She says that believing something to be real isn't the same as it actually being real and their relationship isn't, and she breaks up with Vincent. With all the controversy, the movie is canceled. After BoJack hangs up Diane asks him what happened to being honest. To keep things smooth, Princess Carolyn calls Diane to make a blog about Courtney's movie over dinner. They manage to put the fire out, but everyone has left, due to everything being on fire, except for the food critic, who is still expecting her mushroom risotto. As Woodchuck is an experienced skier, Mr. Peanutbutter loses the race. He puts Ruthie on it, and she slides midway across the floor. In One Trick Pony, Diane tells BoJack the first draft of the book is finished, and she is going to send it to Pinky Penguin. In Chickens, she, along with Kelsey's cynical teenage daughter, who she was assigned to watch, gets involved with Todd's scheme to help a food chicken he named Becca to escape from captivity. She then informs Diane she sold it, and she has six months to work on it. March 19, 1980[1] Just when Princess Carolyn believes everything is perfect, Rutabaga's wife texts him, and Princess Carolyn learns that they are trying to work things out even though she and he have been sleeping together for the past three months. He says traffic is probably bad because of the rain. Sextina then announces she's going to have her abortion live on pay per view TV. In The Amelia Earhart Story, Diane calls Princess Carolyn while the latter is in Eden, North Carolina asking her how to get Flip to listen to her ideas. While there, he awkwardly introduces Diane to his friends, as "the woman he works with." Diane passes out by this point, and BoJack covers her with a blanket. Princess Carolyn explains that their real wedding was a week ago, and this one is for the industry. Princess Carolyn congratulates them. Diane says yes. When Joey yells at Mr. Peanutbutter to get out of the way, Princess Carolyn claims to have watched Mr. Peanutbutter jump in front of the car, saying that Mr. Peanutbutter yelled, “I’m a sad dog” before doing it. Diane counters, saying that there are no "bad" or "good" guys in the world and that everyone is just a "guy" that does good and bad stuff, and that the best thing to do is to do less bad stuff and forgive. I'm Hank Hippopopalous. She wasn't offered the projects Tumbleweeds and Crickets, due to the studios being dubious about her priorities. Mr. Peanutbutter whimpers sadly as he walks towards the kitchen. Demi shakes her head at this. Their first attempt goes slightly awry, as Diane interviews the two teenage founders of the Every Girl Animal company, which was created to make dolls with less unconventional beauty standards, she asks if the dolls are made with recycled materials. Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles come home, and Mr. Peanutbutter confesses his infidelity to Pickles. Shortly before, she has dinner with Mr. Peanutbutter, who she has remained on good terms with, although she is annoyed by him and the waitress, Pickles, an excitable, young female pug, hitting it off. The call sobers up BoJack, and he admits to Princess Carolyn that she was right earlier when she said they don't love each other and that they're just lonely and trying to hate themselves less. She, initially believing it was a priceless family heirloom from the old country, learns that it is actually worthless costume jewelry from JC Penny, and she fires Judah after learning he went behind her back the previous year and denied an offer from Charley Witherspoon to merge agencies. This causes people to backlash against Biel for hating avocado, much to Katrina's dismay. At the time, the two had not yet formed their friendship and Diane still saw BoJack as a celebrity which she was a fan of and wanted to meet. Diane angrily tells him he didn't trust that she knew something, and he says he just wanted to double-check anyway. Princess Carolyn says with the realization she's not afraid of being alone, and she refuses to let Rutabaga with her, as she's the owner of the company. Her mother, Cutie Cutie Cupcake, was a live-in maid for the Wallace family, a wealthy family in the answering machine tape business, and she and her children stayed in a room above their garage. She also doesn't want to show her weaknesses, insecurities, or vulnerabilities due to her reputation of being able to do anything. At one point during college she was put on Prozac for depression but she shortly afterwards went off it because she hated what it did to her—she became lifeless and boring, Dawson's Creek got bad and she wasn’t emotional enough to LiveJournal about it, and she broke out and gained weight. The party-goers come out of their hiding spots and yell Suprise! Diane tells BoJack in the car, while he drives to his old friend Cuddlywhiskers's house to retrieve something for Jill Pill, as she hasn't heard from him in years, that they bring out the worst in each other, and they should only keep things professional. Ironically, Princess Carolyn already serves as a mother figure to the main characters, often solving their problems and putting their needs before hers, whether she wants to or not—something she has been shown to struggle with. All those years she was miserable would have been for nothing. Diane Nguyen (born March 19, 1980) is a human Vietnamese-American writer, "misunderstood intellectual," and third-wave feminist from Boston, who lived with her well-off and famous ex-husband, Mr. Peanutbutter, until their divorce in Season 5. During this BoJack questions her about her move to Chicago, where she does admit she has a boyfriend over there and assures BoJack he is not the reason she’s moving. Her opinionated nature also seems to harm her just as much as her temper, since Diane often exhibits a mild form of social anxiety, and sometimes tends to deeply question how she feels. Princess Carolyn admits that she compulsively takes care of others, despite her own life being "a mess," and it is shown she gains satisfaction, pride, and a sense of purpose from helping others and fixing their problems. When they get to the apartment, Diane asks for Mr. Peanutbutter to come inside with her. However, she realizes that she's going to have to talk to Ralph again as the card was made by Ralph's company. BoJack then kisses Diane unexpectedly. However, after arriving home and reading a letter from BoJack, who was in rehab at the time, saying he wished he hadn’t dwelled on his sadness for so long convinces Diane to move to Chicago. She says it's just her name, and that she's a manager. Sonny tells her Ivy Tran will be good for girls with low self-esteem and asks when the next one will come out. He tries to get to the bottom of it, fearing it'll ruin the show for Gina. Princess Carolyn tells the other women, about the Birthday Dad project. He tells her he won't pick it up unless she had a lead actor. Mr. Peanutbutter arrives to confirm his suspicions of BoJack having feelings for Diane by stealing the "D," but offers to help BoJack return the D secretly under the condition BoJack stops pursuing Diane romantically. They argue, and end up having "angry sex" again despite being divorced. Princess Carolyn decides to go with that suggestion and leaves with their friendship restored. At the abortion clinic, Diane complains about Sextina bad Princess Carolyn to Mr. Peanutbutter, who listens and voice his support to everything she says. After she writes a fictional middle-grade story about teen detective Ivy Tran, she is concerned this won’t connect to as much to people as a personal memoir about her childhood trauma would. She knows what it's like because her own mother worked all the time, making her feel all alone, and she never met her dad or twin brother, because their parents separate when they were babies, leaving her with half of a gold medallion. Princess Carolyn flirting with Vincent Adultman. Diane arrives onset, but Flip tells her to just sit in his office, don't bother him, and collect her paycheck, and get recognition for being a woman working on a TV show so that people won't think it's sexist. School wasn’t much better for Diane, as she was seen as and got bullied for being a nerd, and never got invited to parties. She then tells Princess Carolyn about how Shirley MacLaine threw a cactus at her head, for setting up a meeting with the wrong Steve McQueen. Princess Carolyn then gets a phone call from BoJack, who apologizes for always making her life difficult. However, when she, Diane, and BoJack attend the Forgivies, BoJack makes a disgusted face when Vance accepts his Forgivie, due to smelling bad cheese. This does, however, allow her to tolerate people like BoJack, even at the most trying of times. Diane explains to Mr. Peanutbutter that it's hard for her to talk about her feelings because she didn't have the support growing up as he did. BoJack says that the gross part is Biscuits didn't even care as the interview was leverage for ratings and her next paycheck. Princess Carolyn gets a call from Vanessa Gekko indicating that her former client Cate Blanchett has switched Gekko. He had to register their new corporation in her name because of his divorce, to her surprise, but he promises it's only temporary. Diane tries to teach BoJack about the media cycle and how pop culture normalizes things—for good and bad. They both then walk away. However, Paige unexpectedly calls BoJack, saying they are running a story about Sarah Lynn and his relationship with her next Thursday, and BoJack denies everything she asks him. BoJack suggests that when you're good at putting out fires, you just run from fire to fire without thinking. Princess Carolyn dreaming of an idealistic life inside a painting where Gekko is her maid. She says she has loved BoJack for twenty-five years and when she tells her daughter the story of the great love of her life she wants it to have a happy ending. While having dinner with him, where he reveals to her he's getting a Forgivie, She tells him as soon as word gets out he's on Philbert the offers will start rolling in. Diane asks how he covered his tracks but they are interrupted by a knock on the door. Diane is furious at Mr. Peanutbutter for not listening to her about fracking, which resulted in their current situation. In Ancient History, Mr. Peanutbutter visits Princess Carolyn at VIM and tells her that since season one of Philbert has wrapped, he wants to auction a greeting card, which says "Happy Birthday Dad" with a father dog and his kids, for a movie—"Birthday Dad." She then tells BoJack she wants to sign Stan and BoJack counters he needs to finish school as he is a Sophomore. She explains the leak was a calculated move and points out that many people love BoJack from reading the chapters and the unreleased book is gaining lots of attention. In Hooray! Diane questions to Sextina how that will even be possible because she isn't even pregnant, but Princess Carolyn is already planning it out, saying they'll fake it and pre-record it, and put a "live" icon at the bottom of the screen to trick people. 1 - scar 2 - fat 3 - backside 4 - birthmark 5 - stomach 6 - pimples 7 - tattoo Name a pet that does not do a lot of tricks. when all Princess Carolyn ever did was cover for her. She goes on to say that BoJack went on a drug bender with Sarah Lynn and at some point, they split up and she died. At the hospital, Diane's wrist is now in a blue cast. She wore a purple homecoming dress with big ruffled sleeves. While she’s amicable to him, she also gets irritated when he assumes she’ll be mad at him for working with Vance Waggoner, and asks why he came to her. Princess Carolyn says they should hit the bricks. She tells him that she's was gonna drink and watch old episodes of Horsin' Around. BoJack praises her work on the show and claims that she did a great job on writing for the show. Diane decides that's not bad advice. She then goes on to say that in everyone's head BoJack has apologized for the really bad stuff without legally implicating himself. Princess Carolyn then gasps as she has a flashback to when she was an assistant. Diane then points out it's not about the legality and Todd says BoJack has been acting sketchy. BoJack tries to assure her that she has a good life, but this makes Diane realize that she wasn't happy above ground either. At Wesleyan, Diane is seated next to Todd who is holding Ruthie for BoJack's showcase. In Season 6, Diane moves to Chicago to live with her new boyfriend, Guy, leaves Girl Croosh, and begins working on a new book, while also beginning to take antidepressants. On the set of Birthday Dad, Mr. Peanutbutter is filming a scene and he gets his lines wrong. She then tells him she also doesn’t regret knowing him, however when he jokes it would be funny if this was the last time they ever spoke to each other, she just sadly looks away, which implies this will be. Stefani explains that GirlCroosh is moving to video format and that she wants Diane to be the face of it. She gives him the idea to have a housewarming party, and she agrees to come. She has gained a lot of weight but has a huge smile on her face as she holds up a sign reading "DAWSON'S CREEK WAS ALWAYS BAD," which reveals she started taking antidepressants. Princess Carolyn then gets another phone call from BoJack, who stole Mr. Peanutbutter's phone, to make a phone call. Diane shows up at Alexi's house, although he seems confused about her appearance. BoJack then tells her he is making a list of people he wants to make amends to. Diane tells Mr. Peanutbutter he has to help Woodchuck win the race because he has no idea what he's up against. Lenny also tells Princess Carolyn her reputation for success is exactly what he needs to front the female-centric production company. Marv tells her she's going to sign a new contract to become an agent any day now. Princess Carolyn tells her to enjoy the process. This gives Princess Carolyn the idea to pitch Birthday Dad as a TV show to Pinky. She walks a fine line between pointing fingers at everyone but herself and blaming herself alone for her stress. In Intermediate Scene Study w/ BoJack Horseman, at Wesleyan, BoJack has Princess Carolyn teach the class the business side of acting. BoJack would confirm on his Twitter that she was born on March 19, 1980. Princess Carolyn then says they should let Stan decide for himself. Rutabaga tells her that nothing has to change because he is definitely gonna divorce her. She starts to rant on how she felt bad for BoJack when Sarah Lynn died, but at the same time wondered about his involvement in it. Just then, the "Gush" starts to kick in, and she starts to leave. Princess Carolyn begrudgingly accepts, and Rutabaga laughs at her reaction and said it's a good thing she's not a mother, because she would be hilarious at it. Diane travels around the country filming expose videos for GirlCroosh, alongside a cameraman named Guy, a bison from Chicago who is divorced with a son, whom she eventually begins to hook up with. He tells her that she's too good for writing Instagram captions. Diane and BoJack come out from under the bed. Mr. Peanutbutter tells her he can't find the batteries, and she should come home and help him. Diane then decides to leave the premiere. She thanks him as he leaves, and he says it’s his pleasure. Last appearance She broke up with BoJack after becoming his agent, because she wanted to have a family before she was forty, and she didn't want to spend the next seven years waiting around for him to be serious about starting a family. After Diane, who is at VIM talks to Mr. Peanutbutter, who is at MBN, he thinks she's in New York too, but quickly tells her he's not accusing her and that he feels better when he knows where she is. At first, she dismisses him, saying he is not her client anymore, but begins to find him work after finding out Vanessa coldly shredded his contract to drop him. He lists several potential ones. Mr. Peanutbutter says he wants every day to be a happy one because they don't have many days left. Diane refuses to be a part of the plan and leaves. She eventually became Marv's secretary and assistant. Mr. Peanutbutter casually tells Princess Carolyn, that the cast and crew hate him since word got out that he cheated on his fiancé. BoJack tells Diane the secret to being happy is to pretend to be happy, and eventually, you'll forget that you're pretending. They kidnap a rabbit man and have him sign to run development of Saoirse Ronan's production company Saoirse and Rescue. Stuart then reminds her, about the Manatee Fair photo shoot, for the Hollywoo Women Who Can Do It All Issue. Princess Carolyn then asks Judah to play her one of his songs. However, they suddenly start making out, which leads to them engaging in passionate “angry sex.". The mother and daughter look at each other and smile. While Ralph wants to try and look for other options to have a baby, Princess Carolyn, feeling as if she failed at being his "easy" girlfriend and refuses to give up on trying to get pregnant herself, breaks up with him. Princess Carolyn asks if he ever loved her, but BoJack tells her that he doesn't do the love thing because you either hurt them or they hurt you. BoJack then asks what's the point of working on himself and getting better and sober if people out there trying to tear him down. BoJack tells her to stop doing everything herself when she’s the boss, and to get herself a "Princess Carolyn" of her own. Tom states that's good enough for him, and then announces the big story that Kanye West claims to hate Thin Mints. BoJack breaks the tension and suggests getting Ethiopian food, which leads to a conversation about how the Ethiopian restaurant has good bread. Diane wakes up to a phone call from Stefani revealing Whitewhale bought GirlCroosh. Princess Carolyn hangs up, frustrating Vanessa. BoJack and Diane are forced out of the bedroom. She began wearing her necklace when her mother gave it to her before she left for California. BoJack then says Biscuits kept talking about him hurting a lot of women but he has also hurt a lot of men. He says she can either be mad at him or get drunk with him, but not both. She is shown to be under-appreciated at work in Higher Love, as her boss Mr. Witherspoon berates her for showing up late and missing the opportunity to snag the now late agent Ronnie Bonito's clients. However, in Season 3, their marriage has appeared to be strained from Diane's lie, as the two (typically Mr. Peanutbutter) constantly call each other to check in on each other and say they understand and respect what they have to say, and they start going to marriage counseling. He asks how her day was, and she says it was good, as the black tar engulfs him. Diane is unaffected and thankful to be a part of her company. She pushes herself away, shaking her head no and returns to the car wordlessly. Renata then asks if Princess Carolyn would work with clients who do not respect her time, health, or general well-being. He hesitates and then says no. Diane then reveals her parents didn't name her till she was four. Princess Carolyn reluctantly takes the bikini and tells him she'll do it. She would also sit by herself on a hill by the local dump, and would dream of waking up as Chelsea Clinton, but with her own hair. One time, when Diane was sixteen, her brothers all took turns writing letters to her pretending to be a secret pen-pal named Leo, then six months later they hired a hobo to pretend to be Leo and take her to homecoming. However, she needs to send Princess Carolyn some pages. In Season 2, she begins to interact with her coworker Rutabaga Rabitowitz, whose office is directly below hers. Two episodes later, in That Went Well, Diane is hired by Ralph Stilton's sister, Stefani Stilton, as a writer for the website Girl Croosh. BoJack then asks her if she wants to dance as the music starts to play. She often finds herself forced to choose between prioritizing her career and her relationships. She also believes her antidepressants while making her lighter and clearer, are also making her foggy, and laments to Guy it’s why she didn't want to go on them. Sixteen Pickles then calls Mr. Peanutbutter. paracity tsushin by. Nice While It Lasted Wanda doesn't think he should sulk about it, but Diane says he should. Diane then agrees to finish writing the Ivy Tran book. He brings up the book, and Diane is annoyed he's still mad about it. She found him on his front lawn passed out and covered in tapioca pudding. At one point they go to the Bahamas together for vacation and BoJack gives her a bracelet for her thirty-eighth birthday. The next day, Mr. Peanutbutter has been tied to a makeshift cross and is about to be burned by Jessica. He asks if they want gift cards. Diane says that wouldn't it have been funny if he'd accidentally texted her when he meant someone else but realizes that's exactly what happened. Diane and BoJack make there way to the side of the bed Princess Carolyn and Ruthie are hiding. Diane goes to the party alone but runs into Todd. They try to come up with a plan to have her postpone it, and they devise a plan to pitch her a film that she could direct and play all of the parts in. Lenny tells her he wants her to run Turtletaub's new female-focused studio division called Girtletaub, indicating that the studio is in trouble due to two decades worth of executive sexual harassment. BoJack rebuts, saying that he is a bad person and that the world needs to know. She gives BoJack a pep talk after he goes on a week-long bender due to his dismay over Diane's engagement to Mr. Peanutbutter, and books him to shoot a commercial for Guten Bourbon. Princess Carolyn asks if the reporters know that and BoJack responds he doesn't know how they could as he covered his tracks. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They go into their living room and he says he waits all day for her to come home. He says if she told her that, he would have listened. Woodchuck declines due to the sheer ludicrously, although after a month people will not let the challenge go. She wanted to make girls like her feel less alone. She heads back into the restaurant but BoJack follows her back inside. He stands behind her as she types and likes what he sees. Princess Carolyn and Lenny then look at photos of various agents. BoJack's second interview does not go as well as his first one. She tells him things will get worse before they get better but he won't have to spend the rest of his life waiting for the other shoe to drop. Princess Carolyn asks him what he has written for his apology. Mr. Peanutbutter looks through a script while on the set of Birthday Dad, Princess Carolyn approaches him and shows him a meme she made about Mr. Peanutbutter entitled “Sad Dog" and the different variants of it. The next day Guy meets her outside the building Whitewhale with her coat. Diane then explains how she's an untrustworthy new source and a hypocrite after her actions. She agrees to go despite Mr. Peanutbutter wanting to just stay in.