant, and also Ice type loomians, Strong against: Fire, Electric, Metal, and also Toxic type loomians, Weak against: Plant, Air (immune) and also Bug type loomians, Resist against: Fire, Water, Plant, Electric, and also Spirit type loomians, Weak against: against Light, Metal, and also Ancient type loomians, Strong against: Spirit and also Ancient type loomians, Weak against: Light and also Metal type loomians, MechaMon Pet Simulator Codes Roblox November 2022, Lottery Sambad ( ) Daily Results, Loomian Legacy Type Effectiveness & Weakness.