Contact (501) 340-8766 or Search County Court Orders > Public Records - Circuit Clerk All offenders within that area will then be revealed to the searcher. The Arkansas Supreme Court is the court of last resort in the state. If you have lost your password, enter your email address. Services. The Circuit Clerk is clerk of the civil, domestic relations, criminal and juvenile courts and also acts as the ex-officio recorder for the county. Images are also available Constitutional Amendment 80 eliminated the existence of separate courts for disputes that involve the determination of guilt and those that involve finding equity among parties to a case. In many cases, third-party websites make the search easier as they are not limited geographically or by technological limitations. The county charges $0.03 per page to make black and white copies of court records, while colored copies are available for $0.20 per page. Meanwhile, Arkansas judgment records are also available on Arkansas CourtConnect. Circuit Clerk | Greene County Courthouse | Paragould, AR The Information must be accompanied by an Affidavit showing cause for the issuance of the Information and/or a bench warrant. (there maybe some partial years prior but not completed), Plat Records all indexes (with images since 1998 to current) Parties can, however, apply for an extension to file a notice of appeal if not done in these 30 days. The FamilySearch Library has some justice of the peace records, such as the Pulaski County files from 1873 to 1917. Lonoke Circuit Clerk A representative of a convicted felon who is not an attorney will also be denied a public record request. There is also an Internal CourtConnect version for court use that requires a login and password. .css-1rrlhun{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;width:100%;-webkit-box-pack:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;}. Currently, there are about 28 Circuit Courts in Arkansas, with a total of 121 Circuit Court judges who are elected for a six-year term each. Images since August 2002. Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. AR, Stuttgart District Court For Public. Arkansas County Court Records are public records, documents, files, and transcripts associated with court cases and court dockets available in Arkansas County, Arkansas. DeWitt, AR 72042 List of participating district courts eFiling Fax: (870) 946-0171. They consist of State District Courts and Local District Courts. The court was established in 1979, and the number of judges has risen steadily from six to twelve. In the Juvenile Division, proceedings shall be commenced by the filing of a petition with the Circuit Clerk's Office by the Prosecuting Attorney for family in need of services or delinquency or the Arkansas Department of Human Services for dependency-neglect. View Arkansas County Assessor home page, including personal property and real estate search. Government. District Court).Some Criminal records may be accessed at any time at For background checks, go to the Arkansas Online Copying and inspection fees of public records vary and depend on the number of pages in the document. People may also use the tool to search for specific offenders. These courts may exist at the Federal, Arkansas State, Arkansas County, and local levels. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Metropolitan Emergency Communication Association (MECA), Information and Permits for Floodplain Development. The Arkansas Court of Appeals is an intermediate appellate court in the state. DeWitt Circuit Court 101 Court Square DeWitt, AR DeWitt County Court 101 Court Square DeWitt, AR Also, the filing for a civil or misdemeanor appeal costs $185. The county charges $5 for certified copies of an entire court file. About Us Contact Us 101 West Barraque Changes to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) came in 2017. Further amendments of the Constitution in 1924 increased the number of the Supreme Court Justices to seven. OWNED OR OPERATED BY ANY STATE GOVERNMENT AGENCY. The Supreme Court approved video conferencing for initial appearances, detention, plea, and sentence hearings. Attorneys may log in here to see how many CLE hours have been earned during the current reporting period. This register is made available to all residents of Arkansas County. Stuttgart, Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901. Fax: 501.676.3014. Records of some District and Circuit Courts are also fully accessible on the CourtConnect platform, while others only have partial records maintained. All Rights Reserved. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. In the Domestic Relations Division, cases are initiated by the filing of a complaint or petition by the Plaintiff. All Rights Reserved. The White County Courthouse was first built in 1871 and enlarged in 1912. Public Records | Washington County, AR To research records in person, visit the Circuit Clerk's Recorder's Office in person during the hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday at 215 East Central, Room 202, Bentonville, AR 72712. Arkansas County official records can only be directed via mail. Citizens can obtain court records at: Arkansas County Courthouse View Arkansas County Circuit Clerk and Recorder home page, including links. Arkansas Court Records contain publicly available documents, files, transcripts, dockets, and court case information from courts in Arkansas. Arkansas County Court Records register for an account, free of charge. South Arkansas bankruptcies for week ended Tuesday, February 28 to State, County and Municipal Public Records. Regardless of how parties obtained it, a typical judgment record contains the names of the litigants, a description of the case background, and the issued judgment. For instance, Pulaski County makes records from the Circuit Court available online to members of the public. The case status is Pending - Other Pending. Counties such as Arkansas County help to collect these records. In the Civil Division a court action is initiated by the filing of a complaint or petition by the Plaintiff. Pulaski Circuit/County Clerk Arkansas County Court Records Search (Arkansas) - County Office The Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 1967 gives the general public in Arkansas County this fundamental right. Contact (501) 340-8766 or Search County Court Orders > Section 25-19-103 of the Arkansas FOIA, enacted on February 14, 1967, stipulated that every documented record from the discharge of official duties supported by public funds are public records. The Arkansas Court of Appeals, established in 1979 by an Act of the General Assembly, is an intermediate appellate court. Pine Bluff, AR 71601 870-541-5322 870-541-5324 (fax) Shawndra Taggart County Assessor Email. The State District Courts can have their jurisdictions over two or more counties, while the Local District Courts are limited to cities or counties. Upon getting the record sought, the court staff shall make regular copies of the judgment record unless the requester specifically requested a certified copy. The FOIA was passed to deepen the confidence of Arkansans in public officials. The court charges different appeal fees for various judgments. The clerk of the courts provides payroll services for both courts and acts as the custodian of their records. They can also rebuff a public record request if the requestor has pleaded guilty to or convicted for a felony and is serving time at a correctional facility. The Court also allows limited filers to file electronically. The Circuit Clerk is the Clerk of the Circuit Courts and acts as the ex-officio recorder of Greene County. Paragould, AR 72450. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days after the decision of the court has been entered. In the Civil Division a court action is initiated by the filing of a complaint or petition by the Plaintiff. They also record certain documents not related to real estate, such as notary bonds and certificates of military discharge. Phone: (870) 946-4219 These courts have 121 elected judges who serve for a six-year term and preside over cases brought before the courts. Contact Us 2018 Lonoke County Circuit Clerk. They are considered a good place to start when looking for a specific record or multiple records. AR, Stuttgart County Court Grieving parties on any decision of the Court of Appeals must first seek the permission of the Supreme Court before appealing the case. Gulley collection, 1819-1898 Medical Board of the Trans-Mississippi Department of the Confederate States Army records, 1862-1865 Also update address, telephone numbers, email addresses, IOLTA and pro bono information here. Arkansas County residents can obtain public records in-person at: Arkansas County Clerk's Office 101 Court Square DeWitt, AR 72042 Phone: (870) 946-4219 Fax: (870) 946-0171 NOTE - Arkansas County has a variety of rules that must be followed when it comes to obtaining records. DeWitt, AR 72042 Parties dissatisfied with decisions of the lower trial courts can seek a review from the Court of Appeals. Soldier's and Sailor's Discharges: No charge. View Arkansas County, Arkansas child support warrants list, including names, photos and last known addresses. 302 South College Street Court records, according to the .css-9c6ohv{font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;line-height:22px;font-family:"Arial",serif;color:#1b395e;text-transform:none;font-style:normal;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-9c6ohv:hover{color:#d30000;}Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), are public records in Arkansas. Online Services | Arkansas Judiciary The Circuit Clerk is the Clerk of the Circuit Courts and acts as the ex-officio recorder of Greene County. Search All Services; Citizens. The record of cases heard at the Arkansas Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals from May 20, 2013, is available online to members of the public. The Circuit Court is made up of Domestic Relations, Civil, Criminal, and Juvenile Courts. County Records - Pulaski Circuit/County Clerk Find Arkansas County, Arkansas court records by date, time, case number, and parties. Fax: 870-239-3550. Child Support: 501.676.3013. Also, there are 77 Local District Courts with 90 part-time judges serving a four-year tenure. starting January 1, Current back to 1975 (there may be some partial years prior but not completed). Court rulings of the Arkansas Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals are available on the CourtConnect platform. Government agencies in possession of public records are mandated to make the records available when requested per FOIA. Anyone on release or in jail can be searched for using the tool. Fax: (870) 946-0171. Obtain Court Records | Jefferson County, AR Circuit Clerk - Obtain Court Records Real Property Services 870-541-5306 Government Circuit Clerk Obtain Court Records Font Size: + - Share & Bookmark Feedback Print County and circuit courts file dockets and official court records are available through the Circuit Clerk's office. Official Bonds: $15 for 1st page and $5 for each additional page. Public Record Access. Clerks of courthouses are the custodian of court records, and they can make requested records available to interested persons in both paper and electronic forms. Gillett, Find Arkansas County, Arkansas courts and courthouses, such as federal, state, district, superior, criminal, common, circuit, judicial, judiciary, divorce, appeals, family, traffic, and small claims courts. Actually, the only court paperwork that we are required to keep for the public is the State Authorized Order of Protection paperwork. These records cover murders, rapes, burglaries, arson, motor vehicle theft, assaults, and crimes of a sexual nature. Visit their website site at, Get answers to frequently asked legal questions. In Arkansas County, the authorities keep arrest records on every single crime. Generally, this court is located in the county where the defendant lives or where the crime happened. Every Arkansas County resident, and Arkansas resident for that matter, has vital records kept on them. Location320 West Court Street, Room 124Paragould, AR 72450, ContactPhone: 870-239-6330Fax: 870-239-3550. Filing Fees | Furthermore, counties in Arkansas have court records archived and available online. Room 124. The Arkansas Supreme Court is not mandated to review every decision of the Court of Appeals. Pulaski Circuit/County Clerk In Arkansas County Civil Courts the Court resolves disputes between citizens. County Clerk | Jefferson County, AR And the best part of all, documents in their CrowdSourced Library are FREE. Circuit Courts: It has the sole discretion to review or decline cases appealed to it from the Court of Appeals. The concurrence of at least four of them is required to make decisions on cases appealed to the court. The PACER account is the starting point for document filing. A case may also be initiated by an appeal from a lower court (i.e. Notary: $15 for the 1st page and $5 for each additional page. Brown is represented by attorney Matthew Stephens. CourtConnect is how the public may access court records online for those courts in Arkansas using the software. Arkansas Randolph County Arkansas Courts This case was last updated from Randolph County Arkansas Courts on 01/09/2023 at 19:28:22 (UTC). This amendment gave the Circuit Courts general jurisdiction over all issues. Arkansas Courts keep records on all legal processes including documents from appeals. Besides court cases, opinions of the Arkansas Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals are also accessible online. The Washington County Circuit Clerk maintains the following public records: Court Records Domestic Relations Cases Divorce Separation & Maintenance Custody & Visitation Paternity Domestic Abuse Civil Suits Negligence Fraud Malpractice Contracts Debt Foreclosures Remove Disabilities Name Changes Criminal Suits Adult Criminal Charges 120 Court Square Requestors can go online to find records of most cases using a modern case management system called CourtConnect. Dependency-Neglect Attorney Ad Litem Program, Domestic Relations/Probate Attorney Ad Litem Program, Office of the Committee on Professional Conduct. Court Records are typically maintained by . District Courts in Arkansas have limited jurisdiction. Only properties worth at most $5,000 can be recovered at the Local District Courts. County court orders County contracts Annexation, road closing, and dedication petitions Special improvement district applications Pulaski County Board of Equalization appeals These records are available for inspection by the public during regular business hours. This order becomes binding when the clerk of court creates the judgment record. One central registry is used to store all vital records, including those from Arkansas County. 8:00am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday Find Arkansas County, Arkansas court records by date, time, case number, and parties. Sign up for our Crime and Courts newsletter, delivered every Wednesday. Suite 130, Justice Building Duties Include maintaining a record of all proceedings of the civil, domestic relations and juvenile courts, preparing the dockets for these courts, and preparing summons, warrants, orders, judgements and injunctions authorized by the circuit, domestic relations and juvenile court for delivery by the county sheriff. Circuit Court Inquiry - Sebastian County, Arkansas Records may only be accessed by the attorneys of record or by government agencies involved in the case. Supreme Court, Court of Appeals District Courts: Crawford County, Craighead County, Crittenden County, Faulkner County, Garland County, Hot Spring County, Independence County, Poinsett County - Tyronza Dept., Polk County, Pulaski County, Pulaski County - Little Rock Dept., Van Buren County, White County - Searcy Dept. Public records custodians reserve the right to deny requests regarding exempted records. South Arkansas bankruptcies by county for the week ended Tuesday, February 28, 2023, according to the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Arkansas. For Courts. Parties dissatisfied with the ruling of a court can apply for an appeal at a higher court for a review and possible overturn of that ruling. Lonoke, AR. Print Headline: Court date set for Tennessee woman charged with capital murder. ARKANSAS.STATERECORDS.ORG IS A PRIVATELY OWNED WEBSITE THAT IS NOT cashiering, document imaging, indexing, public access and e-recording and However, requestors may be required to provide information to facilitate the search as well as a nominal fee to cover the cost of copying. Public Property Records provide information on homes, land, or commercial properties, including titles, mortgages, property deeds, and a range of other documents. The public sometimes believes that they can come to our office and get fill-in-the-blank paperwork. 2023 County Office. The current county seat in Arkansas County is De Witt and Stuttgart. AR, DeWitt District Court Neither the . Privacy Policy The Greene County Circuit Clerk's Office maintains the records for the Civil Division of Circuit Court. The Circuit Court is made up of Domestic Relations, Civil, Criminal, and Juvenile Courts. All. for Civil and Criminal cases starting January 1st, 2014 forward. Some counties do not have all of their court records online. It was named after the Arkansas River (itself named for the Arkansas tribe), as was the subsequent Arkansas Territory. Disclaimer - State IDs and driver's licenses will do just fine. The Greene County Circuit Clerk's Office maintains the records for the Criminal Division of Circuit Court. To obtain Arkansas judgment records, visit the clerks office in the court that issued the judgment. They must, however, file cases within a stipulated time. Most other paperwork is presented by an attorney. *Please remember - face coverings are required in the court rooms and strongly recommended . DocketDescription: CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION SHEET, DocketDescription: COMPLAINT/PETITION FILED, DocketDescription: AOC COVERSHEET DOMESTIC REL. Union County Arkansas Court Records Search public court records from Union County Court in Arkansas online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more. The first step to take when trying to obtain court records in Arkansas is to determine the court that tried the particular case requested and then approach the clerk of that court. The decisions of the Court of Appeals are not immediately appealable at the Arkansas Supreme Court. You may also hand deliver your payment to the Circuit Clerk's Office. Courts in Arkansas County maintain records on everything that occurs during the legal process for future reference, including appeals. Only 9 out of 12 jurors must agree to decide on a small claims case. Assessor Name Marcia I Theis Phone . Appeals of cases not constitutionally for the Arkansas Supreme Court are brought before the Court of Appeals. Interested individuals can also visit the courthouses where such cases were heard and seek the clerks assistance to search their case files and retrieve case numbers. Arkansas County | Starlar Brown, 30 . The only other punishment than death for capital murder in Arkansas is life without the possibility of parole. -- A Tennessee woman charged with capital murder in the September 2021 shooting death of a Texarkana man has a court date this month, according to court records. This new electronic land records management system is an example of the countys Arkansas County Court Records are public records, documents, files, and transcripts associated with court cases and court dockets available in Arkansas County, Arkansas. In the Juvenile Division, proceedings shall be commenced by the filing of a petition with the Circuit Clerk's Office by the Prosecuting Attorney for family in need of services or delinquency or the Arkansas Department of Human Services for dependency-neglect. In Arkansas County, individuals can use a search tool in order to get access to the records. For questions relating to web access on all record types Cancellation and Refund Policy, Privacy Policy, and 113 North Division Street The authority of the Local District Courts is limited to cities or counties. Arkansas County is based in Arkansas. It is not cast in stone that the Supreme Court reviews the Court of Appeals decisions. Those looking to request reports must also bring some form of photo identification. They are maintained by various government . DeWitt, AR 72042 Starlar Brown, 30, has entered a plea of not guilty to the capital murder charge she is facing in the death of 40-year-old Keith McFadden. There are currently seven justices of the Supreme Court, headed by the Chief Justice, and serving an 8-year tenure. 302 South College St. Stuttgart, AR 72160. In the state of Arkansas, the Court of Appeals has the power to oversee any lower court case in which one party appeals. Note that unclear public record requests may also be declined by the custodians. The Arkansas County Court Records Search (Arkansas) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Arkansas County public records. Phone: (870) 946-4219 In Arkansas County and across the whole state of Arkansas, police officers must keep an up-to-date list of all criminal records. Arkansas judgment records describe a courts decision on the facts of a criminal or civil case filed in its jurisdiction. On August 1, 2022, the Circuit Clerk's office will begin e-Flex/e-filing in . Note: The Circuit Clerks Office does not perform criminal record checks. Members of the public have the right to inspect and make copies of public records at a cost. Hours. 102 NE A Street. Non-compliant and in-prison offenders are also shown in the results. Court Contact Information Supreme Court Court of Appeals . October 31, 2007 back to June 20, 1995 there are indexes only. The attorney search allows you to search for attorneys in Arkansas by Name, City, and Zip Code. The court staff will require details to search and retrieve the case record, such as the case number and litigants names. Attorneys may pay their annual license fees and professional association fees at this link. Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 CourtConnect | Arkansas Judiciary Home| (501) 682-6849. There are currently 23 judicial circuits in the state. Information for the Public | Arkansas Judiciary AR, Stuttgart Circuit Court Circuit Courts have five divisions, namely, the Criminal Division, Civil Division, Domestic Relation Division, Probate Division, and Juvenile Division. McFadden, of Texarkana, Texas, was found suffering from a gunshot wound in a yard on East 11th Street in Texarkana, Arkansas, and died shortly after he was discovered, according to reports. Our answer is always, "if you don't know how to get or fill out the proper paperwork, we suggest you hire an attorney." Marshals West Arkansas Task Force developed information that he was in Memphis, Tennessee. County court orders County contracts Annexation, road closing, and dedication petitions Special improvement district applications Pulaski County Board of Equalization appeals These records are available for inspection by the public during regular business hours. The Greene County Circuit Clerk's office maintains the records for the Juvenile Division of the Circuit Court. The software helps the county facilitate This document may not be reprinted without the express written permission of Texarkana Gazette, Inc. However, a constitutional amendment in 2001 eliminated that discrimination and merged all the cases under the jurisdiction of the Circuit Courts in Arkansas. 2023 County Office. Interested persons can search CourtConnect with their partial or complete names to retrieve their case numbers. Images are also available for civil cases List of Arkansas County Courts Find Arkansas County, Arkansas courts and courthouses, such as federal, state, district, superior, criminal, common, circuit, judicial, judiciary, divorce, appeals, family, traffic, and small claims courts. Child Support payments can be mailed in via USPS, FedEx, or UPS. Small claims cases in Arkansas that must involve the presence of attorneys are tried at the civil division of the District Court. 1000 Ricebelt Avenue NOTE - Arkansas County has a variety of rules that must be followed when it comes to obtaining records. The criminal, civil, and family cases in Arkansas County are all supervised by the county courthouse. Arkansas County Assessor Website To facilitate the conduct of remote hearings, the Arkansas Supreme Court makes resources and guidelines available for judges, attorneys, and parties to any case. A case may also be initiated by an appeal from a lower court (i.e. Arkansas Court Records Search - County Office Considered open to citizens of the United States, public records are available through both traditional, government sources, and through third-party websites and organizations. Any other access has to be issued through a Court Order signed by a Circuit Judge. Small claims are petty cases tried at the Arkansas Small Claims Courts, which are subdivisions of District Courts. Criminal Background Check System or contact the Arkansas State Police Courts are divided into Criminal Courts and Civil Courts. NOTE - Normal records in Arkansas County can be directed by mail, email, or fax. Filings current back to August 1994. Surveys: $15 for the 1st page and $5 for each additional page. Cases involving marriage dissolutions or divorces, Description: CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION SHEET. A case may also be initiated by a transfer from another jurisdiction, in-state or out-of-state. 101 Court Square Disputes over properties with value not exceeding $5,000 are tried as small claims. be sent to you with instructions for you. Records may only be accessed by the attorneys of record or by government agencies involved in the case. Requestors can go online to find records of most cases using a modern case management system called CourtConnect. The office has opening times of 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. CST from Monday to Friday. What is this new system? Civil and Criminal indexes are now available through Public Court Connect. The counties that fall under each circuit are: Arkansas District Courts have limited jurisdiction. If you do not agree with these terms, then do not use our website and/or services. The Arkansas Court of Appeals has 12 judges, including one Chief Judge, who are all elected for an 8-year term. Circuit Clerk's Office Recording/Real Estate: 501.676.3043. Sebastian County Government > Courts AR. Arkansas Court Records FamilySearch Plats are searchable but are currently under construction. Terms and Conditions. Types of Domestic Relations cases are, but not limited to: Divorce, Annulment, Separate Maintenance, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Paternity, Domestic Abuse, Contempt and Body Attachment.Some Domestic records may be accessed at any time at, The Greene County Circuit Clerk's Office maintains the records for the Civil Division of Circuit Court. Currently, Arkansas has 77 Local District Courts with 178 departments and are served by 90 part-time judges.