5. develop further in their yirat shamayim, ahavat HaShem, derech eretz and av… Old City, Jerusalem, Midreshet Harova Food and housing are not provided. Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem, Emunah V'Omanut It is an often-heard frustration that though there might be opportunities for Torah study in school or in Israel, there has been very little serious Torah study available in L.A. for adult women. It’s official — the long study period from Sukkot until the weeks before Passover has arrived. Netanya, Midreshet Torah v'Avodah Tiferet Rabbi Azriel Rosner Ramat Bet Shemesh. How Can We Control Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria? For the IDF, it's been a common practice for decades. B’nai David-Judea’s Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky, who has played a key role in getting the project off the ground, says, “What we’re seeing in the broad-based founding of Netivot is the ever-widening recognition that we will be a richer, holier community when we are being powered by the entirety of our creative engine, not just half the pistons.”, Sari Abrams, Kanefsky’s wife, who is heading up the fundraising efforts, says, “So many different educators have put aside their differences, because they realize that in order to have Orthodoxy survive into the next decades, both genders need to receive solid, serious religious education.”. Givat Washington, Michlalah Yerushalayim Katamonim, Jerusalem, Stella K. Abraham Beit Midrash for Women of Yeshiva Har Etzion (Migdal Oz) And if we all commit to respond with graciousness, kindness, and love, we can transform new campus realities into profound life lessons for our future. Have you ever really studied Torah? It is very possible that some plans could change, depending upon the progression of the virus and/or applicable state and local government guidance. While studying in Israel, students study Jewish subjects while learning firsthand about Israel… Next year’s studies will be especially instrumental in shaping the course of our students’ lives. – from their Web site. Rabbi Ira Kosowsky For over eighteen years, Mayanot has reached tens of thousands of Jewish students through innovative formal and informal education programs. Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith Ten years later, 33 women … Rabbi Eli Menaged 3. grow with and from the kindness and sincerity of each member of our exceptional staff along with the individual attention provided to each student. In bringing our students back to campus, safety is our first priority. Stella K. Abraham Beit Midrash for Women of Yeshiva Har Etzion (Migdal Oz) Esti Rosenberg Kibbutz Migdal Oz. Jewish Journal Wins 5 AJPA Awards Including Best Weekly Newspaper, Jewish Journal Wins 5 AJPA Awards Including Best Weekly Newspaper ⭐, Film Review: Intermarriage, Iranian Jewish Style, The Last Week: A Short Guide to Israel’s Coming Elections, From Herd Resistance to Herd Immunity: One Year of COVID-19, The Tikvah Fund & the Roots of Jewish Conservatism, Preparing for Pesach by Delivering Boxes of Food and Love to Survivors, Beverly Hills City Council to Consider Resolution Against LA District Attorney. Personal tutors and mentors are available to each student. The Westside Jewish Community Center dedicated a classroom to Netivot at no cost, recognizing its significance not just to the Orthodox com-munity, but to women of all denominations who are expected to become part of the student body. Baka, Jerusalem, Midreshet Rachel V'Chaya Rabbis who are at opposite ends of the Orthodox spectrum have put aside their political differences to lend their knowledge, talent and stature to Netivot’s mission. Rabbi Noam Fix  Mrs. Miriam Tawil ... may be surprised by the flourishing of women’s opportunities in Israel. Israel Mailing Address: She’arim P.O. Co-Educational Programs There will be some compromises and minor inconveniences--not every issue has a perfect solution. Old City, Jerusalem, Midreshet Lindenbaum The studying is usually done through daily shiurim as well as in study pairs called chavrutas. The Gap year yeshiva and seminary programs in Israel made it to the first significant-finish line. Home Explore Judaism Study In Israel Audio Ohr Somayach International is a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation ( letter on file ) EIN 13-3503155 and your donation is tax deductable. Netivot opens this October, after Sukkot, with a schedule of 10 classes that are meant to be accessible and convenient for women. I am deeply thankful to our task force members and all who supported them for their tireless work in addressing the myriad details involved in bringing students back to campus and restarting our educational enterprise. German Colony, Jerusalem, Machon Maayan Arnona, Jerusalem, Midreshet Moriah The yeshiva’s goal is to enable women to learn Torah at the highest level, to become bearers and transmitters of Torah, in some cases to become talmidot hakhamim. A unique 3-week learning program in Israel, Aish HaTorah’s women’s learning program is located in the very heart of Jerusalem’s Old City. What has finally emerged – after some negotiating and compromising and hours of hard work by many volunteers – is an impressive faculty that pulls from a broader range of the Orthodox community than is represented in almost any other educational institution. A yeshiva is a Jewish educational institution that focuses on the study of traditional religious texts, primarily the Talmud and the Torah, and halacha. Spring 2021/Covid-19: Please refer to our latest updates here, Darchei Binah Next year will be a formative year in the lives of our students, and together we will rise to the moment so that our students will emerge stronger and better prepared to be leaders of the world of tomorrow. In concert with the recommendations from our task force, I am announcing today that our fall semester will reflect a hybrid model. Dear Students, Faculty, Staff and Friends. The mission of Yeshiva University is to enrich the moral, intellectual and spiritual development of each of our students, empowering them with the knowledge and abilities to become people of impact and leaders of tomorrow. Rabbi David Katz U.S.# in Israel 646-506-9306. Phone: +972-2-651-4240. Deeply rooted in our Jewish values and forward focused in preparing for the careers and competencies of the future, we journey together with you, our Yeshiva University community, through these uncharted waters. Givat Shaul, Jerusalem, Midreshet Tehillah ‘Wonder Woman’s’ Gal Gadot is Pregnant with Third Child, ‘Oslo’ Drama Underway from Steven Spielberg, Marc Platt, ‘Valley of Tears’ Tells Harrowing Stories of the 1973 Yom Kippur War. It’s an incredible opportunity to explore the depth and beauty of Judaism along with other like-minded, passionate women. It originated in 1924 when the roshei yeshiva and 150 students of the Slabodka Yeshiva , known colloquially as the "mother of yeshivas", relocated to Hebron . Their planning has been guided by the latest medical information, government directives, direct input from our rabbis, faculty and students, and best practices from industry and university leaders across the country. The head of the all-women’s yeshiva, Shirat Devorah, is educator and former Berkeleyite Jody Feld, wife of the late mohel, Rabbi Chanan Feld. She spent years searching in vain for a program that offered a full schedule of shiurim (classes) where women with either advanced or rudimentary Jewish text skills could directly encounter the biblical, legal and philosophic books. Rav Eitan Mayer The essence of both the men's and women's programs is strong, in-depth learning with the unique inner-spiritual connection Reb Shlomo taught us." Many aspects of campus life will change for this coming semester. S. Daniel Abraham Israel Program | Yeshiva … That’s the kind of learning done in the best yeshivas, the kind of learning scholars spend their lives on.And it is the kind of learning that will be going on at Netivot: Women’s Torah Study Institute, a new broad-based endeavor aimed at bringing high-level textual study to women. Ramat Gan, 500 West 185th Street, New York, NY 10033, Guide to Israel Schools ∣ Women's Schools, Skip to desktop navigation to bypass mobile navigation, Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education & Administration, Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, Graduate Program In Advanced Talmudic Studies, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, The Emil A. and Jenny Fish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Yeshiva University, Jacob E. Safra Institute For Sephardic Studies, Rabbi Arthur Schneier Program For International Affairs, Straus Center for Torah & Western Thought, Graduate Program In Advanced Talmudic Studies For Women, Skip to main navigation to bypass utlility navigation, Stella K. Abraham Beit Midrash for Women of Yeshiva Har Etzion (Migdal Oz). 2. engage their minds, their hearts and their souls in their personal growth and in their Torah study. This is the kind of teachable moment that Yeshiva University was made for. Says Rabbi Asher Brander of the Westwood Kehilla, who has been instrumental in getting Netivot off the ground: “We have a whole cadre of women who have been taught to use their minds, to express themselves creatively, and then we tell them to stop at the age of 20. In the United States and Israel, the different levels of yeshiva education have … Rabbi Michael Susman We don’t create institutions for them.”. Yeshiva City Phone @ Also see: Midrasha Programs for Religious Women @ Pre-military … Before our semester begins, we will provide more updates reflecting our most current guidance. In form and in content, this coming semester will be like no other. This is a list of yeshivas, midrashas, and Hebrew schools in Israel and the West Bank. Esti Rosenberg Contact Info: The Yeshiva University women’s tennis team will participate in the NCAA Division III tournament for the first time. It is imperative that Yeshiva College and its roshei yeshiva create a culture in which students are expected to respect and seek out women’s Torah, especially in … But our tradition also teaches us that we are in control of our response to our circumstances. Hebron Yeshiva, also known as Yeshivas Hevron, or Knesses Yisroel, is a yeshiva devoted to high-level study of the Talmud. Mrs. Ilana Gottleib Reopening our campuses will not be a simple binary, like an on/off light switch, but more like a dimmer in which we have the flexibility to scale backwards and forwards to properly respond as the health situation evolves. The Yeshiva prides itself on its open attitude which embraces all Jewish people and supports the Land of Israel. Ramat Bet Shemesh, Tomer Devorah Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Seif Dr. Devorah Rosenwasser Planning for the future during this moment has certainly been humbling. Nishmat Rav Yehoshua Weisberg Pat, Jerusalem. The university's building in Jerusalem, in the Bayit VeGan neighborhood, contains a branch of the rabbinical seminary and an office coordinating the S. Daniel Abraham Israel Program, a formal arrangement between Yeshiva University and 42 men's yeshivot and women's midrashot in Israel that enables students to incorporate study in Israel into their college years. Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem, Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim Between 2007 and 2017, the number of Haredim studying in higher education had risen from 1,000 to 10,800. Rabbi Shimon Kurland Rabbanit Sally Mayer Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY) is an institution of advanced women's Torah education with a unique approach that has made it one of the foremost options for English-speaking post-high school students in Israel. Har Nof, Jerusalem, Midreshet Torat Chessed We understand that even after reading through this guide, you might have many additional questions, so we will be posting an extensive FAQ section online as well. The essence of both the men s and women s programs is strong, in-depth learning with the unique inner-spiritual connection Reb Shlomo taught us." Gatherings will be limited, larger courses will move completely online. It also enables students who prefer to not be on campus to have a rich student experience by continuing their studies online and benefitting from a full range of online student services and extracurricular programs. – from their Web site Volunteering and teaching and listening to Survivors is part of my spiritual preparation for the holidays. Sha'alvim for Women Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith Malcha, Jerusalem. Character is formed and developed in times of deep adversity. Curious Times Episode 12: What Remains After We’re Gone. The Bagel Report: The Podcast: The Series w/ Julia Lester! Baka, Jerusalem, Midreshet AMIT Personal Attention. As such, we have developed an educational plan for next year that features a high-quality student experience and prioritizes personal growth during this Coronavirus era. Neta Nissim, ZAVIT* Science and Environment News Agency, With Trump Gone, Anti-Trump Governors Find Life More Difficult, “Zionists On Campus” Initiative Aims to Protect Jewish Students, The Jewish highlights of the 2021 Grammys, ‘Chicago 7’ ‘Palm Springs,’ ‘Schitt’s Creek’ and Jerry Seinfeld Win Critics’ Choice Awards, Mazel Tov! Zion, Jerusalem 91063, Israel Tel 02-671-6841 FAX 02-672-9493 From the USA 011-972-2-671-6841 diasporayeshiva18@gmail.com With everything now in place for the program's opening, the school is short only on desks. Genocide is a slow process. Tomer Devorah Rabbi Noam Fix Sanhedria Murchevet, Jerusalem. It will allow many students to return in a careful way by incorporating online and virtual learning with on-campus classroom instruction. Rabbi Jeremy Kagan Yeshiva Shalom Rav specializes in providing personal attention and sees each student as a separate individual. Our students will be able to work through the difficulties, issues and opportunities posed by our COVID-19 era with our stellar rabbis and faculty, as well as their close friends and peers at Yeshiva. The Yeshiva offers serious exploration of a broad spectrum of Jewish teachings including Gemara, Halacha, and Chassidut. Goal of Program At Shaalvim for Women we strive for our students to… 1. continue and enhance their love for learning Torah. This schedule will limit the amount of back and forth travel for our students by concentrating the on-campus component of the fall semester to one consecutive segment. Malcha, Jerusalem, Tiferet In 2007, the Kemach Foundation was established to become an investor in the sector's social and economic development and provide opportunities for employment. But in its very difference rests its enormous power. (You can unsubscribe anytime), © Copyright 2021 Tribe Media Corp • Powered by Lightdrop. At a yeshiva in Jerusalem, approximately 7,400 miles from the Bay Area, students enjoy a touch of Berkeley. Due to our focus on minimizing risk, our undergraduate students will begin the first few weeks of the fall semester online and move onto the campus after the Jewish holidays. Government Announces United Women’s Economic Development Network Felice Friedson, The Media Line - January 14, 2021 As Regional Alliances Shift, Israel Must Tread Lightly Women's Open House - Sunday, November 15, 2020. But faith and fortitude, mutual cooperation and resilience are essential life lessons that are accentuated during this period. Rav Yehoshua Weisberg The best way to do this kind of learning is to have a partner, a chavruta, who can complement your insights and knowledge, and for the two of you to have the kind of teacher who can take you up and around and through the layered levels of discourse. Pat, Jerusalem, Sha'alvim for Women Chavrusa-style learning is one of the unique features of the yeshiva. Women's Schools in Israel Afikei Torah Rabbi Gil Freiman1049 E. 13th St.Brooklyn, N.Y. 11230Phone: (718) 758-0280Fax: (718) 758-0281Email: dbin@abac.com Rabbi Ilan SegalPO Box 16432Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem 96428Phone: (02) 644-8455Fax: (02) 644-8454. We will live differently, work differently and learn differently. Women’s midrashot, the women’s educational counterpart to the men’s yeshiva, are packed with hundreds of young women studying Jewish texts, weaving themselves into the legacy of Jewish discourse. Diaspora Yeshiva Box 6426 Mt. Additionally, we will also be holding community calls for faculty, students, staff and parents over the next couple of months. There are advanced and beginner classes, held in the Valley and at the Westside JCC, in the daytime, evenings and weekends, and – since the founders are mostly women who know what it means to take two hours off to go to a class – there will be child care. Machon L'Yahadus - Women's Yeshiva to study Judaism for college age women. The Torah is addressing the universal Moses lurking within each and every one of us. Fax: +972-2-651-8370 It is never made up of a single act of ethnic persecution or murder. And it involves more than the regular yoga and healthy eating classes. The Beverly Hills City Council will be taking up a resolution expressing no confidence against Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón on March 16. Combining women in combat positions has been a hot topic for armed forces worldwide. Mrs. Shira Melamed Rabbi Azriel Rosner That year, Weiss and Hurwitz went on to found Yeshivat Maharat, an Orthodox seminary that trains women as spiritual leaders. Rav Shmuel Jablon “There is something very empowering about being able to decipher the texts on your own,” says Schweitzer, Netivot’s founding president. I am pleased to present to you this Guide to our plans for the upcoming fall semester and reopening of our campuses. (Full disclosure: I am personally active in Netivot.). Box 34629 Jerusalem, Israel 91346. The impetus for Netivot, a Hebrew word that means “pathways,” came from Irine Schweitzer. Gilo, Jerusalem, Midreshet Eshel "The Yeshiva offers serious exploration of a broad spectrum of Jewish teachings including Gemara, Halacha, and Chassidut. Crane is a crafty activist who is passionate about improving the state’s fiscal sustainability and business climate. Jewel is a program of the Aish Malka women’s … 4. continue and enhance their development of Middot. To develop our plans for the fall, we have convened a Scenario Planning Task Force made up of representatives across the major areas of our campus. Please check our website, yu.edu/fall2020 for regular updates. Really studying means you take one verse, one legal phrase, even one word, and look up every commentary on it, and then the commentaries on the commentaries, and then you and the medieval and contemporary sages work together to dissect and extrapolate and interpolate until that one word yields a bounty of wisdom that leads to a stunning insight that gives you a spiritual boost like no other. The team will go up against Skidmore College on Friday. Hadashot news reported that the two inebriated women accidentally entered the Sefas Emes, a yeshiva adjacent to Mahane Yehuda and connected to Litzman’s Gur Hasidic movement. Kibbutz Migdal Oz, Nishmat Next semester will present significant challenges and changes. “This is the kind of learning that will give women an experience from which they can derive a lot of wisdom and really grow, intellectually and spiritually.”, Netivot is holding an open house on Sunday, Sept. 10, 10 a.m.-noon, at the Westside Jewish Community Center, 5870 W. Olympic Blvd., where faculty members will lead active, text-based classes on the pre-Rosh Hashanah topic of “Hayom Harat Olam, Today the World Was Born.” For more information and a full schedule of classes, contact (310) 286-2346,[email protected] or www.netivot.org, Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Jewish Journal. Sanhedria Murchevet, Jerusalem, Israel Experience at Bar Ilan Israel’s Health Ministry has recommended that all pregnant women be vaccinated, stressing that any risks of the vaccine are outweighed by the risks … The Israel Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology sent a letter to the Health Ministry on Monday requesting that the ministry approve vaccinations for pregnant and nursing women. This Coronavirus has reminded us time and time again of the lessons from our Jewish tradition that we are not in full control of our circumstances. See: Yeshiva#Israel; Category:Orthodox yeshivas in Israel; List of Midrashot. Rabbi David Debow Throughout our planning, we have used the analogy of a dimmer switch. This fall, YU will host a virtual Open House, inviting high school juniors and seniors and their parents to learn about the University and its programs, get a sense of the culture and community of YU, and engage with … Mayanot’s women’s yeshiva—in a building in the Rechavia-Nachlaot neighborhood, gives students a quaint and colorful, old Jerusalem backdrop for their studies. What she found instead were a few scattered classes for those with strong backgrounds in Jewish studies, more for beginners, and a rich and varied pool of lectures where no text was actively engaged. Throughout campus everyone will need to adhere to our medical guidelines, including social distancing, wearing facemasks, and our testing and contact tracing policies.