And while hydropower in South Africa has not been exploited to its full potential, it is expected that the majority of hydropower projects in South Africa will be carried out on a smaller scale due to the country’s available water resources. According to the latest figures quoted by the Hydropower & Dams World Atlas 2016, the gross theoretical hydro capacity of South Africa is 73 000GWh per year, while the technically feasible capacity is 14 000GWh per year. Solar energy in South Africa is primarily based in PV and CSP. This paper looks at the status of small hydropower in Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. “Instead of dams being constructed … existing reservoirs that are used for other purposes can be fitted with hydropower plants in order to augment electricity supply towards meeting peak electricity demands,” it states. Considering the increasing energy needs in Africa, the study presents the feasibility of an effective energy symbiosis between solar PV and hydropower through the development of floating PV systems. Africa has the lowest electricity access rate in the world (54%), with a significantly lower access rate in Sub-Saharan African (47.7%) compared to North Africa (96.5%). Small hydropower has played an important role in the his- South Africa used to import electricity from the Cahora Bassa hydropower station in Mozambique and will do so again when the transmission line is repaired. This increases Africa’s resilient to climate change and its ability to respond to extreme events without taking hard measure and/or redesigning existing infrastructure.”. For each country, an overview will be given of the electricity sector and the role of hydropower, the potential for small hydropower and the expected future of this technology. The furthest area in the west of the country receives the … South Africa is not in need of more energy. This means an increase in electricity output of 58% compared to the existing hydropower generation. Key View: Southern Africa’s power project pipeline will be increasingly populated by renewable projects in the form of hydropower and solar, overtaking coal in terms of both project value and number, as governments turn to cleaner energy sources. South Africa’s government is mulling over the generation of hydropower by retrofitting existing infrastructure — including big dams, water schemes and canals — as it seeks to bolster the renewable energy portion of the country’s energy mix. Hydropower. Adding 75MW to South Africa's power grid through hydro would cost the country around R2-billion, while on average it would cost between R15-million and R25-million a … Hydropower, or hydroelectric power, is energy that is captured from flowing water and turned into electricity. However, completion has been delayed by about a year, as the project became mired down in allegations of corruption and impropriety that reach all the way up to South Africa’s Department of Water and Sanitation. An untapped opportunity in kinetic hydropower lies in the irrigation canals in South Africa. There are four large PPSs operating currently around the country, with the Steenbras (180 MW) being the municipal asset of the City of Cape Town, and three plants owned by the national entity Eskom namely the Drakensberg (1000 MW), Palmiet (400 MW) and now new Ingula … This is likely to include both new greenfield development and rehabilitation and operational improvement of existing hydro plants to restore and increase capacity. “Meanwhile, feasibility studies have been undertaken for two more pumped storage schemes in either the Western or Eastern Cape (1 000MW), and another 120MW of pure hydro is being studied on the Orange River, just below the Vanderkloof Dam.”. It draws on water surface data of the largest 146 hydropower reservoirs on the continent. In March, it was announced that the Neckartal Dam – the largest dam in the southern African country of Namibia – had officially been inaugurated. The power station is located on the Ash River “The majority of hydropower projects in South Africa will be carried out on a smaller scale, due to the country’s available water resources.”. Red Rocket’s first hydro-electric power project is the third hydropower project procured under South Africa’s Renewable Energy Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) to come online.Kruisvallei Hydro was awarded preferred bidder status under bid widow 4 of the REIPPP … Current Status of Hydropower ... zImprove existing hydro plant capacity zAdvance development of regional projects. Hydropower is an especially important source of electricity in eastern and southern Africa. The power station required deep excavations through the Botterkloof Dam embankment for the intake and concrete penstock but even deeper between the Botterkloof Dam and … Africa is the continent with the highest untapped technical hydropower, but according to the International Hydropower Association, only 11% of the total technical potential has been developed. Image: Wikicommons. The turbine was installed at the Botterkloof Dam on the Ash River near Clarens in the Free State province of South Africa. Of the electricity generated in Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia, 90% comes from hydropower. The total installed capacity of the large pumped storage schemes (PSSs) in South Africa is at present some 2910 MW. The study results indicate that with a total coverage of less than 1%, the installed power capacity of existing hydropower plants could double and electricity output could grow by 58%. The FPV could also partially compensate for the reduction of hydropower output during dry periods and reduce water loss from evaporation. McKinsey achieved in 2015 a thorough analysis to assess the situation of the sub-Saharan power development. This is just the beginning of our envisaged large-scale cooperation program in the field of small-scale hydropower engineering in Central and South African countries”, noted Merten. Also potentially issues to address are technical challenges such as bird fouling, electrical insulation, corrosion mechanical wearing and anchoring and mooring systems. We work hand in hand with our clients to provide client specific solutions. The installation of floating photovoltaics (FPV) in existing hydropower reservoirs however, could provide solar electricity to help compensate for hydropower production losses during dry periods. An earlier analysis by the authors which focused on South Africa showed that the selection of prime locations for PV systems on the face of dams can be particularly advantageous and cost-effective. There is an installed pure hydro capacity of 660MW. The country’s second-largest plant is situated on the Palmiet River outside Cape Town. ... A single vertical Kaplan turbine is installed in a powerhouse alongside the existing Botterkloof Dam, situated on the As river in the Free State province of South Africa. “Few suitable sites remain. Another study indicates that there are 3500 – 5000 potential sites for mini/micro hydro electric power plants identified along the eastern parts of the country8. The study flags, for example, unknown environmental issues such as algae growth, impact on the local fish food chain, ecosystem adaptation to changes in the water temperatures. However, market commentators believe that despite investor appetite for projects in the water sector, the number of solar and wind projects in South Africa outstrips water projects. Up to Instead of dams being constructed for the purpose of hydropower, existing reservoirs that Hydro Geological Survey AFRICAF PROJECT is recognized as one of the leading and reliable multi-disciplinary drilling contractors operating in Ghana and now in South Africa. The Kruisvallei hydro-electric power plant in South Africa has commenced commercial operation. Solar energy is light and heat that is radiated from the Sun. There is also the potential to import more hydropower from countries such as Zambia, Zimbabwe and Zaire. Eskom owns four large hydro plants, the two most significant being Gariep (360MW) and Vanderkloof (240MW). A new study, Assessment of floating solar photovoltaic potential in existing hydropower reservoirs in Africa, published in the scientific journal Renewable Energy, provides a comprehensive analysis of the potential of FPV installations in Africa. The establishment of small hydroelectric pro j ects dotted around the country could in all probability assist in providing a sustainable energy supply in the future.. Furthermore, water scarcity in South Africa has threatened In terms of smaller hydropower projects, studies carried out in 2010 indicate that up to 47MW could be developed at small schemes in the future. potential of hydropower in South Africa. Stortemelk Hydropower Project, South Africa. Smaller hydropower projects currently being developed include the 3MW Sol Plaatje scheme, the 4MW Merino project and the 400MW Palmiet project. Still, the report authors point out the excellent solar potential in Africa means the diversification of the continent’s energy portfolio is feasible. South Africa currently has seven hydroelectric power stations across the country, all owned by Eskom. Solar panels floating on the lakes formed by Africa’s hydropower dams could be a major new source of power, according to a new study.If these panels covered just 1% of reservoirs, this alone could double African hydropower capacity and increase electricity generation from dams by 50%. Small hydropower potential in South Africa In 2002 a study focusing on the hydropower potential in South Africa was compiled providing an assessment according to conventional and unconventional possibilities for all the provinces. Of the electricity generated in Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, … This largely concurs with a report in the Hydropower & Dams World Atlas 2016, which notes that, in recent years, dam construction has slowed down in South Africa, with emphasis changing to optimising the use of existing resources. Northern Africa countries and South Africa especially benefit from the installation of FPV, equalling the electricity produced by hydropower and even doubling it in some cases, with small FPV coverages between 1% and 5% (for the EQIC case). The plant is expected to begin operation later this year (2016).”. It would also reduce evaporation losses while helping to sustainably satisfy the current and future needs of the fast-growing African population. In this case, the water savings could reach 743 million cubic meters a year, increasing the annual hydroelectricity generation by 170.64GWh. Other possible schemes would be the Vioolsdrift Dam (within Namibia), on the Lower Orange River, in the Northern Cape, and the Nwamitwa Dam, on the Groot Letaba River, in the north of the country, both for water supply.”. South Africa has a potential to develop hydropower at existing DWS infrastructure such as dams, canals, pipelines as well as making use of the water resources in SA including the shared river basins. The Stortemelk hydro power plant has been developed as a greenfield project by REH Project Development (formerly NuPlanet Project Development). The power station had to be constructed between two existing dams without affecting their operations and stability. Hydropower. To date, 30 dams have been rehabilitated and a further six are currently undergoing rehabilitation, with another 32 projects at various stages of design and tendering. The Stortemelk hydropower project in South Africa has been recognised as an impressive example of sustainable small hydro development using an industry-leading assessment tool. Concurrently, it has an annual population growth of 2.7%, significantly higher than South Asia (1.2%) or Latin America (0.9%). Eskom owns four large hydro plants, with one of the most significant being Vanderkloof (240MW).Image: Wikicommons, “Meanwhile, NuPlanet, another private small hydro developer, has the 4.5MW Stortemelk plant under construction on the Ash River, in the Free State province. The Department of Water and Sanitation owns 316 large dams, which are located across South Africa. Learn about recent developments in the industry and stay knowledgeable in your field. Go to Top. South Africa has moderate hydroelectric power – this is according to the experts. The Department of Science and Technology (DST) funded the University of Pretoria to develop a kinetic hydropower installation in !Kheis Municipality (ZF Mgwawu District, Northern Cape), as part of the second phase of the DST’s Innovation Partnership for Rural Development Programme. The Stortemelk hydro power plant has been developed as a greenfield project by REH Project Development (formerly NuPlanet Project Development). We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Small hydropower is a proven, mature technology with a long track record, even in Africa. determining the feasibility of retrofitting hydropower to existing dams in South Africa. In South Africa there are 1086 large dams in operation: 846 embankments and 240 concrete dams. Hydropower with floating solar holds massive potential for Africa. 3,586 MW of hydropower including 2,832 MW of pumped storage capacity produce some 4,750 GWh of electrical energy per year, about 2% of national supply. However, several water resources development projects could still proceed, including the Mzimvubu Water Project in the Eastern Cape, which would involve the construction of the Ntabelanga Dam, on the Itsitsa River,” says report. Click below to read the January/February 2017 issue of Water Sewage & Effluent, Interact Media Defined (IMD), is one of South Africa’s leading multi-media magazine publishers READ MORE, African Mining onlineCold Link online HVACR onlineMTE onlineEquipment and Hire Plumbing onlineSA Affordable Housing online Timber iQ, Cookie policyPrivacy & Cookie policyPrivacy policy, JHB T : +27 (0) 11 579 4940CPT T : 0861 727 663E :, 13A Riley Road, Bedfordview,South Africa 2007, Interact Media Defined (IMD), is one of South Africa’s leading multi-media magazine publishers. Existing Hydropower Plants: Pöyry prepared an up-to-date GIS layer that shows the location and metadata of all existing hydropower plants in West Africa. The Hydro Review content team brings you the latest in Hydropower news. According to estimations, 12% of the world’s hydro potential is found in Africa — and due to geographical conditions, most of it is located in the sub-Saharan part. Hydro Power Industries (HPI) had its beginnings in 2006 with the purpose of meeting the growing demand for a solution driven product offering. “Instead of dams being constructed … existing reservoirs that are used for other purposes can be fitted with hydropower plants in order to augment electricity supply towards meeting peak electricity demands.”. The levelized cost of solar electricity is relative to the quality and quantity of solar radiation in South Africa. Upon completion, the Lesotho Highlands Water Project is expected to provide about 1 000MW of power to Lesotho, and water to South Africa’s Gauteng province. It’s not just new funding for hydropower in Africa that has made the news. The technically feasible hydropower potential of South Africa is about 14,000 GWh/year, of which about 90% has already been developed. Output will be sold to Eskom under a 20-year PPA [power purchase agreement]. This scheme is expected to add 1 332MW to the national power grid, but is about four years overdue and about R27-billion over budget, said to cost a total of R35-billion. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Currently, 61MW of small hydro capacity is in operation at four plants, producing 350GWh per year. In the draft policy, the Department of Water and Sanitation maintains that the country has the potential to develop hydropower at existing water infrastructure. The study shows the FPV systems could rapidly ramp up installed power capacities through existing infrastructure and local expertise. All four units should be in operation by next year (2017),” says the Hydropower & Dams World Atlas 2016. There is also the potential to import more hydropower from countries such as Zambia, Zimbabwe and Zaire. The country’s economically feasible hydro capacity is 47 000GWh per year. The Palmiet Pumped Storage Scheme, in the Western Cape, is one of the hydropower projects currently being developed in South Africa. (2013) and Williamson et al. Neckartal Dam in Namibia. Government is considering generating hydropower by retrofitting existing water infrastructure.Image: ... A single vertical Kaplan turbine is installed in a powerhouse alongside the existing Botterkloof Dam, situated on the As river in the Free State province of South Africa. The second is the R25-billion binational Lesotho Highlands Water Project, which is currently in its second phase of development. A review of existing low-head hydropower systems is provided by Campbell (2010), Bozhinova et al. The need for such a model is primarily due to the growing importance of small-scale hydropower projects resulting from the global shift towards renew- The most common forms of hydropower use hydroelectric dams to create a reservoir.Water released from the reservoir flows through a turbine that generates electricity.