(Dec 2006) Democratic Representative (AZ-7): Click here for 16 full quotes OR click here for Don Bivens on other issues. Voted YES on Amendment to prohibit flag burning. (Sep 1996), Voted YES on Amendment to prohibit flag burning. Voted YES on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman. Voted YES on banning gay adoptions in DC. Voted YES on protecting the Pledge of Allegiance. OR click here for Trent Franks on other issues. Click here for 22 full quotes Equal work for equal pay; be ashamed of the wage gap. Let states recognize same sex marriage. Voted YES on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman. (Jul 1995) Voted YES on constitutional amendment prohibiting flag desecration. OR click here for Raul Grijalva on other issues. Provide benefits to domestic partners of Federal employees. (Jul 1999) (Apr 2002) (Sep 2011) (Feb 2000) (Nov 2007) (May 1998) Click here for 4 full quotes Debbie Lesko on Civil Rights (Sep 2004) Matt Salmon on Civil Rights Voted NO on ending preferential treatment by race in college admissions. A … Click here for 11 full quotes David Ruben on Civil Rights (Jan 2000) Voted YES on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. (Aug 1999), Indian gambling OK; lottery is not. (Dec 1995) Voted NO on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation. Voted NO on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation. (Sep 2011) Rated 7% by the ACLU, indicating an anti-civil rights voting record. Click here for Janet Napolitano-Gov on other issues. (May 1998) (May 2012) (Sep 2010), Women veterans earn $10K less than male vets. Democratic Challenger (lost 2012 primary): (Nov 2014) (May 2016) (Feb 2017), Focus on legal recognition of domestic partnerships. (Nov 2008) Voted YES on constitutional amendment prohibiting flag desecration. OR click here for David Schweikert on other issues. Rudy Garcia on Civil Rights (Jun 2008) Enforce against wage discrimination based on gender. (May 2016) Voted NO on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation. Rated 25% by the NAACP, indicating an anti-affirmative-action stance. Be sure to find out which time period is applicable to your particular circumstance. Voted YES on ending preferential treatment by race in college admissions. (May 1998) CC:Protect sexual preference as a civil right. Click here for Mark Kelly on other issues. OR click here for Ben Quayle on other issues. (Mar 2008) Click here for 3 full quotes Pro-Confederacy activist continues as top S.C. adviser. Voted YES on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. Voted YES on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds. Voted NO on Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage. (Dec 2006) (Jun 2008) Phil Gordon on Civil Rights. (Mar 2010) Click here for 10 full quotes (Sep 2000) OR click here for J.D. OR click here for Stuart Starky on other issues. Click here for 5 full quotes Click here for 4 full quotes (Sep 2004) Voted YES on constitutional amendment prohibiting flag desecration. Hayworth on other issues. (Jul 2014) Click here for Debbie Lesko on other issues. Click here for 2 full quotes (Mar 1999) Support evangelism but don’t pander to evangelical leaders. Apply Affirmative Action to all state decisions. (Sep 2004) (Sep 1996) (May 1998) Require 90 day delay for compliance before ADA lawsuits. Voted YES on banning gay adoptions in DC. Voted NO on prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation. Kyrsten Sinema on Civil Rights (May 1998) (Jul 1995) (May 2012) Click here for the full quote (Jun 2008), Constitutional Amendment for women's equal rights. (Sep 2013), State definition of marriage supersedes federal gay marriage. (Sep 2011) (Sep 2010), Same-sex couples should have all rights of married couples. Supports Amendment to prevent same sex marriage. (Dec 2006) OR click here for David Ruben on other issues. Voted YES on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman. (Apr 2004) (Dec 2006) (Jan 2008) (Mar 2001) Voted YES on ending preferential treatment by race in college admissions. Rated 0% by the ACLU, indicating an anti-civil rights voting record. (Dec 2002) Enhancing equal opportunity levels the playing field. (Mar 2011) Clergy and civil rights activists are urging lawmakers to drop the legislation. Voted YES on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. (Sep 2012) Voted NO on making the PATRIOT Act permanent. (Feb 2017) (Nov 2007) (Nov 2006) Rated 7% by the ACLU, indicating an anti-civil rights voting record. as "preferred" by The Feminist Majority indicating pro-women's rights. (Jul 1999) Jane Dee Hull on Civil Rights (Jun 2011) Voted YES on Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage. ENDA: prohibit employment discrimination for gays. (Jun 2007), Confederate flag on top of capitol was wrong; in front is ok. (May 2007), Leave gay marriage to the states. (May 2014), Strongly supports marriage equality. (May 2016) Protect LGBTQ community to ensure equality. Require "Privacy Impact Statement" on new federal rules. (Mar 1999) (Jun 2008) Libertarian candidate for Arizona U. S. Senator: 2004 former Democrat challenger; also ran for Senate in '00: Click here for 3 full quotes (Feb 2000) (Jul 1999) Opposes same-sex marriage. Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage. (Dec 2005) Voted YES on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. (Dec 2005), Recognize Juneteenth as historical end of slavery. (Dec 2006) (Mar 2008), Pro-Confederacy activist continues as top S.C. adviser. Voted YES on making the PATRIOT Act permanent. (Dec 2002) (Mar 2011) Protect LGBT families from illegal immigrant deportation. Protect anti-same-sex marriage opinions as free speech. Voted YES on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman. (Oct 2012) (Oct 1997). (Sep 1996) (Dec 2006) (May 1998) (Jun 2011) Voted YES on protecting the Pledge of Allegiance. (Dec 2002) (May 2016) (Jun 2000), Voted NO on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities & women. (Nov 2006), Voted NO on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. Voted NO on constitutional amendment prohibiting flag desecration. Jim Pederson on Civil Rights (Jan 2009) Click here for the full quote (Dec 2005) (Apr 2013) Career-long history of supporting Indian causes. OR click here for Ann Kirkpatrick on other issues. (Jul 2017) PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona civil rights leader Calvin C. Goode, who spent more than two decades on the Phoenix City Council fighting to improve the low-income Black neighborhoods he represented, died Wednesday, his family said. (Jul 1999) (Apr 2013) (Jul 2014) (Apr 2004) (May 2016) Full marriage equality is fundamental fairness for gays. 1987: 1st Senate committee was Indian affairs, crucial to AZ. OR click here for Ron Barber on other issues. Rated 100% by the HRC, indicating a pro-gay-rights stance. not a shield for hate groups. (Nov 2007) OR click here for Jim Pederson on other issues. Republican (District 5): Don't elevate gender identity as a protected class. During his tenure, Goode often disagreed with other council members, voting in the 1980s against freeway expansion projects he argued would destroy neighborhoods. (May 2016), Respect faith-based opposition to same-sex marriage. (Sep 2004) (Oct 2008) Constitutionally prohibit flag desecration. Supported CA Prop. Republican (lost 2012 primary) (District 3): Prohibit sexual-identity discrimination at schools. Flying Confederate flag should be left to states. Issue a commemorative postage stamp of Rosa Parks. Voted YES on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business. (Feb 2013) Former candidates & officeholders: Amend Constitution to define traditional marriage. (Dec 2002) (Feb 2013) (Nov 2007) (Feb 2014) (Dec 2007) (Jul 2014) google_ad_client = "ca-pub-8406753442108724"; Voted YES on Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage. (Feb 2001) Constitutional Amendment for equal rights by gender. Democratic challenger, state party chair: (Oct 2008) (May 2009) Voted NO on constitutional amendment prohibiting flag desecration. (May 2013), Recognize 1961 Freedom Riders against segregated buses. (Mar 1998) Voted YES on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business. (Jun 2007) (Mar 2008) Voted YES on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities & women. (Apr 2013) Voted YES on banning gay adoptions in DC. Voted YES on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman. (Oct 2008), Supports CA Prop. Voted NO on making the PATRIOT Act permanent. (Apr 2008) Voted NO on banning gay adoptions in DC. Democratic House Member (District 7): OR click here for Andy Biggs on other issues. (Jun 2003) (May 2016) (Jul 2010) (Jun 2007) (Feb 2013) Click here for 4 full quotes Arizonans recall John Lewis, heap tributes on late civil rights leader Posted By Cronkite News, Brett Bavcevic and Lisa Diethelm on Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 1:00 PM click to enlarge //--> (Jun 2006) (Feb 2012) (Sep 2004) (Jun 2006) Click here for the full quote OR click here for Doug Marks on other issues. Voting Record Voted YES on recommending Constitutional ban on flag desecration. Click here for 11 full quotes (Jan 2018) (Feb 2000) Trent Franks on Civil Rights (Jan 2019) Voted YES on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation. Voted NO on banning gay adoptions in DC. Recognize 1961 Freedom Riders against segregated buses. Government shouldn't be in the marriage business. (Jan 2008) Overturn CA Prop. Voted NO on banning gay adoptions in DC. Affirmative action OK for specific programs, but no quotas. OR click here for Bob Stump on other issues. (Oct 2012) Co-chair Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus. (May 2016) OR click here for Kelli Ward on other issues. (Feb 2013) Same-sex domestic partnership benefits. Flying Confederate flag should be left to states. Enforce against anti-gay discrimination in public schools. Voted YES on protecting the Pledge of Allegiance. Voted YES on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation. OR click here for Matt Salmon on other issues. Recognize 1961 Freedom Riders against segregated buses. OR click here for Harry Mitchell on other issues. (Aug 1999) OR click here for Ruben Gallego on other issues. Praised immigrants who join army to advance citizenship. Click here for the full quote (Nov 2006) (Jan 2011), Sponsored removing deadline for ratification of the ERA. by The Feminist Majority indicating a pro-women's rights stance. (Feb 2000), Career-long history of supporting Indian causes. (Dec 2007), Re-introduce the Equal Rights Amendment. (Nov 2006) Constitutional Amendment for women's equal rights. Voted YES on protecting the Pledge of Allegiance. Flying Confederate flag should be left to states. Enforce against anti-gay discrimination in public schools. OR click here for John Shadegg on other issues. Rated 7% by the ACLU, indicating an anti-civil rights voting record. (Oct 2007) Richard Carmona on Civil Rights Click here for 16 full quotes Democrat: OR click here for Jan Brewer on other issues. Voted YES on protecting the Pledge of Allegiance. Supported CA Prop. (May 2012), Voted YES on recommending Constitutional ban on flag desecration. (Jan 2013) J.D. (Apr 2008) Voted YES on constitutional amendment prohibiting flag desecration. Supports Amendment to prevent same sex marriage. (Dec 1995) (Jul 2006) (Oct 2018) (Jan 2009) Opposes same-sex marriage, according to Faith2Action. Republican House Member (District 2): (Jan 2000), Ten Commandments would bring virtue to our schools. Investigate mortgage discrimination in veterans & disabled. Voted NO on constitutional amendment prohibiting flag desecration. (May 2012) Republican Representative (AZ-1): (Dec 2006) Opposes same-sex marriage. Don't elevate gender identity as a protected class. (Aug 2012) Rated 0% by the HRC, indicating an anti-gay-rights stance. (Nov 2007) Rated 27% by the ACLU, indicating an anti-civil rights voting record. (Apr 1999) Require 90 day delay for compliance before ADA lawsuits. Let states recognize same sex marriage. (Dec 2005) (May 2016) (May 2014) Protect LGBTQ community to ensure equality. (Oct 2007), Don’t ask, don’t tell is working; don’t tamper with it. (Feb 2012) Rated Religious objections to GLBT services same as 1960s racism. Rated 13% by the ACLU, indicating an anti-civil rights voting record. Supports anti-flag desecration amendment. (Jun 2014), Don't elevate gender identity as a protected class. (Feb 2001) Hayworth on Civil Rights Democratic Representative (AZ-7): Click here for the full quote (Mar 1998), Voted NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business. Arizona is ranked as a national leader on legislation that makes it harder to vote. Ban on same-sex marriage is unRepublican; leave it to states. (Dec 2006) Democrat (District 2): Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage. (Jun 2003) (Mar 2001) (Nov 2007) Recognize Juneteenth as historical end of slavery. Democratic candidate for Arizona U.S. Voted YES on ending preferential treatment by race in college admissions. Republican House Member (District 2): Voted NO on constitutional amendment prohibiting flag desecration. (Mar 2011) Jim Pederson on Civil Rights Criticized anti-gay legislation. Click here for Janet Napolitano-Gov on other issues.