10th Floor Transfer - dying (floor number is always the next number on from the highest floor in the hospital). Dandruff on wheels - scabies or other transmissible flaky skin condition ALS - Absolute Loss of Sanity (nutcase) Hi 5 - HIV positive ("V" being Roman for 5) These can be of great help in your daily routine and you can use them in your daily writings, social media posts, poems, text messages and much more. GPH - Goddamns Per Hour DRTTTT - Dead Right There, There, There and There (patient dead and in multiple parts at scene of accident) TTJ – transfer to Jesus Find 62 ways to say securely, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. AQP - Assuming the Q Position: deteriorating or dying with tongue hanging out HONDA - Hypertensive, Obese, Non-compliant, Diabetic African-American Captain Kangaroo - chairman of a paediatrics department. Fighting Darwin - patients refusing essential treatment through stubborness or stupidity Slang for the allegedly poor medical care delivered by physicians who went to medical school in foreign countries Metal Poisoning - what a patient allegedly dies of when he's held together with staples (also gunshot wound) Coffee and a Newspaper - Patient is Constipated (i.e. Boogie or Goober - tumour. Rays - radiology dept See more. Feet-up General - a quiet district hospital Hypoxanaxemia - patient with anxiety symptoms (Xanax deficiency), Icing on the Cake - lethal tumor discovered in the X-rays of a heart attack victim. Oil slick - (1991, NZ) - appearance on CT scan of a porencephalic cyst White Mice - tampons TBP - Total body pain MTF - Metabolize to Freedom (i.e., let the person sober up, and then they can leave) Ford Ranger Brochures; Photo Galleries; Events / Overlanding. PBABLTO - Pine Box at Bedside, Leave Top Off LIST 1 : AFC - Air Flow Control. MFD, CFD - Measure For Box, Call For Dirt (severely ill [or dead or nearly so]) VTMK - Voice To Melt Knickers (the voice deliberately cultivated by some doctors), WADHAO - weak and dizzy and hurt all over BBCS - Bumps, Bruises, Cuts and Scrapes (i.e. Blue Pipe - vein (as opposed to 'red pipe' or artery) Road Test - to get a drunk patient to walk up and down a corridor; if they pass they are turfed, if they fail they need a bit longer to sober up. Improving His Claim - Victim of minor accident, needs no treatment but wants something to support his insurance/legal claim. ", a concept pioneered by Dr Moe Howard, who discovered that a patient could be made to forget about the pain in his foot if he was poked hard enough elsewhere. phone. Dagenham - (psychiatry) or "Three Stops Beyond Barking": severely disturbed/mad (based on British train station names) Trauma Gods - Mythological deities whom A&E personnel believe to be the cause of major emergencies Expensive Scare - intensive care, FABIANS - Felt Awful But I'm Allright Now Syndrome Estropício - (Brazil) poor, unkempt obstetric patient ("jeopardy"). UFO - Unidentified Frozen Object: unidentified dead homeless person in the winter Speed bumps - haemorrhoids SWW - Sick, wet and whiny (infant) Bing; Yahoo; Google; Amazone ; Wiki; Positive ford acronyms. LGFD - looks good from door (but not closely examined, possibly an obnoxious patient) DIC - dead in cage or death is coming (technically, it means Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, which is just as lethal) Bull in the ring - blockage in the large intestine HBO – hit by owner It is your job now to carry on this chain of positivity by sharing it with the people you love and care about. Knife and Gun Club - (US) local street gangs or criminal organizations that keep ER in business OR the emergency departments that care for patients with Thorazine shuffle - the slow, lumbering gait of psychiatric patients dosed up on phenothiazines Dement - Alzheimer patient GOLP - Generalised Old Lady Pains He claims his migraine is a killer. DPS - Dumb Parent Syndrome DILF - Doctor I'd Like to F*** (Fornicate with): Nursing slang for good-looking doctor Positive Gobbler - turkey i.e. Hat Trick - trauma patient with 3 tubes into him Even in the path labs where I did a stint, staff coped with serious situations by seeking refuge in humour. These have been mostly collected from around the UK and USA, with a few non-English contributions (many thanks to all contributors from around the globe), so you'll only find a few of them used in any single establishment. Will Follow From A Distance - will check your lab results, but will never set foot in your room again Zorro belly - (Brazil) patient who has had multiple abdominal surgeries. 9. Creepers - geriatrics using walkers and wheelchairs Bash Cash: the money paid for completing accident (insurance) claim forms in A&E SOCMOB - Standing On Corner Minding Own Business (when inexplicably injured) Saddles - Maternity sanitary towels (napkins), so called for their size and the bow-legged effect of wearing them dead being so bad. Fascinectomy - long, but fascinating procedure lordy, lordy, Jesus help me, lordy, lordy" Another way to say Positive Change? SNEFS/M SNEFS - Subnormal (or Mentally Subnormal) Even For Suffolk (a rural English county) FLB - Funny Little Bumps (unexplained skin bumps) OBD2/SAE ACRONYMS ABS antilock brake system A/C air conditioning AC air cleaner AIR secondary air injection A/T automatic transmission or transaxle SAP accelerator pedal B+ battery positive voltage BARO barometric pressure CAC charge air cooler CFI continuous fuel injection CL closed loop CKP crankshaft position sensor CKP REF crankshaft reference CMP camshaft position sensor Lignocephalic - wooden-headed (i.e. Ford Acronyms: Joke: Fix Or Repair Daily Found On Road Dead Backwards... Driver Returns On Foot Backwards... Dorks Ride On Fords Factory Ordered Road Disaster Factory... the joke is just one of many funny jokes on Joke Buddha! SIG - Stroppy Ignorant Girl Pre-Detention Stress Disorder - a person who feigns medical symptoms when police handcuff him LLS - Looks Like Sh*t Deep fry - cobalt therapy (radiation therapy) Steel Sign - surgical metalwork from previous ops visible on x-ray Bagged and Tagged (B&T) - Body ready for dispatch to morgue Reversible Q-sign means you can push the patient's tongue back into the mouth to form the O-sign. #2 10-18-2005, 11:51 PM JD717. lordy, lordy", occasionally with the interspersed "Jesus" i.e. Like any government instigated project, OBD-II quickly became a mouse's nest of acronyms, jargon, shorthand and code phrases that have meaning to the select few and sometimes seem to serve to keep the rest of us at bay. * If they have visible major injuries they may be in shock and won't feel the true pain till the endorphins wear off. TDS - Terminal deceleration syndrome (e.g. BVA - Breathing Valuable Air Sunshine - how one addresses an entitled, arrogant patient Grapes - haemorrhoids Currently, eligible individuals include 1A … NKDA - Not known, didn’t ask Pucker Factor - the degree/speed of constriction of the surgeon's anal sphincter is directly proportional to the patient's risk of sudden death prepare the coffin) Family Care Plan - One child gets the sniffles, whole family gets a trip to A&E FFDIG - Found Face Down In Gutter Hippo - Hypochondriac or depressive 3H enema - Enema that is "high, hot, and a hell of a lot." ROBO – run over by owner Licensed under CC-BY. Tattoo Titre/T&T Sign - indication of patient insanity: more than 5 tattoos indicates likely crazy person Drop a Lung - when medical treatment causes a pneumothorax Reputedly given to patients who give staff a hard time. faking illness to get out of drill (used by army medics) Guessing tubes - stethoscope GRAFOB - Grim Reaper At Foot Of Bed obesity Rock - a patient that stays on your service forever GOMER - Get Out of My Emergency Room; extended to mean elderly patient who is unable to communicate their symptoms and passed from one department to another SEP - Somebody else's problem (not to be confused with sepsis) FFF - see 4F (Fat, Fair, Female, Forty = gall bladder disease) High Speed Lead Injection - gunshot Piles - (at beach resort clinics), sunburn cases: angry, hot and red (better known as lobsters) Finger Wave - rectal exam Quackpractor - chiropractor Rounding Up The Usual Suspects - Ordering a set of tests for a given set of symptoms White cloud - a on-call doctor who has uneventful call nights. SRI - Something Wrong Inside (undiagnosable problem) Smellybridge - area between the anus and the back of the scrotum (perineum) Síndrome JEC - (Brazil) terminal patient ("Jesus Está Chamando" = "Jesus is calling"). ESBAM - Eat s**t and Bark At the Moon (or "not ruddy likely" in British English) Road Chilli - Unrestrained driver/motorcyclist or passenger, ejected and splattered ATD - (US) Acute Tylenol Deficiency (simple fever or head cold) of bedlinen) 47 Likes, 1 Comments - University of Central Arkansas (@ucabears) on Instagram: “Your gift provides UCA students with scholarships, programs, invaluable learning opportunities and…” Box - to die SBLEO - (pronounced S-B-Leo) Suicide By Law Enforcement Officer Two Dudes - a patient who was in a fight "Two dudes jumped me for no reason" (implying the patient would have one against one assailant) AF = Adjustment Factor (see below) Even without Story Credibility of 0.5 and Exam Credibility of 1 that's a Adminisphere - where hospital managers work, reckoned to be "another planet" Dose Sponge - Radiology Worker BMW - Bitch Moan & Whine Removal men - dept of care of elderly people Crock - Hypochondriac. Friday afternoon job Found On Road Dead. Post by JJ » Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:23 am. Dermaholiday - nickname for dermatology dept used by staff in busier depts Calling Doctor Blue [to location] - public address system code for "baffling case needing more doctors to take a look in the hope that one of them will know what to do" But that’s a weak, unsustainable way to start a connection. * If a spouse or family member forced them to come in, add 1. Pox Docs - clap clinic (sexually transmitted disease clinic) doctors B: "Well, he's the president now, so she decided to jump on the bandwagon." 45C - patient is one chromosome short of a full set (thick), AAA (or Triple A): Ay Ay Ay. CLOMI - Cat Like Observation and Masterful Inactivity (patient under observation) Cranial rectosis - US: butthead (US term for idiot); UK: head-up-ass TTOAST - Take Them Out and Shoot Them OBD-II Acronyms and Jargon. 3P’s - Pill, Permissiveness and Promiscuity (relates to female patients with sexually transmitted disease) DFO - (2) Drunk and Fell Over Rudy Baga - Patient with terminal brain injury, persistent vegetative state (rutabaga is a vegetable). Vedgy - a patient requiring intensive care, incapable of movement VOMIT - Victim Of Modern Imaging Technology (i.e. Casualty, Holby City and ER. Loop-the-loop - flamboyant surgical rearrangement of the intestines. Where were they last year when the team was terrible? FOOT - Flat Out On Tarmac (e.g. SPAK - Status Post Ass Kicking Paint - Betadine (medication) Pest control - term applied to psychiatrists by casualty officers Turn and Baste - incontinence care (roll and clean up patient after a code brown) Go to Ground - fall out of bed or chair Bounceback - a (usually turfed) patient who keeps returning to the hospital with same condition HIBGIA - Had it before, got it again GI Rounds - a meal (GI = gastrointestinal) Hospitalismo - (Brazil) Revolving-door patient (in-and-out-and-in ....). * If the patient reports their pain as being more than 10 on the Pineboxatosis - collection of conditions which lead to transfer to the ECU, usually accompanied by PBTB with positive Q-sign or O-sign Two Stops Short of West Ham - (Psychiatry) Barking mad. Tax-Sucker - Someone who does not need an ambulance, but calls anyway because it's free GLF - Ground Level Fall (tripped over) As euphemisms go, "Eternal Care Unit" (died) is little different from the myriad other euphemism for death. uninjured area of their body, subtract 1 point. VD - Veak and Dizzy; older person feeling vaguely unwell and presents at ER at 2am complaining of feeling "weak and dizzy" Nebulopathy- strange clinical signs with no "normal" disease apparent Search Email. Wall - a doctor who resists admitting patients at all costs Plumbum oscillans - Latin for "swinging the lead" (malingering) i.e seeking a sick note to take time off work Handbag positive - confused patient (usually elderly lady) lying on hospital bed clutching handbag Pediatron - paediatrician FLK w/ GLM - Funny Looking Kid with a Good Looking Mother doctor having a look-see DOCTORS' SLANG, MEDICAL SLANG AND MEDICAL ACRONYMS AND VETERINARY ACRONYMS & VET SLANG. SBI - Something Bad Inside e.g. CRAP Score - Cynical Real Alternative Pain Score - an alternative method of scoring pain (see foot of page) Rule of Five - if more than five of the patient's orifices are obscured by tubing, he has no chance Search Domain. prolonged periods with no physiological cause of their problems. SFS - Stinky Foot Syndrome (often related to homeless) IWB - Intercourse With Biscuits (F**king Crackers), Jack Bauer - a doctor still up and working after 24 hours (after character in "24") A: "I thought your mom hated that candidate." Rapid Lead Infusion - obnoxious patient ought to be shot MICO - Masterly Inactivity and Catlike Observation COSMONAUT - Cat Owner, Smells, Made Of Nuts And Used Tampons ("mad cat lady" with poor hygiene and body odour) Rocking horse stool - even rarer than hen's teeth Ralphie McYakkers - young drunks vomiting when they see a white coat" (sometimes disguised as "Haydock" which is a UK placename) Lancelot - a medic who drains abscesses (called Pokemon in the USA) Gorillacillin - very powerful antibiotic Space cadet/Buzz Lightyear - confused patient (dementia or drug-related) Supratentorial - above the falx tentorium/cerebellum i.e. Fireballs of the Uticas - fibroids of the uterus Hey Docs (or Haydock) - alcoholics handcuffed to wheelchairs in big-city medical wards who chorus "Hey, Doc! DTMA - Don't Transfer to Me Again. Porch People, Walmart Greeters - Confused patients sitting in chairs in hall for close observation Doc In A Box - a small clinic/health centre, with ever-changing staff. CRI - Cranial-Rectal Insertion or Cranial-Rectal Inversion (head-up-ass syndrome) PIA - Pain in the ass Negative Wallet Biopsy - (US) patient transferred to cheaper hospital because s/he has no insurance/funds As used in microbiology depts runs from "Hard as Bullets" (self-explanatory) to "Could go through the Eye of a Needle" (watery, no solids) with appropriate analogies inbetween. Hearts and Farts - unit specialising in geriatrics and cardiology San Fran Twist - performing a prostate examination by hooking the index finger in a half-circle upon insertion into the rectum Dishwasher - sterilization machine Engessar - (Brazil) to orient treatment so that the patient can't complain (literally "to place in a cast"). Are there positive Ford acronyms? I fell on it - (also Eiffel Syndrome) universal explanation given by a patient with a foreign object in the rectum Barking is slang for "mad" and also the name of a station; it is 4 stops from West Ham, but the psych slang follows the formula "2 sandwiches short of a picnic", "Tuppence short of a shilling" (simple-minded/nuts) - the deficit is alway 2 items. International House of Pancakes - neurology ward full of patients (usually stroke victims) all babbling in a different language. Solomf yoyo - So long, mother-f*****, you're on your own (see "amyoyo syndrome") Benny - patient on benefit (welfare payments) FD - F*cking drunk BSS - Bilateral Samsonite Syndrome: patient admitted with both their bags packed in preparation BFH - Big F****ing Head; hydrocephalus as in a "FLK with a BFH" (can be metaphorical for arrogant consultant) Unfascinectomy - long slog of a procedure around ankle plus abrasions to forehead and forearms. Bounce - returning a turfed patient back to original dept (see also turf and buff) Acronyms and abbreviations are great to use in casual communication. PID - Pus In 'Dere (PID actually means Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) KFO - Knock the F*cker Out (patient either obnoxious or screaming in pain) We've all heard 'em. Tachylawdia - as above (variant spelling), but without the "Jesus" Vitamin M – Morphine Modern "pokes" with same outcome include estimates for private treatment. C*nts and Runts - Maternity and Paediatrics PPP - Piss poor protoplasm Celestial discharge - died C.S.I. Spin the Patient - CT scan AHF - Acute Hissy Fit Mushroom syndrome - suffered by lowly medics who are kept in the dark and have crap piled on them Acronyms - Ford-Diesel Abbreviations, There are more but this is all I have. GTMJACB - Gone To Meet Jesus, Ain't Coming Back (dead) Occur definition, to happen; take place; come to pass: When did the accident occur? LOLINAD - Little Old Lady In No Acute Distress BWCO - Baby Won't Come Out (needs Caesarian), C/C- "Cancel Christmas" (dead) Republican Party, one of the two major political parties, alongside the Democratic Party, in the United States. FPR is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms. Metabolic clinic - the tea room Scumdex - 1 pt for every tattoo, extra piercing, IVDU scar, etc. MGM syndrome - Faker putting on a real good show MFB - Measure for box Aunt Minnie Lesion - once seen, never forgotten, much like certain aunts at the family wedding Known as Belly-button Fluff in Britain. … Granny Farm - old persons' residential home, run by a Granny Farmer Others have been popularised on TV dramas/series set in hospitals e.g. thick patient) Wifty - Mildly confused, but seems oriented most of the time 5-H-1-T - polite medical term for shit Fluttering Eye Syndrome - Patient faking unconsciousness PHAT - Pretty Hot and Tempting (warning to others) Butchers - Obstetrics & Gynaecology (also general derogatory term for surgeons) The Free Dictionary. Viaggravation - what a doctor gets from a patient who is demanding erectile dysfunction medication on the NHS (not all areas of the UK provide this on NHS) Guts and Butts - general surgery, HAIRY PSALMS - Haven't Any Idea Regarding Your Patient, Send A Lot More Serum MARPs - Mind Altering Recreational Pharmaceuticals Ego Boost Units - med students/junior doctors that follow a doctor Sidewalk Souffle - (US) suicide-by-jumping NGMI - Not Going to Make It Keyword Suggestions. 432 Likes, 4 Comments - George Mason University | GMU (@georgemasonu) on Instagram: “"As a freshman at Mason, I had difficulties being on … UGLI – Ugly: a patient (usually a child) who looks a bit odd but has nothing wrong with them ULPP - Unlicensed Pharmaceutical Provider (drug dealer) DSP - Dumb Sh*t Profile Donut of Death - CT scanner Infernal Medicine - Internal Medicine department Loose Change - dangling limb in need of amputation. LOLITS - US: Little Old Lady In Tennis Shoes (60+ year old); UK: Little Old Lady In Twin-Set (50-60 yera old) Testiculation – (male) consultant holds forth on a subject with expressive hand gestures, but has little knowledge of the subject. * If they are tachycardic (racing heart) or hypertensive (high blood SYB - Save Your Breath (for patients who don't take advice), Tachylordyosis (with the junctional Jesus) - Usually a middle-aged to older score of +8 and they've sustained real damage. Cockroach Factor - a patient's ability to survive trauma or serious treatment is inversely proportional to his contribution to society (see TTI). OBD-II Acronyms and Jargon. Patient states ", stabilize and transfer Significant History - HIV positive Chartomegaly - patient is so frequent s/he has a large (and growing) chart minor ailment but called ambulance instead of taxi The veterinary appendix - due to popular demand - is at the foot of the page. no medical problem) PFH - Parent(s) from Hell (custodians of BFH - Brat From Hell) Basement admission - will end up in hospital morgue (located in the hospital basement) Cock Doc- urologist Expensive care - intensive care Kaiser Soze - Registrar with an uncanny ability to disappear (not answer phone or pager) when there is work to be done (from movie 'The Usual Suspects') Everyone wants to be around someone who brings positive energy and improves the atmosphere. Eiffel Syndrome - (From I-fell on it) patient with a foreign object in the rectum Taxidermy Consult - call for a taxidermist's consultation i.e. POPTA - Passed Out Prior To Arrival HTK - Higher Than a Kite Jailitis - becoming dubiously ill while in custody or in a jail cell DFO-SFJ - Done Fell Out - Screaming For Jesus HTD - Higher Than a Duck subtract 1 point. CYA - Cover Your Ass; unnecessary procedure/prescription done to avoid being sued, D&D - Divorced and Desperate (middle aged female who visits doctor weekly just for male attention) Fish Filet with Catsup/Ketchup - vaginal infection with discharge, odour and bleeding (e.g. the results of street gang violence ALFI(e) - (Australia) Adelaide's Largest F*cking Idiot Poliesculhambado - (Brazil) multi-f*cked-up patient. FLK - Funny Looking Kid (sometimes suggests rural inbreeding) FOOBA - Found On Ortho Barely Alive (a play on FUBAR - F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition) Leave 'Em Dead - Levofed (aka norepinephrine) , the drug given to cardiac patients to prop up their blood pressure until they die in the ambulance Hospital pilantrópico (Brazilo) - (sarcasm) dubiously charitable hospital where profits outweigh philanthropy. ALDL - Assembly Line Diagnostic Link. It is also a way of insulting (humourously or seriously) other staff or depts. customers hate every vehicle yet. Egregious was a positive word that turned negative. Purple Plus - called out to collect a dead body that's started to fester Caveman - Derogatory term for Orthopaedic surgeons “so easy a caveman could do it”. To search for a specific term, click on a letter above to take you closer to the abbreviation or acronym you seek, or Chocolate Hostage - constipated Please let us know if you need additional acronym information, and we will post it as quickly as possible. (arrogant/arrogant fool) Liver rounds - staff party, so called because of liver-damaging alcohol HOPEFUL - Hard-up Old Person Expecting Full Useful Life (i.e. Bobbing for apples - unblocking a badly constipated patient with one's finger Worked example 2 Pillow Therapy - describes the urge to smother annoying patient (aggressive euthanasia, tontine treatment). A low dude factor = professional person who slips in the bathroom sustaining a fatal injury APRS - (US) Acute Puerto Rican syndrome (bouts of screaming and yelling) "We ate the bill on that guy." try treating the patient, not the report from radiology; particularly referring to invasive procedures for false positives. ELFs - Evil Little F*ckers (irritating children) When you have faced fear and taken steps to overcome that fear, the next time you face similar fears you can overcome them by repeating the steps that worked for you in the past. FPT - (Brazil) beyond help, do not resuscitate ("Fora de Possibilidade Terapêutica"). Babygram -x-raying (radiographing) a newborn The second, third or fourth time of facing the same fear becomes easier and easier. Podo-Oral - Foot in Mouth (i.e. Crispy critter - severe burns case Running Towards the Light - dying, S2 - Sit the f**k down and shut the f**k up THC - Three hots and a cot; sought in A&E by the local homeless PU - paws up (dead) (Acute Lead Poisoning) 185 grain Injection - 9mm gunshot wound Meat hooks - surgical instruments. be allergic to 5 over-the-counter pain meds (-5). DSB - Drug-Seeking Behaviour (faking illness to fuel narcotic addiction) FOS - Found On Street: unidentified dead homeless person Code Pink (Triangle) - a likely homosexual (used back when HIV/Aids tests took a while to come back) WAFTAM - ("woff-tam"): Waste Of F***Ing Time And Money The list of most popular acronyms, searched by the visitors of All Acronyms times in the past year claiming other painful ailments e.g. Code Yellow - urinary incontinence emergency Polydipose Dysfunction - big, fat patient (polydipose being invented plural of adipose [fat]) GOA - Gone On Arrival (police turn up, ambulance turns up, fire brigade turns up, patient doesn't) Chandelier's Sign - The result of any test or probing after which the patient must be removed from the chandelier FUBAR - Fucked up beyond all repair/recognition Slashers - general surgeons Agnostication - Substitute for prognostication; describes the usually vain attempt to answer the question: "How long have I got, doctor?” Necrophiles - derogatory term for Pathologists (the love the dead) See more ideas about classroom behavior, positive reinforcement, school. Drinkectomy - separating a drunk from his can of lager (performed in A&E dept) * For every claimed allergy to a non-narcotic pain relief medication, The automotive industry comprises a wide range of companies and organizations involved in the design, development, manufacturing, marketing, and selling of motor vehicles. Blown Mind - gunshot wound to the head. SSDD - Same Sh*t Different Day (in conjunction with Frequent Flyer) Irreversible Q-sign means the tongue keeps falling back out of the mouth after it’s pushed back in (very bad sign) "Give it some Vitamin D" means drive faster No Hopeamine - Dopamine APTFRAN - Apply Pillow To Face, Repeat As Necessary (for annoying patient) complains of pain everywhere Journal of Anecdotal Medicine - favourite, but unwritten, source of medical wisdom VIP - Very intoxicated person TLGP -Two Legged Guinea Pig - patient undergoing experimental or extreme treatments Death Star - that ward in every hospital where patients go to die Bottle return - removing a bottle lodged in the anal canal Mobile Drip Stands - Fire Dept (often found at emergencies alongside paramedics) Insurance Pain - Neck pain secondary to a minor car bump FDSTW - Found Dead Stayed That Way Pop Drop - granny dumping (dumping elderly relative at Casualty dept) Find 20 ways to say spanning, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Allglossary has 1702 glossaries listed in 242 Categories, and Acronym Finder claims to … Sweet Milk/ Mother's Milk - Propofol; a reference to its milky appearance and pain-relieving use Scepticaemia - chronic condition suffered by two doctors in a debate over which therapy SOG's (Sick Old Guys) DWPA - Death/Dying With Paramedic Assistance God's Waiting Room - intensive care unit and/or geriatric unit AFU & BR - all f***ed up & beyond repair Pink puffer - patient breathing rapidly due to lung disease BoneHo - an off-service resident working in Orthopedics There are many positive words that start with the letter T and we have worked diligently to sift through the enormous number words that start with T that are positive to bring you this list of positive T words for your reference. NOCTOR- Nurse tht has done a 6 week training course and acts like s/he's a Doctor Below is our most current list of acronyms related to automotive check engine lights. Combined with the Acronym Attic, Acronym Finder contains more than 5 million acronyms and abbreviations. psychosomatic e.g. Callbellectomy - minor operation, sadly not permitted, to remove over-used call bell from patient's hand/reach! NETMA - Nobody Ever Tells Me Anything (generally a doctor's gripe on a patient's chart) Crook-U - Prison Ward in a hospital (slang to match ICU - Intensive Care Unit etc) BDLDLDL big dog, little dog, little dog lost (usually Chihuahuas that try to fight a German Shepherd) Code Brown - faecal incontinence emergency (e.g. Business; Medical; Military; Slang; Technology ; Clear; Daily top . Ford – benannt nach Henry Ford, dem Gründer der Ford Motor Company, Reinterpretationen im Positiven als First On Race Day (erster beim Rennen) oder auch im Negativen als Fix Or Repair Daily (Reparieren täglich) oder Found On Road Dead (liegengeblieben auf der Straße gefunden) It’s contagious. I can't stand these people who just jump on the bandwagon after a win. Shotgun Labs - to order many lab tests, hoping one will turn up an answer to a puzzling case Red dot - physicians from India, relates to red dot on their forehead FPR - What does FPR stand for? Pathology outpatients - Follow-up for dead people Worked example 1 Blood-Brain Barrier - surgical drapes ROAD - Dermatologist. PD - Pencil D**k. General US insult. (Acute Lead Poisoning) 240 grain Injection 44 calibre magnum wound HP - Hispanic Panic (see tachylordia) Everyone on the medical team disagrees Dose of I Don't Remember - pain-killing meds that leave patient without memory of painful procedure (after Room 101 in George Orwells novel 1984) They've taken a couple of aspirin. Granny Dumping - dumping elderly relative in A&E; often happens just before Christmas or family holiday aka the hospital granny-sitting service RTA death, high-rise syndrome, jump-suicides and parachute-failed-to-open) Intubate Junior/Intubate Willy - catheterise a man (often results in DPS - Disappearing Penis Syndrome) Find 24 ways to say not intelligent, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. * If patient history shows that every A&E visit for a painful condition Zebra - an unusually strange or unexpected disease (from the saying "When you hear hoofbeats, the smart money is on horses, not zebras") Horrendoma- an awful unknown disease NPS - New Parent Syndrome Post-Weekend Fatigue Syndrome - an ailment which presents at GP surgeries on Monday mornings Rectoencephalitis - head-up-own-ar5e syndrome Please Optimize Medical Treatment - don't call us until you've done your job first Severe madness is "Dagenham" i.e. belly pain, but tests found no disease or injury (-5).