Throughout 2020 we’ve been steadily growing and in the past few months, we’ve seen even bigger growth as Bitcoin went from roughly $10.000 to $40.000 in price. You may experience longer than usual wait times or partial service interruptions. I will provide a link to individual medium articles that I have written on some of these partnerships/collaborations: For a transcript of the most recent AMAs refer to below article: Ocean Protocol has everything one should be looking for if wanting to invest in crypto. Four pilot studies have already been launched in Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia; Saint John and the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick; the Gulf of St. Lawrence in Quebec; and southern British Columbia. Work with partners to implement a real-time whale detection system in specific areas of the species’ habitat to alert mariners to the presence of whales, which will allow them to better avoid interactions with this and other marine mammal species. You will submit a new proposal for the Ocean Protocol's Open Waters bounty on bounties network. Dead Man Switch : An event on the Secret Network (such as block numbers / elapsed time or a payment) triggers a secret contract to release a "secret" either to a selected recipient (private output) or the entire network (public state). EN. More details will be released in December so people can participate as the company get the concepts out. Singapore is the lead government partner for Ocean Protocol. Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) General Availability. Ocean Protocol event: Compute-to-Data Launch on May 19, 2020. 3D CAD tool, wordprocessor, dozens of games. The decade will help us deliver the ocean we need for the future we want. You will not receive a reply. A visible example. Government of Canada scientists will conduct research to better understand how different petroleum products behave in Canada’s waters and specific environmental conditions. The Decentralized Platform for the AI Economy. Take action to better understand and address the cumulative effects of shipping on marine mammals, such as the southern resident killer whales pods, belugas, and northern right whales. The Canadian Coast Guard's command systems will be strengthened to lead the responses to marine emergencies, and ensure a coordinated response to spills to protect coastal environments and Canadians at sea. We enable a decentralized platform and network that connects providers and consumers of valuable data, while providing open access for developers to build services. Ocean Data Token integration: Integrate Ocean Data Tokens to SecretVaults to allow trustless access to data token content. This new plan will prohibit owners from abandoning their vessels. It provides a tokenized service layer that exposes data, storage, compute and algorithms for consumption with a set of deterministic proofs on availability and integrity that serve as verifiable service agreements. This allows a data economy to exist and to be used by artificial intelligence systems. To enhance real-time awareness, on the West Coast, a new program will fund initiatives to test new ways to bring local marine traffic information to Indigenous and local communities, from existing, open-source information from ports, the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) and other government systems. Amazing use cases that will be utlized on a global scale and change the world we live in. The Oceans Protection Plan will help keep Canadians waters and coasts safe and clean, for today's use and for future generations. The following projects either have an agreement with Ocean Protocol or are actively working on integrating their project with Ocean Protocol. Most companies have tremendous amounts of data but have difficulty exploiting it. Baseline environmental data collection will help detect changes in the ecosystem and improve our understanding of the cumulative effects of shipping. What is the relationship between Ocean Protocol and BigchainDB? The Government of Canada will work with coastal Indigenous communities and British Columbia to develop a new emergency response plan in northern British Columbia. Funds must be easily accessible for response and clean-up. Approximately 95% of goods in the North are carried by ships, including the majority of natural resources leaving the Arctic, as well as the re-supply of essential goods to northern communities. The Government of Canada will upgrade Canadian Coast Guard assets to better respond in the event of a spill. This will include work to build and refine ocean models using information such as currents, winds and waves to allow responders to accurately track spills and predict their path. FireSwap is now Live on HECO Fire Protocol team is super exicted to announce the official launch of Fire Protocol’s DEX component —… Getting feedback earlier, is much more effective and worthwhile for everyone. Did ML research for Canadian Department of National Defense, in the second half of the 90s. Six new lifeboat stations will be built: four along the West coast and two in Newfoundland and Labrador. Canada's Coast Guard will be given greater power to intervene directly to prevent marine incidents such as where ship operators have been reluctant to act. The vessels will be operated by the Canadian Coast Guard in the areas that pose the greatest risk. We’re only two weeks away from the official presentation of our new WhitePaper and Development Roadmap. Ocean Protocol is a decentralized network protocol that enables and incentivizes large-scale data sharing. developing training programs to increase participation of Indigenous group members, particularly women, in marine safety jobs. This includes work to better establish baselines for noise and consideration of options to mitigate these effects. Ocean are partnering up with numerous multinationals from insurance, pharma, automotive and other industries to develop the technology and provide data. An Unstoppable Predictions Marketplace — Introducing Erasure, PutState and GetState: The API in Chaincode Dealing with the State in the Ledger (Part 1), How Blockchain And Virtual Reality Can Crack Up E-commerce In Africa, Blockchain: Creating New Opportunities For The Insurance Industry, ClouldFlare employing IPFS to decentralize the Internet, Debating public and private blockchains completely misses the point. For details about the technical architecture, refer to the technical white paper. Should There Be a Blockchain for Security Tokens? I started my career by doing AI research for national defence in the 1990s, while still an undergraduate [. Ocean is complementary to both centralized & decentralized marketplaces because it provides an additional channel for the marketplaces to publish their services. This fund will support the establishment of coastal habitat zone plans and the identification of habitat restoration priorities located on the West, East and Arctic coasts. Roadmap Examples and Free Roadmap Templates Roadmaps are a flexible format for presenting strategic information, so there's no industry standard we should follow. I extended that work during my PhD from 2004–2008 and found a way to reconcile machine creativity with existing engineering knowledge. The key threats include contaminants, prey availability and noise in the marine environment. Compute-to-data enables publishers to sell private data while preserving privacy. The Government of Canada will work with Indigenous and coastal communities to design new information-sharing systems and platforms so they have access to real-time information on marine shipping activities in their local waters. Singapore, July 8, 2019 – This is a significant milestone after the company’s launch of its Beta version back in April this year. In addition, towing capacity will be added to major Canadian Coast Guard vessels on the East and West coasts. If you have something of value, whether it be crypto, stocks, and eventually real estate, you can mint USDO! Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. transportation-related measures and guidance. Ocean Protocol's mission is to kickstart a Web3 Data Economy that reaches the world, giving power back to data owners and enabling people to … See the value of Ocean Protocol in USD and other popular fiat and cryptocurrencies. The Government of Canada will work with provincial and Indigenous partners to develop a plan for the best location and most effective use of these new vessels and resources. Among them are the OCEAN protocol and Polka DEX. 5, Network keepers support Ocean’s protocol by running nodes within the network. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) $1.37 (-3.49 %) Sikkeyi görüntüle. See the value of Ocean Protocol in USD and other popular fiat and cryptocurrencies. This means the protocol requires control over the money supply and rules out using any existing general purpose protocols or tokens. Increase Canadian Coast Guard towing capacity. We will review the proposal to see if it fits into Ocean Ecosystem and Ocean's Delivery Roadmap. This is the responsibility of the polluter. Fractal will be launching on Polkastarter in a few days. Canadians rely on their coasts and waterways for recreation, to deliver products to market, and to earn their livelihood, but also cherish them for cultural reasons. All information including our rating, is provided merely for informational purposes. Ocean are … Ocean Protocol is an ecosystem for sharing data and services. Ocean Protocol’s mission is to kickstart a Web3 Data Economy that reaches the world, giving power back to data owners and enabling people to capture value from data to better our world. Staying COVIDSafe. Eight new radars will be installed: six in British Columbia, one in Newfoundland and Labrador, and one in Nova Scotia. Understanding ocean dynamics is important for fish stock assessment, ship routing, predicting global circulation consequences of phenomena such as El Nino, forecasting and monitoring storms so as to reduce the impact of disaster on marine navigation, off-shore exploration, and coastal settlements. Completed milestones: ParsiQL programming language. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) $1.22 (27.39 %) Tampilkan koin. I kept hearing a considerable amount of talk in other telegram groups and social media outlets about Ocean Protocol so I decided to do some research on this project to see if it was the magic 3rd hold I was looking for, below is some of what I discovered through my research. Keynotes & invited talks. To mount an effective science-based federal response that minimizes environmental damage, Environment and Climate Change Canada will provide emergency officers on each coast, increase the number of wildlife service staff, enhance its 24/7 oil spill modelling capacity, and improve communications and enforcement officer readiness to ensure the environment is protected in the event of an oil spill. Building on the success of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary model, the Government of Canada will work with Indigenous communities to design and establish new national Indigenous Auxiliary chapters in the Arctic and the Pacific to enroll those Indigenous individuals and groups who want to be part of the federal marine safety system. The Government of Canada's Oceans Protection Plan aims to preserve and restore marine ecosystems vulnerable to increased marine shipping and development. We updated the Props roadmap to share further insights into what the team is working on, as well as past accomplishments. understanding the combined effects of shipping; creating local vessel control areas to minimize safety risks and/or environmental impacts; updating and modernizing regulations and other tools to better respond to community issues related to marine traffic; setting habitat restoration priorities and taking the most appropriate measures when monitoring clean-up, in the event of a spill; and. We are presenting for the very first time our V.2.0 introducing a new liquidity layer for the ocean freight markets! Before I researched Ocean Protocol I was invested in four main projects, two of which I wanted to hold and two that I was looking to exit. Ocean Protocol is a tokenized service layer that exposes data, storage, compute and algorithms for consumption with a set of deterministic proofs on availability and integrity that serve as verifiable service agreements. Its mandate is to ensure open access to the protocol and platform, provide long-term governance to the community and ecosystem and be a custodian of funds raised. This will provide scientific advice to oil spill responders that will improve the Net Environmental Benefit Analysis approach to a spill and the resulting decision-making process. Ocean Protocol is designed so that data owners cannot be locked-in to any single marketplace. The Government of Canada will launch environmental monitoring plans in six high-use areas on all three coasts, which will include environmental indicators, monitoring protocols and strategies. March CY2021 . Training and exercising is key to having an effective marine emergency response. Working with partners to build a seamless response system. Canada will play an active role in developing more stringent international standards with the International Maritime Organization and international partners. The Canadian Coast Guard will work with Indigenous communities to design and launch new Indigenous Community Response Teams, starting in British Columbia. The Government of Canada will strengthen the polluter-pay principle by amending the Canadian Ship-Source Oil Pollution Fund to ensure adequate industry-funded compensation is available for those affected by oil spills. Ocean Protocol is being built by a diverse ecosystem of contributors who share a common vision of unlocking data for AI. It provides a tokenized service layer that exposes data, storage, compute and algorithms for consumption with a set of deterministic proofs on availability and integrity that serve as verifiable service agreements. The team behind the project has been working on the project since 2017 and Davis believes they have a lot of experience and big cooperations. The Government of Canada will review the Pilotage Act, starting in 2017, to deliver safe, efficient and environmentally responsible pilot services into the future. Better identification of where ships can find refuge. The Government of Canada will: Address priority issues on each … 12 Feb 2021 Apple Calendar Google Outlook. DEX Pte Ltd and BigchainDB GmBH are the founders of Ocean Protocol Foundation Limited. Each chain will include an OCEAN bridge to Ethereum mainnet. Initial blockchain integrations: Bitcoin, Ethereum for PARSIQ Beta PARSIQ Platform: From Beta to Live! Ocean Protocol allows data providers to share data while maintaining control and having transparency. Canada will invest $1.5 billion over five years in long-needed coastal protections, with an action plan to deliver results for the coming decade. USDO is a Decentralised stable coin backed by a verifiable collateral pool of both on-chain and off-chain real world assets. Two weeks after V3 launch the response was strong. As for the future, here are some highlights: In January we plan to launch on non-US exchanges. For information on COVID-19 updates, please visit Ocean Protocol does not use BigchainDB except as one of the many potential services to integrate into. Canada is a maritime nation, with more coastline than any other country in the world. The habitat restoration projects would contribute to the mitigation of stressors affecting marine life and their habitats and would work with Indigenous communities, local groups and communities leading restoration activities. Ocean Protocol event: AMA on Telegram on August 24, 2020. The Government of Canada will work in partnership with stakeholders, experts, industry, and coastal and Indigenous communities to explore options as to how Canada could better prepare for and respond to dangerous goods spills. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) is a cryptocurrency token built on top of Ethereum platform, launched in April 2019. BigchainDB will develop the protocol and network for Ocean Protocol. It is not far away from difficult to execute this. Moreover, Fractal is a privacy-oriented standard for the exchange of information between users. Ocean is a protocol and network on which data marketplaces can be built to unlock data for sharing and selling. With Ocean V3 the company have 3 new concepts — datatokens, Ocean Market and Initial Data Offerings, therefore enabling data sharing in a Web3 native architecture making it simpler for people to publish, price and sell their data. The Canadian Coast Guard is supported by a network of 4,000 volunteers across Canada to support maritime search and rescue activities. Please check if any of these measures apply to you. Let’s check around the Ocean Protocol website; oh, there we have it. Through blockchain technology, smart contracts, and tokens, Ocean Protocol … The Canadian Coast Guard will also implement a seasonal in-shore rescue boat station in the Arctic, with trained local personnel, which will support near-shore search and rescue operations. At the IOC’s Executive Council in Paris, member states approved the roadmap, in which ocean literacy plays a central role. Canada's Marine Communications and Traffic Services Centres, located across the country, are an essential source of information for and about marine traffic. Ocean helps to unlock data, particularly for AI. Because of this, the Canadian Coast Guard will increase its on-scene primary environmental preparedness and response personnel to effectively manage and respond to vessels in distress and ship-source pollution. To make marine navigation safer, Environment and Climate Change Canada will launch a five-year project to provide more detailed marine weather services in high-traffic areas, with high-resolution wind, and sea-state information for the upcoming 12 hours. PhD in EE from KU Leuven, Belgium. The key threats include contaminants, prey availability and noise in the marine environment. All Canadians, and especially coastal communities, need confidence that commercial shipping is taking place in a way that is safe for mariners and that protects and sustains the economic, environmental, social, and cultural health of our oceans and coasts. Canadians should not be responsible for cleaning up spills in our oceans. Interested Indigenous communities will gain the skills to support search and rescue missions, environmental response, and incident management activities. Conversely, many others are starving for data, particularly in AI. While existing tokens might serve as a means of exchange, the Ocean protocol requires a token of its own because it uses a specific form of monetary policy and rewards. See you there! TradingView . BE EE and BsC CS from U Saskatchewan, Canada. This is a foundation for people to sell or share data with others, without a centralized middleman compromising security or control. Most other projects are decentralized / centralized marketplaces or data brokers. Ocean Protocol milestones. Web. Built on the UMA protocol, we connect DeFi to the real world in a seamless manner. If your proposal is accepted, we will pay out bounty reward over Bounties Network. Data Farming: first deployment. Outlook for iOS: Actionable calendar search … My long-term goal is to help ensure that humanity has a role in an increasingly autonomous world. In 2016, the Prime Minister launched the $1.5 billion national Oceans Protection Plan, the largest investment the Government of Canada has ever made to protect our coasts and waterways.This funding will ensure our oceans are cleaner, healthier and safer for years to come. The partnerships that have already been made public by company’s working with Ocean Protocol with many more to be announced and under NDAs. Added to Roadmap: 05-08-2019; Last Modified: 02-18-2021; Tags: Web, Desktop, Microsoft Teams, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), General Availability Release: March CY2021; In development. List of all Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) exchanges, where you can buy, sell and trade OCEAN, live prices and trade volumes from more then 27 markets. Obviously it takes more than two people to build a successful blockchain project on the scale of what Ocean Protocol are aiming to achieve but the two men leading this team and their experience can not be underestimated. There is staking on services to signal quality, reputation and ward against Sybil Attacks. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Organized meetup “Singularity Meets Self Improvement” [. Awarded #1 final year thesis. This enables buying & selling of private data from Ocean Market webapp itself. "Tomorrow we unveil Ocean's 2021 roadmap and our plans for widespread adoption." Indigenous and coastal communities expect that more local data on marine traffic (who is doing what and where) will be shared in a user-friendly way that meets their needs. Real-time awareness of marine traffic in Canadian waters. However, anyone who is well-educated about DeFi is familiar with the API3 and Ocean protocols. Ocean Protocol OCEAN future and past events. 2, Data consumers obtain data for their own use. Use Ocean Protocol libraries to build your own app for secure, privacy-preserving data exchange. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) $1.04 (-10.93 %) View coin. Ocean Market: has Compute-to-Data. Ocean will support Oraichain by providing Compute-To-Data technology and enabling Ocean’s ecosystem partners to leverage Oraichain’s AI Request Hub. Canada will also work domestically to implement faster industry response times, require Indigenous community participation in industry response, proactive vessel management, and new, more protective Arctic navigation regimes. A new logistic depot will be built along British Columbia's central coast, in Port Hardy, to house environmental response staff and equipment to ensure rapid response to spills.