} else { The Clone Wars (2219 BBY), also known as the Clone War and the Great Clone War, was the name given to the major galactic conflict fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. "\nTopological ordering is ":"");                    rem[i]=1;                    printf("%d ",i+1);                    flag=0;                    t++;                    break;                }            }        }    }    if(t!=n)    {        printf("\nTopological ordering is not possible(it can only be partially ordered)!! Under options goto linkers and click on libraries. "Mobile Site" url("//cdn2.editmysite.com/fonts/SQ_Market/sqmarket-medium.woff2") format("woff2"), ",bin(n,k));    }    getch();}, #include#includevoid main(){    int a[20][20],add[20],f[20][20],min,posx,posy,i,j,k,n,tot,flag=0,weight=0;    clrscr();    tot=0;    printf("\nEnter the value of n ");    scanf("%d",&n);    printf("\nEnter the adjacency matrix ");    for(i=0;i. } else { Episode 4 : Vincent a écrit un joli solveur bande et s'amuse avec :-), Episode 5 : Tout sur la jonction Nord-Midi :-), Episode 6 : Un petit mot sur les solveurs itératifs, Episode 1 : Résoudre Ax=b avec la plus grande pente, Episode 2 : Résoudre Ax=b avec les gradients conjugés, An Introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method Without the Agonizing Pain, J. Shewchuk, 1984, Pas d'enregistrement Teams :-( (j'ai oublié :-). Episode 6 : Encore plus compliqué avec Marcel : des quadrilatères ! ",tot);    }    getch();}. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. ",i+2-salen);            break;        }        i=i+tab[(int)ma[i]];    }    if(j!=salen)    {        printf("\nSub string not found in the main string!! This was back in … Data passed via a FIFO. } ");    }    getch();}, #include#includevoid main(){    int q[20],a[20][20],r[20],st=0,ed=0,start,n,i,j;    clrscr();    printf("\nEnter the value of n ");    scanf("%d",&n);    printf("\nEnter the adjacency matrix ");    for(i=0;i#includevoid main(){    int a[20][20],n,i,j,st[20],tot=1,top=-1,r[20],flag;    clrscr();    printf("\nEnter the value of n ");    scanf("%d",&n);    printf("\nEnter the adjacency matrix ");    for(i=0;i#includevoid main(){    int i,j,k,a[20][20],n;    clrscr();    printf("\nEnter the value of n ");    scanf("%d",&n);    printf("\nEnter the adjacency matrix ");    for(i=0;i#include#include#includeint a[20000],low,high,ele,pos;int lin(){    if(pos<0)    {        return pos+1;    }    else if(a[pos]==ele)    {        return pos+1;    }    else    {        pos=pos-1;        return lin();    }}int bin(){    int mid=(low+high)/2;    if(low>high)    {        return 0;    }    if(a[mid]==ele)    {        return mid+1;    }    else if(a[mid]>ele)    {        high=mid-1;        return bin();    }    else if(a[mid]#include#include#includevoid heap(int a[],int n){    int i,j,k,temp;    for(i=2;i<=n;i++)    {        j=i;        k=j/2;        temp=a[j];        while(k>0&&a[k]0;i--)    {        k=i;        temp=a[k];        j=2*k;        while(j<=n)        {            if(jtemp)        {            a[i/2]=a[i];            i=i*2;        }        else        {            break;        }    }    a[i/2]=temp;}void main(){    int a[10000],n,i,temp;    Timer t;    clrscr();    printf("\nEnter the value of n ");    scanf("%d",&n);    for(i=1;i<=n;i++)    {        a[i]=n-i;    }    t.start();    heap1(a,n);    for(i=n;i>=2;i--)    {        temp=a[1];        a[1]=a[i];        a[i]=temp;        adjust(a,i-1);    }    t.stop();    printf("\nTimetaken is %lf ",t.time());    getch();}, #include#include#include#includevoid copy(int a[],int b[],int st,int end){    int i;    for(i=st;ic[j])        {            a[i+j]=c[j];            j=j+1;        }        else        {            a[i+j]=b[i];            i=i+1;        }    }}void main(){    int *a,n,i;    Timer t;    clrscr();    printf("\nEnter the value of n ");    scanf("%d",&n);    a=(int*)malloc(n);    randomize();    for(i=0;i#include#include#include#includevoid copy(int a[],int *b,int st,int end){    int i;    for(i=st;i<=end;i++)    {        *(b+i-st)=a[i];    }}void merge(int a[],int *b,int *c,int u){    int i,j=0,k=0;    for(i=0;i<=u;i++)    {        if(j<=(u/2)&&(k<=(u-(u/2)-1)))        {            if(*(b+j)>*(c+k))            {                a[i]=*(c+k);                k++;            }            else            {                a[i]=*(b+j);                j++;            }        }        else if(j<=(u/2))        {            a[i]=*(b+j);            j++;        }        else        {            a[i]=*(c+k);            k++;        }    }}void mergesort(int a[],int u){    int *b,*c,i;    if(u==0)    {        return;    }    b=(int *)malloc(((u/2)+1)*sizeof(int));    copy(a,b,0,u/2);    mergesort(b,u/2);    c=(int *)malloc(((u-(u/2)))*sizeof(int));    copy(a,c,(u/2)+1,u);    mergesort(c,u-(u/2)-1);    merge(a,b,c,u);    free(b);    free(c);}void main(){    int *a,i,n;    Timer t;    clrscr();    printf("\nEnter the value of n ");    scanf("%d",&n);    a=(int *)malloc(n);    randomize();    for(i=0;i#include#include#include#includevoid sel(int a[],int n){    int i,j,temp,pos;    for(i=0;i#includevoid main(){    int a[20][20],rem[20],ind,n,i,j,flag=0,t=0;    clrscr();    printf("\nEnter the value of n ");    scanf("%d",&n);    printf("\nEnter the adjacency matrix ");    for(i=0;i