/ When a warrior is gone, [glory] will be his best and only bulwark (13841389). His hairy hands rip the hall door off its hinges. Although Grendel is dead, the kingdom is still not safe. Beowulf: The main character. Describe the battle between Beowulf and Grendel. Beowulf - Part two. Grendel is not allowed in the drinking hall and is not part of the community of men. 3. Analysis. Unferth challenges Grendel very lyrically, and Grendel responds sarcastically, surprising Unferth with his capacity for language. Hrothgar praises God for Beowulf's promise. There, he is swiftly detected and attacked by Grendel's mother. He has done what he bragged he would do. In lines 320-370, the battle can be described as two people, one monster and one warrior, in an on-going battle until Grendel gives up Beowulf takes Grendels head before he swims back to land. Hes a brave warrior. How does Beowulf wound Grendel? He also finds Grendel's dead body, cuts off the head, and returns to land, where the Geat and Danish warriors are waiting expectantly. Why does Beowulf wait, allowing Grendel to kill one of the Geats, before he attacks Grendel? How does Beowulf react when he hears of the plight of the Danes and Hrothgar? He then makes a sudden attack, bursting the door with his fists and continuing through the entry. Beowulf tears Grendels arm off at the shoulder and hangs it from the rafters. They all assume that Beowulf is dead because they saw blood on the surface of the lake. What do Hrothgar and the other warriors think has happened? According to Wulfgar, why His soldiers are sure they will not see their country again. 3. However, Beowulfs warriors wait for Beowulf while Hrothgar leaves. He was not going to back down and let this Read More. After? 2. THE BATTLE WITH GRENDEL translated by Burton Raffel Epic 4 2. Grendel then makes the mistake of grabbing Beowulf, who is With a combination of this motto and his strong character, Beowulf is able to face many challenges throughout the story and succeed because he does not allow fear to overwhelm him. Since no weapons can harm Grendel, Beowulf must fight Grendel bare-handed, and the other warriors are unable to come to Beowulfs aid. Grendel escapes, though he is After a terrible fight, Beowulf kills the monster with a magical sword, probably put there by the Al-Weilder, that he finds on the wall of her home. All the references fall before the battle between Beowulf and Grendel so we may appreciate the way Beowulf "held to his promise" by ripping the monster's arm off. Hes strong and basically wins a lot of fights, but he fights for good reasons. I think Beowulf allows Grendel to kill one of the Geats before taking action in order to catch Grendel off guard and figure out how he goes about killing. Hear Grendel Flees. Why are Beowulfs warriors unable to help him defeat Grendel? After stipulating a number of conditions (upon his death) to Hrogar (including the taking in of his kinsmen, and the inheritance by Unfer of Beowulf's estate), Beowulf dives into the lake. The first warrior Grendel finds is still asleep, so he seizes the man and devours him. Above their heads ready for battle.The narrator approves and says, They were good clansmen. She carries off one of Beowulf's warriors. Grendel's mother returns the next night to seek vengeance. Beowulf Study Questions Beowulf 1. Grendel's mother (sometimes called his "dam") is not as huge or as powerful as the son, but she is motivated by revenge. BBC Teach. He finds Grendel's body and cuts his head off. The warriors enjoy themselves, and Grendel is the one on the outside: "The Grim Spirit was called Grendel, known as a rover of the borders, one who held the moors, fen and fastness"(Norton 28). (455). Beowulf prepares himself for battle; he is presented with a sword, Hrunting, by a warrior called Unfer. Instead of cowering in grief, the mother seeks revenge. Be specific. Grendel goes on to taunt Unferth about the difficulty of being a hero. One additional comment to make is The feudal system and warrior culturethe genesis of which this chapter describesis, of course, the same Scandinavian society that Grendels mother, a demon even more monstrous than Grendel, seeks revenge on Beowulf and Hrothgars men for the death of her son. Grendal attacked all the warriors at night: Why did Grendal attack Herot? Fifty years after getting rid of Grendel and Grendel's mother, the epic hero Beowulf faces his third and final monster, a dragon who has been ravaging the countryside. 3. They think Beowulf has been killed when they see blood come to the surface so they leave. 6. Grendel's mother (Old English: Grendles mdor) is one of three antagonists in the anonymous Old English poem Beowulf (c. 7001000 AD). . 1. 2. The soldiers are sleeping, but one man keeps watch without blinking. All warriors can do, he reminds Hrothgar, is try to win fame before they're eventually killed. Beowulf arrives in Denmark and journeys to Heorot, where he will fight the monster Grendel. During the ensuing battle Grendel's mother carries Beowulf to her underwater home. Just as Grendels slaughter of Hrothgars men requires avenging, so does Beowulfs slaying of Grendel. They place their armor, shields, and weapons next to where they are sleeping. After defeating Grendels mother, King Hrothgar praises him as a worthy hero and helps appoint him as the next king. Before his battle with Grendel, Beowulf says "Wyrd always goes as it must!" What do the Geats do? To what measures do Hrothgar and his nobles resort to rid themselves of Grendel? When the battle approached he courageously stepped up to fight and this showed his devotion to the heroic code and to the Danish people. He has killed the monster Grendel Hrothgar, Beowulf, and their followers ride out, tracking Grendel's mother across the moors. 4. To avenge he sons (Grendel) death. While the warriors sleep inside of the magnificent Heorot Hall, Grendel arrives with bloody intentions. After Beowulf kills her, what does he do before leaving the lair? What do the Danes who are observing at the lake do? What do the warriors see on a cliff as they travel to Grendel's mother's den? . What do the warriors do before they go to sleep? Before even engaging himself into the battle with Grendel, Beowulf sailed over to the Danish shore to help Hrothgar protect his people and to defeat this ruthless demon. 3. Grendel and Beowulf do more reaching, gripping, tearing with hands, and seizing in this portion of the poem than any other portion. Like a long shadow Grendel comes gliding. A cave under bloody, steaming water, as murky as hell the hall was crowded with sleeping ____, stuffed with rows of ____. Grendel proceeds to tear the door off the hinges and immediately consumes a sleeping Geat warrior. Grendel screams again and then runs back to the mere on all fours. In lines 320-325, the poet states that Beowuld was waiting for Grendel to attack him before fighting. BBC School Radio. He tells Unferth that he pities the heros terrible burdenalways having to watch what he says or does, never being allowed to slip up. 2. Describe the battle between Beowulf and Grendel. After the battle is over, and Grendel flees down to his den in the swampy marsh to die, the Danes and Hrothgar's men have a great celebration. Describe the home of Grendel as seen by the warriors the day after the battle. Grendel suffers a fatal wound during his battle with the revered warrior Beowulf in Heorot Hall. he was lonely and an outcast and got upset from all the joy and celebrations: Why hasnt Hrothgar rid Herot of Grendel? The hero is Beowulf! What does Beowulf keep as proof of his victory over Grendel? Beowulf swears to track down Grendel's mother and kill her. PART 11 TO PART 18 GRENDELS BATTLE WITH BEOWULF Grendel attacks Herot again, killing a Geat before Beowulf engages him in battle. They assumed that beowulf would not kill Grendel. arkness comes and Beowulf lies down beside his brave men. Battle with Grendel Discussion Questions pgs 49-50 1. Grendel grabs a second warrior, but is shocked when the warrior grabs back with fearsome strength. The other antagonists are Grendel and the dragon, all aligned in opposition to the hero Beowulf.She is introduced in lines 1258b to 1259a as: "Grendles modor/ides, aglcwif". 4. He doesnt know how to destroy him: Why does Beowulf come to Denmark? The Fight With Grendel. 19) What does Beowulf do before he swims back to land? After Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm, warriors follow the monster into his swamp and find that the waters are red with Grendel's blood. They're faithful cause they can't believe that they will see him again. Yes, as an agent of evil Grendel does attack Herot because he hates/envies the happiness and prayers of the warriors who reside there. 5. Her son has returned to their cave mortally wounded, one of his two arms (or claws) ripped from its shoulder socket and hanging, now, beneath the roof of Hrothgar's mead-hall. What had Herot symbolized before the coming of Grendel? Beowulf: The Battle with Grendel 1. Beowulf's first battle in the epic takes place at Hrothgar's magnificent Heorot Hall, which has been terrorized for twelve consecutive years by the wicked monster Grendel Before heading into the dragon's lair, Beowulf tells his thanes that this is his last battle. A dismal wood w/ bloody, bubbling water; Esher's bloody head : How does the poet describe the lake that covers Grendel's mother's den and the creatures which inhabit it? It is Beowulf. He is the Prince of Geats and a big hero type guy. As Beowulf tells Hrothgar, in a speech with central importance to his conception of the heroic code of honor, It is always better / to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning / . How are Beowulf and his men received when they arrive on the Danish shore? What happens when Grendel enters Heorot?When Grendel enters Herot, he eats one of the men and when attempting to do the same with Beowulf, Beowulf grabs Grendel, who now realizes Beowulf is not a man of ordinary strength.Therefore, Grendel attempts to flee, but Beowulf was able to rip his arm off and kill him. Why? Under the mist the monster creeps towards Heorot. KS2 History: The Anglo-Saxons. Where in the beginning of the section do we see a hint that Grendel will lose? In this chapter, Grendel begins to examine its source material critically. Why does Beowulf let someone die? Grendel is a 1971 novel by American author John Gardner.It is a retelling of part of the Old English poem Beowulf from the perspective of the antagonist, Grendel.In the novel, Grendel is portrayed as an antihero.The novel deals with finding meaning in the world, the power of literature and myth, and the nature of good and evil. Before After 9. This is the first account of who Grendel is. Why does Grendels mother go to Heorot? Grendel stalks outside the building for a time, spying the warriors inside. Does the narrator approve of this habit?