Pre-engineering is designed to give students an opportunity to receive a robust liberal arts education and experience from a nationally ranked Christian college, while preparing students for further study in an engineering program. engage with faculty, academic advisors and peers to explore options, and learn how several engineering majors can lead to similar career outcomes. Students take basic physics and math courses as well as general education courses required by most of engineering schools. With this degree students will be able to enter the junior year of most programs. The Pre-Engineering Associate of Science degree program is designed to provide the first two-years of an engineering program whose credits will transfer to a four-year college of engineering program. Pre Engineering Major. Description: A program that prepares individuals for admission or transfer to a baccalaureate-level program in any of the fields of engineering. It also provides academic and career counseling to assist students in determining the curriculum that best fulfills their personal and educational objectives. Is Pre Engineering the right major for you? Pre-Engineering Requirements The Pre-Engineering Program consists of a freshman program of studies to prepare students for curricula in the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering. The "Pre-Engineering: General" program covers the courses in the first two years of an engineering degree (Bachelor of Science). The Pre-Engineering Program (PREP) begins with a three week summer program offered to incoming Berkeley Engineering students. Adjustments in the listed recommended program may be necessary to meet the requirements of other colleges or universities for special fields Take the MyMajors Quiz and find out if it fits one of your top recommended majors! Although Williams College does not offer an engineering major, many Williams graduates enjoy rewarding careers in engineering, applied science, and technical management. Pre-Engineering (A.S.) This degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to four-year Engineering Program. Pre-Engineering at Winona State. Pre-engineering is an intensive program of introduction to engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry and general education courses designed to prepare students to major in the types of engineering that are not available at Winona State. Others may chose to prepare for employment as engineering technicians. You can find pre-professional program at community colleges like Jackson State Community College in Tennessee, which offers pre-med, pre-nursing and pre-engineering. Pre-Engineering is an advising function to assist students choosing courses and applying to engineering schools for study after Williams. In community colleges, a pre-professional major leads to an associate’s degree in your chosen field and is equivalent to the first two years of a bachelor’s degree program. The Pre-Engineering Program (PREP) is intended to provide an opportunity for highly qualified students who are not currently in the Grainger College of Engineering to prepare themselves for possible transfer into the Grainger College of Engineering. PREP continues throughout the year with workshops and events that are for your cohort. Transitioning from Pre-Engineering into a CECS Major: Pre-Engineering students will work closely with START Academic Advisors to enroll in appropriate classes to help ensure their chances are optimized to be successful in the intensive curriculum that lies ahead. Through PREP students will understand the rigors of Berkeley coursework — specifically in calculus, chemistry, and programming courses. The pre-engineering program can be taken at University of Missouri-St. Louis or at community colleges in the area.