The 87th Infantry Division arrived in Scotland, 22 October 1944, and trained in England, 23 October-30 November.
87th Division's WWI History - Graham Ancestry CCA (7th Armd Div) 4 Apr 45-6 Apr 45
800 new buildings were quickly constructed for the divisions who were scheduled to train at Pine Camp. equipment and uniforms with artillery guns and military vehicles in
In 1969 President Nixon planned to reduce American involvement in Viet Nam by training the Vietnamese military to take over the war. 2d Plat, Co B, 23d Armd Engr Bn (3d Armd Div) 5 Sep 44-6 Sep 44
In August 1990, Iraq invaded and overran neighboring Kuwait and threatened to do the same to Saudi Arabia. Some regiments were dropped from the unit, while . It was at that time the 82nd Infantry Division, composed of men from every state in America, hence the meaning of double A's badge , "All American". Golden Acorn World War II Museum Collection saving WWII History . Home. The U.S. demanded the removal of these missiles and Russia refused to comply. |A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|
951st FA Bn (155mm How) 6 Aug 44-20 Aug 44
On 6 May 1945, it took Falkenstein and maintained its positions until VE-day. He was from New Jersey. The division and aviation brigade then redeployed to duty stations in the U.S. Museum Artifacts Museum Exhibits; Mission; Projects. Hall. 1984. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Keep your Spirit (Stalwart &) strong, with courage, faith and hope.
Wikizero - Siege of Antwerp (1914) years of the Army Air Corps, the aviation exploits of famed civilian
Home Sea Girt Museum Lawrenceville Museum Leadership Wheeler Airfield GalleryChart the formative
Museums - 87th Infantry Division Tr A, 102d Cav Rcn Sq 25 Jan 45-27 Jan 45
Accomplishing this herculean task took five years and donations of over $40,000. Today, Fort Stewart is one of the Army's premier installations and has earned the Army Community of Excellence Award an unprecedented six times in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2012, and 2015. 394th Inf (99th Div) 10 Nov 44-14 Nov 44
4th armored division ww2 roster Stars and Stripes, which ought to know, called it The Varsity. A newspaper editorial at home dubbed it Hitlers Nemesis. Nobody knows what Hitler called it, but his term probably wasnt affectionate. Erected 2013 by the 87th Infantry Division Legacy Association. 95th Infantry Division. The content of the documents available on this page may only be used for personal, educational, or noncommercial purposes. 329th CT (83d Div) 13 Dec 44
Soon after, the Division answered the call to arms with units deployed to hostile territory in Afghanistan. 12 July 44 Maj. Gen. Donald A. Stroh
899th TD Bn (SP) 20 Jun 44-24 Jul 44
There are 76 soldiers of the 9th Infantry Division World War II still listed as missing in action. Have your registration,
40th Infantry Regiment :: New York State Military Museum and Veterans If you have any data on units and those who served we would be interested in adding it to our digital project-library; please Contact Us. Reaching the European Theater in November 1944, nineteen months after its activation, the 75th began fighting on January 1 in the Battle of the Bulge, and stayed in action there for 26 cold and bitter days. In a fluctuating battle, it captured Moircy on the 30th and Remagne on the 31st. Gen. James E. Wharton
Next, it covers the development of the installation thru present era. It landed in France, 1-3 December, and moved to Metz, where, on the 8th, it went into action against and took Fort Driant. The 3rd Infantry Division Soldiers were awarded two Medals of Honor during WWI. Here the Doughs of the 77th ran into the heaviest artillery fire of the Pacific war. The Division then shifted to the vicinity of Gross Rederching near the SaarGerman border on the 10th of December and captured Rimling, Obergailbach, and Guiderkirch in short order. Pine Camp was renamed Camp Drum in 1951 after the death of Lt. Gen. Hugh A.
87th Infantry Division (Reserve) Museum - 87th Infantry Division 32d Cav Rcn Sq (- 2 plats of Tr C) 27 Mar 45-31 Mar 45
Btry A, 951st FA Bn (155mm How) 1 Sep 44-5 Sep 44
For hosting your reception at the museum download the below MFR: Are you interested in volunteering at the museum? The division insignia consists of a red, white, and blue field with a blue "7" and a red "5" superimposed. Lt. Gen. In one of the most daring operations of the Pacific War- General Walter Krueger, Sixth Army commander, admitted that it might have turned into an American Dunkirkthe Statue of Liberty Division made a landing behind the main Japanese defense line on Ormoc Bay. The helicopter pilot training was rapidly accelerated and pilots were trained and soon sent to duty all over the world, with a large percentage seeing active duty in Viet Nam. 9 Dec 44 Maj. Charles O. Tingley, 27 Nov 43 Lt. Col. William L. Peverill
Geffnet am 24. und 31. Gen. Reese M. Howell (Acting), 27 Nov 43 Brig.
CCA (7th Armd Div) 7 Mar 45-8 Mar 45
Patch, 76th Infantry Division, 1944 - Read more and Support Us. One isa roster of the 87th, and the other is a list of the men who lost their lives during WWII. 91st Infantry Regiment .
World War II | National Guard Militia Museum of New Jersey CCA (3d Armd Div) 24 Apr 45-25 Apr 45
You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Band, 27 Nov 43 Maj. Gen. Manton S. Eddy
Co A, 47th AT Bn 20 Dec 44-20 Jan 45
It was activated at Camp Pike, Arkansas on 25 August 1917.
wikipedia.en/ at main interpret and exhibit the artifacts and related memorabilia, which
The Division was placed in SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force) reserve, 2428 December, then thrown into the Bulge battle in Belgium, 29 December. It landed in France, 1-3 December, and moved to Metz, where, on the 8th, it went . In 1998, several 10 th Mountain veterans agreed to work on a Database that would provide information on every man who served with the WWII 10th Mountain Division. 29 December 1944: VIII Corps, Third Army, 12th Army Group. On the 29th of March, 1813, the British attacked the garrison stationed there and although US forces repelled the attack, the critical supply depot located there was destroyed. [5] The 87th MAC was later inactivated and, on 1 October 1993, the lineage of the 87th Infantry Division was redesignated as Headquarters, 87th Division (Exercise) and activated at Birmingham, Alabama.
87th Infantry Division Museum - It was one of the divisions that led the breakthrough out of St.L, it fought at Chteau-Thierry and, on September 2, it began the liberation of Belgium. The 10th Mountain Division has continued to be ready to deploy across the globe at any time. The 87th was. After the fall of Neuendorf, 9 February, the division went on the defensive until 26 February, when Ormont and Hallschlag were taken in night attacks. In many ways, Fort Stewart appeared to be almost a ghost town, as never before has the entire Division been deployed from the post at one time. Facilities were upgraded and new permanent structures replaced many of the old wooden buildings from the days of Camp Stewart. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. It underwent training at Camp Green, North Carolina and Fort Bliss, Texas, and shipped to France, arriving in April 1918. multipurpose room. Museum. 25th 368th 369th. On 2 January 1945, it took Germont, on the 10th Tillet, and reached the Ourthe by the 13th. A tribute to the 87th Infantry Division (WWII Era) These men were held in two separate prisoner-of-war facilities on post and used as a labor force for base operations, construction projects, and for area farmers. 9th Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized)
CCB (9th Armd Div) 9 Mar 45-12 Mar 45
84th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)
2 plats, Co C, 90th Cml Bn 18 Feb 45-31 Mar 45
FOR SALE! The 75ththere was only onebounded back and forth so much along the European battlefront from January to May 1945, that observing its progress was a good deal like watching a lively tennis match. 9th Infantry Division in World War II.
World War II Order of Battle - Infantry Regiments of the US Army 2 btrys, 413th AAA Gun Bn (Mbl) 24 Dec 44-3 Jan 45
489th Armd FA Bn (7th Armd Div) (105mm How) 3 Apr 45-6 Apr 45
2d Ranger Inf Bn 6 Feb 45-8 Feb 45
After this attack the post saw no further significant action during the war.
WWII 10th Mountain veteran visits Fort Drum, shares wisdom with some of 27 Aug 44 Lt. Col. James R. Hutchison
Maison du Tourisme de la Fort de Saint-Hubert.
Camp Shelby - Wikipedia Do you have items such as papers, photos, uniforms, gear, guns, weapons and other artifacts? We proudly sustain and support the 3 rd Infantry Division and our partners on Fort Stewart, Hunter Army Airfield, and throughout the Army. The 87th Division was a National Army division, made up of draftees from Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. He arrived at Hunter Field on 26 Nov. 1962, flew to Donovan Parade Field at Fort Stewart, where he reviewed the entire 1st Armored Division. Known as the Five Nations, this confederation was comprised of the Mowhawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca tribes and formed a long standing and successful federation. Colonel Vedder B. Driscoll (19251983), who had enlisted in 1943 and was a platoon sergeant for Company I, 345th Infantry, achieved thirty years of commissioned service. Camp Hale was 9,000 feet above sea level with nearby training areas were generally more than 10,000 feet above sea level. 183d FA Bn (155mm How) 6 Aug 44-11 Aug 44
It was assigned to the Third Army on 25 November 1944, and arrived at Le Havre, France, on 28 November 1944. Save up to 30% when you upgrade to an image pack. With the expansion of nearby Pine Camp, the need for Madison Barracks declined. 4th Cav Gp 17 Apr 45-22 Apr 45, 87th Cml Bn (- 1 co) 16 Jun 44-19 Jun 44
reflect the history of Schofield Barracks, the 25th Infantry
254th FA Bn (155mm How) 19 Feb 45-31 Mar 45
It is ironic that the first European settlement of the Fort Stewart area was, in fact, a military fortification. 172d FA Bn (4.5" Gun) 28 Sep 44-23 Oct 44
Auerhalb der Schulferien: Von Mrz bis November von 10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr und von Dezember bis Februar von 10.00 bis 14.00 Uhr geffnet. (Video by David Isakson, Fort Knox Visual Information) Email:, or call (404) 323-8978 for more details. merged to form a historical holding as defined by the Center of
87th Infantry Division Museum - On 1 October 1991, the Tropic Lightning
38th Cav Rcn Sq (- Tr A) 20 Dec 44-27 Jan 45
Moving on into Sicily, the 9th landed at Palermo and added the key city of Randazzo to its growing list of conquests. CoB, 17th Tk Bn (7th Armd Div) 6 Apr 45-8 Apr 45
It fought its way through Saarlautern, street by street and house by house, and as the winter snows covered the battle-field, it battled south of Aachen. 413th AAA Gun Bn (Mbl) 20 Dec 44-24 Dec 44
It was called on subsequently to spearhead coalition forces in Operation Iraqi Freedom, fighting its way to Baghdad in early April, which led to the end of the Saddam Hussein government that imposed tyranny over the people of Iraq. Elizabeth, I'm just learning about my great-grandfather and have found that he was also with the 347th Infantry 87th Division.
10th Mountain Division | Military Wiki | Fandom The mission of the Tropic Lightning Museum is to collect, preserve,
General Black Jack Pershing said it best when he called the Divisions performance one of the most brilliant in our military annals. The division earned six battle stars in WWI. The 87th Army Reserve Support Command assumed command and control of the newly formed Mobilization Support Group East and its 16 subordinate battalions effective 16 October 2008. Flint
Because of discontinuity in the German railroad system, the 87th was routed to Germany by returning to Belgium on 3 February 1945. The 107th Ohio Infantry Regiment sometimes 107th Ohio Volunteer Infantry or 107th OVI was an infantry regiment in the Union Army during the American. 394th Inf (99th Div) 11 Mar 45
The 24th Infantry Division began intensive training over the expanse of piney woods and lowlands of the post, and conducted live fire exercises on many of the old Camp Stewart anti-aircraft ranges. Closed Sundays, Mondays and Federal Holidays, Director: (315) 774-0391
memorabilia and assorted artifacts. Drum. The 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) is a light infantry division in the United States Army based at Fort Drum, New York. Btry C, 981st FA Bn (155mm Gun) 28 Jun 44-1 Jul 44
17 Sep 44 Col. James S. Rodwell
These maneuvers helped train 35,600 soldiers. The 87th Infantry Legacy Associations mission is to preserve the World War II contributions of the 87th Infantry Division and educate the public about the significant sacrifices and contributions of the Divisions soldiers during this pivotal global war. After much patrol activity east of the Rhine, the 75th crossed the river on March 24, and a week later launched its first big attack on the other side. The 87th Infantry Division was ordered into active military service on 15 December 1942 at Camp McCain, Mississippi. Enigma Books Also published by Enigma Books Hitler's Table Talk: 1941-1944 In Stalin's Secret Service Hitler and Mussolini: The Secret Meetings The Jews in Fascist Italy: A History The Man Behind the Rosenbergs Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History Diary 1937-1943 (Galeazzo Ciano) Secret Affairs: FDR, Cordell Hull, and Sumner Welles Hitler and His Generals: Military Conferences . Gen. Todd Lazaroski, provides an introduction to this historical division and welcomes you to join the team. Read unit history | Print history and insignia (PDF) 3rd Armored Division. Boulder: Westview Press, 1998. On 15 January 1945, the division moved to Luxembourg to relieve the 4th Infantry Division along the Sauer and seized Wasserbillig on 23 January. Co B, 308th Engr C Bn (83d Div) 14 Jul 44-17 Jul 44
6 May 45 Maj. Franklin G. Allen, 27 Nov 43 Lt. Col. Robert W. Robb
CCR (3d Armd Div) 24 Apr 45-25 Apr 45, 4th Cav Gp 20 Jun 44-1 Jul 44
Co A, 612th TD Bn (SP) 20 Dec 44-29 Dec 44
3d Plat, Rcn Co, 3d Armd Inf (3d Armd Div) 5 Sep 44-6 Sep 44
107th Ohio Infantry Regiment - There are 3 soldiers of the 75th Infantry Division World War II still listed as missing in action. |A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|
361st 362nd 363rd.
10th Mountain Division & Fort Drum Museum - U.S. Army Center of Tropic Lightning Museum - U.S. Army Center of Military History It landed in France, 13 December, and moved to Metz, where, on 8 December, it went into action against and took Fort Driant. The division was inactivated 21 September 1945. 54th Armd FA Bn (3d Armd Div) 1 Jul 44-31 Jul 44
early Schofield Barracks and the grim conditions the U.S. Army had
The first gallery tells the history
19 Aug 44 Maj. Gen. Louis A Craig
The 87th Training Division was reactivated in Hoover, Alabama under the 84th Training Command. Box 8088
83d Armd Rcn Bn (3d Armd Div) 10 Jul 44-16 Jul 44
Almost 1000 were part of Task Force Victory, which began the task of rebuilding Kuwait. The units are now at Fort Stewart, Georgia, and Ft. Benning, Georgia, and the Aviation Brigade is at Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia. On March 7ththere they go againthe Division jumped from Venlo, Holland, to Bryell, Germany. An announcement of the new posts name was made in Jan. 1941. 4th armored division ww2 roster. Not only did the 9th keep the Germans from breaking out of there, but at Schmallenberg, Hitlers Nemeses captured themselves a fine German footwear factory and were issued an unprecedentedly large number of new shoes. Anastasia Rakowsky) VIEW ORIGINAL 2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption - Mr. Hilton Labow, a 98 year-old WWII Veteran who served in the 87th Infantry Regiment and fought in the Battle of Mount . First US Army assumed authority from Fifth US Army, which was transforming into United States Army North (ARNORTH), assuming nationwide responsibility for homeland security. If you have any data on units and those who served we would be interested in adding it to our digital project-library; please Contact Us. Sample Page; ; The 87th Infantry Division arrived in Scotland, 22 October 1944, and trained in England, 23 October-30 November. 1st Bn, 33d Armd Regt (3d Armd Div) 5 Sep 44-6 Sep 44
Ward, 27 Nov 43 Col. Frederick J. de Rohan
With the Guam and Leyte campaigns under its belt, the 77th could have been excused for thinking it had seen Pacific fighting at its roughest. Tr A, 38th Cav Rcn Sq 8 Jan 45-27 Jan 45
3rd Sustainment Brigade - United States Army It comprised units in Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Florida. Available for both RF and RM licensing. 2d Plat, 99th Rcn Tr (99th Div) 22 Dec 44-26 Jan 45
Camp Stewart would have a role to play in that mission. Central Europe, 39th Infantry
[[1]. Fort Stewart saw a growing influx of National Guard and Reserve units who were being mobilized to support the operations in Saudi Arabia and to assume the tasks at the post which had formerly been accomplished by Division personnel. 1 plat, Btry A, 987th FA Bn (155mm Gun) 7 Dec 44-10 Dec 44
9th Signal Company
Co C, 893d TD Bn (SP) 20 Dec 44-27 Jan 45
In October 2001, in honor of the 60th Anniversary of the Division,
Crossed into Belgium on 12 January 1945, and returned to XII Corps on 14 January 1945. 345th 346th 347th. 8/14/2019 US Army: frontlineonline03-08-07news 1/13FRONTLINEServing the Fort Stewa rt and Hunter Army Airfield comm unities (w March 8, 2007PRSRT STD Btry B, 991st FA Bn (155mm Gun) 13 Sep 44
In Tunisia, during the winter and early spring of 1943, the 9th made a 900-mile forced march to Kasserine and fought at Sened and Maknassy, and on May 7, tank destroyers attached to the Division were the first Allied troops into Bizerte, last German stronghold in Africa. 172d FA Bn (4.5" Gun) 19 Jun 44-1 Jul 44
By late 1943 Camp Stewart assumed a new responsibility as one of many holding areas designated in this country for German and Italian prisoners of war who had fallen into Allied hands during fighting in North Africa. These efforts were spurred by the Russo-Finnish winter war. This historic unit, which had seen active and arduous service in the Pacific during WWII and in the Korean War, had been inactive since 1970. Striking shortly after dawn, three years to the day after Pearl Harbor, the Doughboys of the 77th caught the Japs completely by surprise, and, in the heavy battles which followed, broke the back of the enemy defense of Leyte. He went ashore with the 77th Division to record the agonies of the foot soldier, and was killed by machine-gun fire. Northern France
From Fighting Divisions, Kahn & McLemore, Infantry Journal Press, 1945-1946. Global War on Terrorism. Gen. Hammond D. Birks, 27 Nov 43 Col. George B. Barth
upgrade and improvement, the museum moved to the newly renovated
Liberating Unit Histories and Insignia - United States Holocaust 10 Oct 44 Col. Van H. Bond, 27 Nov 43 Col. George W. Smythe
In an ironic twist, now instead of training soldiers to shoot down aircraft, they were training soldiers to fly them. The division was composed of the 4th, 7th, 30th, and 38th Infantry Regiments, the 10th, 18th, and 76th FA Regiments, and the 6th Engineer Regiment, with a total of 28,000 men. 809th FA Bn (155mm How) 4 Apr 45-7 Apr 45
Paul R. Smith received his medal posthumously for his actions that saved the lives of many American soldiers. 7 Jan 45 Brig. However, almost overnight, the post was virtually emptied as these units shipped out for England. 186th FA Bn (155mm How) 20 Dec 44-26 Jan 45
Museum. Hq & Hq Btry, 188th FA Gp 28 Sep 44-23 Oct 44
Oglethorpe established the first European settlement in the Fort Stewart area with the 1733 construction of Fort Argyle, in present day Bryan County on the west bank of the Ogeechee River. As part of a major
From then on, the much-travelled 75th fought in the Hotten-Grandmenil sector, took Witten, and conducted extensive mopping-up operations in the north corner of the Ruhr pocket, at Eckern and other points. 957th FA Bn (155mm How) 16 Jun 44-1 Jul 44
In the mean time, there were few colonists willing to settle the wilderness of the Fort Stewart area, although by 1768 there was a small settlement at Taylors Creek. 2d Bn, 395th Inf (99th Div) 24 Dec 44-5 Jan 45
Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Thomas D. Connor Buried at Galena's Greenwood Cemetery turned over to the Installation and became the Post Museum. The 9th Armored Division landed in Normandy late in September 1944, and first went into line, 23 October, on patrol duty in a quiet sector along the Luxembourg-German frontier. Co A, 703d TD Bn (SP) 1 Jul 44-31 Jul 44
9th Medical Battalion, 26th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)
Encyclopedia Of Cold War Espionage, Spies, And Secret Operations [PDF 104th Infantry Division. Co A, 801st TD Bn (SP) 29 Dec 44-3 Feb 45
Military Police Platoon
A Brief History of the 87th Infantry Regiment - LinkedIn Facilities were expanded and improved. Honor Roll Missing In Action Tombs of Unknowns Prisoners of War WWII US Army Enlistment; . In March 1942 the decision was made to activate a full division of specialized mountain troops. Army Museum by the Chief of Military History. Co A, 87th Cml Bn 27 Jan 45-3 Feb 45
Newsletter. As these maneuvers drew to a close, a feeling of restless anticipation pervaded the ranks of the National Guard soldiers who were looking toward their impending release from active duty after completion of their year of training. View some pictures of recent Exhibits. The training base for the division was to be Camp Hale, Colorado. One way we promote public education of military history is through our exhibits. Hunter Army Airfield was once again reopened to support the training and activities of the Rangers. With the reactivation of the 24th Infantry Division, the post entered a new phase in its history. All men survived. The decision was made that the post would no longer be viewed as a temporary installation. Battery B, 438th AAA AW Bn (Mbl) 20 Sep 44-4 Oct 44
10 Dec 44 Maj. Reginald L. Riley (Acting)
The other major theme area is the history of the famed 10th Mountain Division from its inception in the mountains of Colorado and wartime baptism in the mountains of Italy. Though EOD Soldiers' typical . 309th Inf (78th Div) 8 Feb 45-12 Feb 45
The 36 hour war games took place over nearly 100 miles of land, which had been leased for the maneuvers. Co C, 90th Cml Bn 3 Apr 45-12 Apr 45, Co A, 23d Armd Engr Bn (3d Armd Div) 1 Jul 44-31 Jul 44
On 15 July 1943, the 10th Light Division (Alpine) was activated, it continued to train for the next year and in November 1944 the division was re-designated as the 10th Mountain Division. 87th Infantry Division Museum - On 28 Dec. 1950 Camp Stewart was redesignated as the 3rd Army Anti-Aircraft Artillery Training Center. The 87th Infantry Division arrived in Scotland, 22 October 1944, and trained in England, 23 October-30 November.It landed in France, 1-3 December, and moved to Metz, where, on 8 December, it went into action against and took Fort Driant.The division then shifted to the vicinity of Gros-Rderching near the Saar-German border on 10 December and captured Rimling, Obergailbach, and Guiderkirch. The 87th Division lost more than 20,000 men, and numbered 15,000 men in June 1918. Co A, 47th Armd Inf Bn (5th Armd Div) 20 Dec 44-27 Jan 45
Except for the 47th Infantry, which was detached at the end of the war to travel briefly to Norway, the rest of the 9th spent the closing days of the struggle cleaning up that pocket. Vietnam, the Division maintained its own collection and displays of
For other battles of the same name, see Siege of Antwerp. RARE ORIGINAL WWII 75th DIVISION BATTLE OF BULGE BUSTER History 1946 See Photos - $13.61. Co A, 703d TD Bn (SP) 10 Jul 44-16 Jul 44
Cos C & D, 87th Cml Bn 20 Jul 44-25 Oct 44
He was on board the SS Persic when a German U-boat struck it with a torpedo. 301st 302nd 376th. By Spring 1944 the camp was bulging at its seams as more than 55,000 soldiers occupied the facility during the build-up for the D-Day invasion. and traces their combat history from World War II to Vietnam. Later it became the Six Nations, when joined by the Tuscarora. attack on December 7, 1941. 39 . Copyright 2000-2017 by the 87th Infantry Division Legacy Association, All unit histories compiled into a single volume, 87th Division Artillery - HQ, HQ Btry, 334th FA Bn, and 335th FA Bn, 336th FA Bn, 912th FA Bn, 87th Air Section. Here youll find an organized list of resources that will help get you started. 25th Infantry DivisionFollow the 25th
93rd Infantry Division. From Fighting Divisions , Kahn & McLemore, Infantry Journal Press, 1945-1946. 90th Infantry Regiment. Post-Vietnam, Cold War, Peacekeeping, & the Global War on
60 posts. The red-white-and-blue octofoilthe fifteenth century heraldic symbol for the ninth sonhas been borne through Algeria, Tunisia, French Morocco, Sicily, England, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, and Norwayand the men who now wear it are on permanent occupation duty in Germany. One way we promote public education of military history is through our exhibits. 87th Infantry Division. 24 Jul 44 Lt. Col. Van H. Bond
height of the aviation boom, and Wheelers involvement during the
The second gallery picks up
DVIDS - 3rd Infantry Division 12 Aug 44 Brig. Welcome to the 3 rd Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade!