How hard would you say it was for you to do a double major, especially in two subjects that aren't very much related? However, I have learned that in a general sense, if you get an undergraduate degree in something like creative writing or English, unless you have big plans after graduation, it is probably best to get a graduate degree as well. You know what will really help you become a professional writer? Possibly more helpful is my friend who went in for Chemistry. Definitely be thinking about what you're going to do for money, though, and what skills you'll need to do it. You've all given some great food for thought, so thanks again! And we'd all sit around in a circle and talk about how "interesting" everyone's story was. If you do want to learn good writing skills, I'd highly recommend joining the school paper. I am contemplating majoring in creative writing, and want to know if you guys think it's a practical major or should I major in something else and just write on the side. Creative creative writing major reddit Writing Major Reddit. You might not need to major in writing to get into the classes, but again it depends on where you go. If group work and literary workshopping is more your thing, I recommend r/keepwriting, as you will get far more honest critiques on your work from strangers over the Internet than you would from people you have to stare across a table at and share a classroom with. We can either improve your writing before your teacher sees the work, or make corrections after. Browsing our essay writing samples can give Creative Writing Major Reddit you an idea whether the quality of our essays is the quality you are looking for. Yes! I majored in Creative Writing and minored in Linguistics. Thank you for the great advice. Are you only going to consider yourself successful if you become a professor of English and/or a famous novelist? Our team is based in the U.S. We’re not an offshore “paper mill” grinding out questionable research Creative Writing Major Reddit and inferior writing… Your choice. Lots of crappy creative writing departments out there, but when they're good, they're really good. Now, English and writing is where my talents lie, and I always felt that I could excel at it, should I pursue that road. Fair Warning: grad school is Hell. Aside from the very bare bones Creative Writing 101 class, non majors could not get into classes as long as there were any CW students on the wait list, … A lot of people have said you won't learn how to write in classes, but I have to disagree. Same was true for my future husband whose second degree was in education because he planned on being an English teacher. Possibly more helpful is my friend who went in for Chemistry. Best Сourse Work in our Essay Team. The Department of English is the largest humanities department in the School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Will you have the chance to study and write creative nonfiction, drama, or screen writing? your password. The degree didn't teach me to write, as much as it forced me to read and write A LOT, which is necessary. I can't agree with this more. While plenty of people with BS degrees can go on to work the same kind of jobs their BA counterparts do, someone with a BA probably won't be able to work the same jobs as someone with a BS. I felt the same way and it also seemed the undergraduate work was a setup to graduate work which I didn't do. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. note, don't get a degree in journalism, that is another major that isn't worth the paper its printed on. During college, you'll have the option to take elective courses. My school's creative writing program was closed to majors only and I never saw any exceptions made. The skills you learn in a humanities degree transfer just fine to plenty of office type jobs, not to mention law school or whatever else you may be interested in. Would technical writing be a better choice, or English lit? You can be sure that our custom-written papers are original and Creative Writing Major Reddit properly cited. What courses have been offered in the last few years? TL;DR: It's not right for everyone, but if it's what you want and you are willing to make it work, you can make it work. However, looking back, I wish I had learned more skills than just creative writing. In my case it wasn’t so much courage as naïveté. If you are potentially interested in an English related job with writing your own stuff at night (which is probably where you'll be for a while if you want to be an author), use your career center and advisor and favorite professors to figure out what kind of careers that use English degrees you're interested in and cater your courseload and degree towards that. If English is what you love studying, then study it. Hey all! We offer rigorous 15-credit minors in Creative Writing, Professional Writing, and Rhetoric, as detailed below. It took much more courage to study something I'm not very interested in and to be honest, I have had a miserable time of it compared to my time in undergraduate studies.