It looked like sadness, and something seemed off. He inquired. "So do all who live to see such times. Almost instantly, bright lines began to appear on the door. ", [Frodo reveals his Mithril shirt. I raised a brow. "Gollum?" Awesome! "Yeah, that makes more sense." Jasmine threw her sword into the neck of an orc about to stab Pippin. "Shaddup!" Gimli growled and jumped over, but it was short, and he barely made it. But, more fell. "Gandalf." Through his father, Gimli was also the first cousin once removed (or \"nephew\", for simplicity's sake) of Balin, Lord of Moria, and his brother Dwalin, two more former companions of Bilbo. Gandalf came and read the print. I smiled broadly, wiping the growing tears from my eyes. Gandalf ordered. It stumbled back, and looked at Boromir. All enemies are dead or have fled. There was a slight pause before the wizard answered. ], [The troll stops fighting and its hand fumbles towards its mouth where the arrow is. Awe no, a fork in the road, which way to go? ", Gandalf: [reading] "'They have taken the bridge… and the second hall. ], [Suddenly, the beasts break through and the battle begins. ], [Frodo slumps to the floor, the spear sticking into his chest. "Oh, so you wanna play that game?" We were soon surrounded by them. The book recounted a battle with the Orcs that inhabited the old halls of Khazad-dûm, in which Balin's Dwarves were victorious. "I had my mouth open." In Moria, in Khazad-dûm. I whimpered, kneeling down. But, Jasmine and I turned and went the right way, without even noticing. Gandalf read. Rotten boddies with arrows sticking in them surrounded us. "Thank you...and back there in the tomb...did you call me beautiful?" I muttered, thrusting my sword into the neck of one. We went down a few stairs until we came into an endless room with gigantic collums. Three rings for the Elven kings under the sky. "Well it's quite simple. If you like this story, plz punch the like button or whatever you have to do. "Eh, I didn't wanna see that bad." Boromir shouted. "Lean forward." Frodo dashed to Gandalf, looking behind him. Really? Gandalf said something to Aragorn before all of us began running down the stairs. Legolas grabbed his beard, trying to pull him up. "NOT THE BEARD!" "Are we lost?" Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. It roared and slammed me into a different wall. Sam was about to get stepped on! Today, 12 years after the first The Lord of the Rings movie was released, fans still quote their Aragorn snapped. "You have very bad breath." Everyone looked at Frodo as he wheezed in pain. "WATCH OUT!" Gandalf explained. Aragorn ordered. "Give them a moment for pity's sake!" Always follow your nose." It's probably because I'm tired...and I'm still getting over the cold. I chuckled to myself. You called yourself skittles!" Gandalf mused. said the ranger as he picked him up. "Noope." "Let them come! he inquired. Go where you must go, and hope! I asked. ", [He pulls his hat and staff from the Hobbit's hands. ], [The troll swings his chain above his head. Gandalf slowly turns back, and Pippin turns as well, staring down into the well. The chain wraps around a pillar. There was a puase before- "Merry?" Frodo and Gimli standing at his side could see, as he gingerly turned the leaves, that they were written by many different hands, in runes, both of Moria and of Dale, and here and there in Elvish script. Gandalf was his guide, his friend. "Well, I guess there's no turning back." "I'M GOING TO KILL YOUR FACE!" Never trust an elf! The troll swings his mace into the tomb, shattering it and knocking the Dwarf off. ], Sam: [hits an Orc with skillet] "I think I'm getting the hang of this. "IDIOT!" Gimli sobbed, and I felt bad for him. The wizard yell, his crashing down on the bridge. "Go back to the shadow." Gandalf said. Frodo lies on the floor. By then, everyone running and shouting outside. Gandalf shouted. Aragorn was about to toss Gimli, when he stopped him. Gandalf- whom was already annoyed-whirled around. The troll seeks Frodo, who tries to evade its searches by hiding behind a pillar. I sighed. Everyone stood, bow and arms ready. Legolas said, geturing for the wizard to jump. Aragorn stabbed it with the spear, but it knocked him into a pillar. Rolling his eyes in disbelief, Boromir said- "They have a cave troll." Aragorn looked at him. She stated. Gimli: [upon entering Moria] Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves. "I have no memory of this place." I stopped. Which is weird, 'cause I usually pay attention. Yeah....a little. They do that? He swings at the Elf, and Legolas dodges it. She nodded. Another orc replaced it, running to her. Next time throw yourself in and rid us of your stupidity!" It brought out a flaming sword. JUST LEAVE US ALONE! "What do you suppose that means?" JUMP!" Gandalf stopped and touched the wall. "Well then, stop thinking." I coughed, and sighed, helping Jasmine up. Jasmine and I looked at Gandalf. Aragorn and Boromir are behind the troll, pulling on its chains. Gandalf corraled the little ones away from the door. Gimli exclaims as we halt in front of a large flat surface. As he does, the rest of the corpse slips into the well, dragging with it a chain and bucket. Boromir demanded. "Get back!" ], [With a roar, Gandalf launches himself into the fray, and the Hobbits follow. Jasmine intervened. Thankyou for getting this far, if you have. I growled and stabbed the one in the middle. Gandalf chuckled at Gimli's statement, not hearing mine-which is good.     " "I am a servent of the secret fire, weilder of the flame of Anor! ], [Across the room, Aragorn slings his blade into the Orc's neck, and, still dazed, Boromir gets up. Gandalf held out his staff, a shield of light surrounding him. I asked, before catching sight of it, myself. We yell for them to hang on. Gimli was the son of Glóin and a nephew of Óin, both former companions of Bilbo Baggins. Jasmine yelled and charged the troll, and stabbed his leg. — Gimli . After a few more tries, and everyone was bored, Gandalf tossed his staff down in frustration. [Legolas and Aragorn stand poised, ready to shoot. Legolas shot it in the shoulder, but that only made it angrier. She screamed. View Quote. The hobbit ran to his aid. He opens it and clears the dirt from its pages. Frodo races after him and tries to rouse him, but Aragorn is too stunned to move. Boromir ran to the door, and was greeted by arrows, almost piercing him. Gandalf wheezed as he tried to grip the rocks. He lands in a recess of the wall, dazed. I was glad Frodo chose to not keep going on Caradhras. .] Aragorn grabbed Pippin's arm. Who knows? Noise echoes from hall to hall far below. "It's our hero!" The hobbit did as told, and their stair came crashing on ours. The dark fire will not avail you, flame Udun!" Gandalf tried another, this time pressing his staff to the door, but it still had no effect. ], [The troll blasts around the pillar, bellowing in Frodo's face. Jasmine said as we caught up to the rest of the group. "Now that's what I'm talking about." View Quote. "No." "A balrog, a demon of the ancient world. We all gathered together. I nodded. movie quote DB. "He's alive." Boromir got Merry and Pippin and they jumped, Aragorn threw Sam to us and Jasmine caught him. "Mithril! Jasmine and I sprinted forth, back flipping (on accident) in, right when doors crumbled in on us. Gandalf looks up in the uncomfortable silence.] Jasmine slowly walked up to him, and embraced him in a hug. ", [The doors are shut. He shoots the troll in the back of the head and jumps off. Torment in the dark was the danger that I feared, and it did not hold me back. Sam continues to stare, frozen, as the troll swings his mace down at the Hobbit — he dives under the troll's legs and crawls away as the troll turns, and sights him again. ", [Aragorn tries to fight his way over to Frodo. Everyone got ready to begin walking again. This particular moment comes while the fellowship is being chased through the Mines of Moria. Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone. He is dead then." Merry growled, ending the conversation. Boromir turned to him, defending us. She almost hurtled herself after the wizard, but I grabbed her, holding her back. Galadriel's quote, which shows an understanding of Gimli's desire to see Moria, is: If our folk had been exiled long and far from Lothlórien, who of the Galadhrim, even Celeborn the Wise, would pass nigh and would not wish to look upon their ancient home, though it had become an abode of dragons? The wizard sneered. I screamed, kicking the head into the wall. "Frodo!" Soon the whole council break into argument and Frodo decides that he will take it. ], [The troll flails at its head and grabs Merry, swinging him around and throwing him to the ground. She growled back. Jasmine said to me as Gandalf stopped and rushed everyone along. Everyone grew ancy, and Sam looked at Frodo. Gimli cried out with shock and sadness. — Gandalf . Boromir asked Gandalf. The Western Seas have passed away: The world was fair … Best The Lord of the Rings Quotes. Jasmine held up her hand in interjection. Aragorn drops his torch and runs to Boromir. Gimli doesn't know the password simply because he had never been there before. We do not! Oh, did I mention I had a cold? The hobbit was walking away. -- Gimli [the Fellowship is walking through Lothlorien] Gimli: They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods. I sat down close enough to hear their conversation. I looked back and saw tears running down the ranger's face as he looked at where Gandalf fell. COME ON! He hates and loves the ring, just as he hates and loves himself. He gasped, before letting go. Gimli Quotes. Gandalf said that this hall was where all the dwarves lived...or something like that. Legolas runs along the chain onto the trolls shoulders. Gandalf turns away. My head perked up, that couldn't be good. "No Gandalf no!" "Ah! "It's a riddle. There are older, fouler things besides orcs in the deep places of the world. Orc arrows flew at us. "Bless you...bless you....bless you...shut up!" Legolas took an arrow out of a corpse. – Andres F. Dec 17 '12 at 23:25 ], [Merry and Pippin glance at each other and their faces appear resolved. I cut off it's head and stabbed it multiple times. One broke right through the stair, leaving them stranded. He mused. Gandalf is shocked. Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity! Let them come! We looked around frantically for the ring-bearer. Four days in a mine? '", [Gimli stops sobbing, and looks up blankly. Legolas let an arrow fly, striking the orc beyhond the door. Curious, he reaches out and lightly twists the arrow in the corpse. 2989, upon Balin's return to Moria. She snarled, and stepped back. As we began climping up these steep stairs, Pippin slipped, but Merry caught him. Gandalf had a brief explanation of how dwarf doors were hidden to everyone's eyes, even to their own masters. ], [The cave troll gapes in surprise at what it has done. Jasmine said. Frodo was grabbed again, and dangled in the air. "Come on! "That's nasteh." Jazz growled. Jasmine hesitated before shaking her head. Her dagger dug into it's chest as it's mace crashed into poor Balin's tomb. ", [The troll raises his mace and brings it down at the other Hobbits, causing them to jump aside. I listened intently for Gandalf's reply. They settled in the Twenty-first Hall, above the East-gate, and Balin himself ruled his new domain from the old Chamber of Records, also called the Chamber of Mazarbul. "Frodo, no, he was so young, so beautiful." Impressive. When we caught up, Gimli knelt down to a tomb. Still, he continues on. It roured and stumbled towards us. Making Gimli seethe a bit with anger. Jasmine and I finally cleared away the orcs that were holding us back. View Quote. The world was fair, the mountains tall, In Elder Days before the fall. My heart tells me that Gollum has a part to play in, for good or evil, before this is over." An axe cut through. "We make for the Gap of Rohan. We tried to run to his aid, but we were caught by more orcs. He said in awe. I smiled a bit. The words Gandalf had said stuck with me for a very long time afterwards. The troll lifts and drags Frodo off of the edge of a recess. 'The Ringwraiths are deadly enemies, but they are only the shadows yet of the power and terror they would possess if the Ruling Ring was on their master's hand again.' He was hiding behind a collum, hiding from the cave troll. Aragorn and Sam rushed to Frodo's side, as the rest of us walked slowly up to them. "Awe man, we were having a moment." Be on your guard. ], [Merry and Pippin push Frodo behind a pillar. "Aragorn! A full moon comes out right out of the clouds. Everyone retreated back into the mines, Legolas shooting one last tentacle as it tried to grab me. He said. "No, it's just the air is not so foul down here. "Woah, good job Frodo!" Gimli ducks, and the monster strikes a goblin instead, and then another. ], Gandalf: "'We have barred the gates… but cannot hold them for long. SET LOOSE!? Gandalf gave his staff and hat to Pippin...which I don't think was the wisest choice. Gimli cried as Legolas got him up. It raises its mace and begins to swing, but Aragorn leaps down into the recess. Legolas: [taking out bow] You would die before your stroke fell! They all began freaking out and running away. ], [With a long, pained moan, the troll collapses to the ground, dead. I rolled my eyes, but Jasmine stifled a laugh. ], [Frodo begins to run but the troll blocks Frodo's path with its spear, throwing him back. Jasmine and I reassured. Aragorn shouted, making him stop. Jasmine soon became bored and began taking interest in her hair. ], Aragorn: "You should be dead! What's the elvish word for friend?" Jasmine was also sweating- and lets just assume, everyone was sweating. She took in deep breathes, hiccuping a few times. The Elf notches an arrow to his bow as Aragorn shoots another. She pionted out. Sting quivers, glowing blue. The Chamber was the site of a battlebetween the Fellowship and a group of attackin… It's ugly, not even a mother could love that face." Just come on! "I think we are." The Fellowship of the Ring, journeying through Moria in 3019, found his tomb. Boromir: One does not simply walk into Mordor.Its Black Gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. "Yes, Shmegol, he was once called. But the threat of the Balrog kept me going. "Thankyou." I screamed as if I felt his pain. I muttered. ", [Creatures begin breaking the doors down. A cave troll smashes through the doorway, chains leading from his wrists to an Orc's hand. The colony was sent 30 years before the Fellowship got there. "What is this new devilry?" Frodo looked more alarmed, and I grew uneasy.A creepy emaciated thing, following us for three days? Gimli strongly objects, and the dispute nearly comes to blows. THANK GOD! We walked a bit longer when we came to the bottom of a cliff, with a crumbled bridge standing over a gloomy lake. A great memorable quote from the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers movie on - Gimli: It's true you don't see many dwarf women.