Armed groups have attacked Ebola health workers and health sites treating Ebola patients, hindering treatment efforts. The United Nations-African Union (AU) partnership has yielded “significant results”, including at the country level, the UN chief told the Security Council on Friday. Western Cape schools opened for grade 7 and grade 12 learners for the first time since lockdown started at the end of March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent floods in East Africa killed more than 200 people in the region and displaced at least 3 million others. At national level, most African countries are implementing lockdowns, testing (of suspected cases) and contact tracing. The Rich Subaltern Mindset. What can African leaders, led by the African Union, do to reverse this trend? 2. Solve one of the most pressuring challenges and get 100,000 USD in seed capital. So as you look at this overview of the past 20 years in Africa and the challenges moving forward, what can you do about it? The News Room ( 3pm ) March 8, 2021 - 7 hours ago; UniAbuja Students Mark Int’l Women’s Day With ‘Buhari Must Go’ Protest, Call For End To Insecurity - 7 hours ago; Business Incorporated | 08/03/2021 - 7 hours ago; Appeal Court Sets Aside Judgement Disqualifying Ganiyu, Izu Iyamu - 7 hours ago; We Have No Airport, What Is The Essence Of ‘No Fly Zone’ Shinkafi Slams FG - 7 hours ago In several countries, incumbent long serving political leaders have found ways to manipula… One of the worst ever food crises has hit the region, with over 14 million reported to be at risk. Between an expansionist China, tumultuous Middle East, and resurgent Russia, Africa is an afterthought for those entrusted with US foreign policy. challenges remain in many countries of the region. Even though we do not know yet, what the full economic impact of the pandemic on the continent will be, we need to be fully prepared. In 1990, Africa’s average life expectancy at birth was Meanwhile, Liberia, which is ranked at 162, has only achieved SDG 12 for Responsible Consumption and Production, and SDG 13 for Climate Change. The novel coronavirus is a pandemic that has started to creep into Africa thus making the virus a truly global, health security threat. Its ‘silencing the guns’ initiative is aimed at ‘ending all wars, civil conflicts, gender-based violence, violent conflicts and preventing genocide in the continent by 2020.’ Saturday’s terror attack, which also claimed the lives of Turkish expats working in Somalia, was the worst in the past two years in the country, which faces attacks by the al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Shabaab terrorist group. It will also make Africa an attractive proposition when the global economy turns around. emerging challenges re-lated to population aging. For the African Union, 2020 is supposed to be a landmark year. But a number of unresolved challenges including terrorism, conflict resolution, border closures and immigration are among those expected to continue to dominate the continent in 2020. The report says, African countries have undergone two forms of governance liberation, yet remain stuck in the middle of a third one. What does the continent need to do to quickly recover post COVID-19? As a continent, many are the challenges that we face as a people. Incidents of terrorism are also expected to continue causing havoc in northern Nigeria, where the Boko Haram terrorist group mainly operates, and in the Sahel region -- home to many terrorist groups including al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and Daesh/ISIS. Therefore, while there might not necessarily be a quick win solutions, the continent’s medium- to long-term responses need to be centred in five key priorities that are aimed at strengthening (1) Health Systems, (2) Food Systems (3) Skills Development and Employment, (4) Education and (5) National Planning and Data Systems. By James Barnett on January 13, 2020. read. For more details, you can see "our data policy". At the same time, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa estimates that the continent could lose up to half of its GDP growth, down to 1.8% from 3.2% . The programme offers training to public officials of the participating cities to support them in defining challenges and solving them in collaboration with their residents. The achievements are many. Somalia was ranked 163. Increases in M&A value and volume are predicted only in 2021 and 2022. This is perhaps the greatest challenge facing Africa in 2020. Is the current COVID-19 challenge not going to affect the operationalisation of the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement? But with the coronavirus hitting the global economy, a worldwide recession is looming. We recognise that the ideals and aspirations for ‘The Africa We Want’ will only be realised if we strongly believe that Africa is capable of achieving the vision of an integrated, prosperous and peaceful continent, driven by its own citizens. One of the most prominent challenges facing Africa is providing food security for its citizens. Mr. Mayaki : The commemoration of Africa Day this year comes at a rather difficult time when all the world’s attention has shifted to the fight against the COVID-19. Last Friday, March 27, credit ratings agency Moody’s Investment Services downgraded South Africa’s sovereign credit rating to “junk” status. The #AfricaVsVirus Challenge will be framed within the broad context of the African Development Bank’s fifth development priority for the continent: Improve the quality of life for the people of Africa.. As the ICRC’s Danzi noted: ‘The climate impact will not be going away. Enormous Human Rights Challenges. 2020-01-06. Ignite Africa 2020 Challenge comprises of two cases which contestants can compete for, namely: Against this backdrop, there is a pressing need to reduce the continent’s high trade dependence on non-African partners. But politicians failed to agree on a number of issues, including the number of states and their boundaries, leading to a deadlock. The continent is still endowed with a wealth of natural resources of which the rest of the world cannot do without. Deadline: January 31, 2020. Secondly, it has the youngest population in the world. On the commemoration of this year’s Africa Day, he spoke about Africa’s achievements so far and the challenges faced: What should African countries reflect on this year as we commemorate Africa Day? Since the formation of the AU, some African countries have emerged among the world’s top fastest-growing economies. National solutions will not be able to adequately respond to people’s needs, be it in food security, health or social and economic stability. In the current global uncertainty, we need to increase trading within our regional markets, otherwise we will not tackle our development challenges. We use cookies in a limited and restricted manner for specific purposes. While many farmers still rely on traditional techniques to coax a living from the land, there are opportunities to use cutting-edge technology to drive Africa towards a food-secure future. The downside of these lockdowns, if prolonged, is their negative impact on socio-economic activities. The terror outfit, which has carried out several terrorist attacks beyond Somalia in neighboring Kenya and Uganda, has been fighting to topple the UN-backed Somali government for years. Moody’s stated that the downgrade reflecte… Of the 20 countries in the world with the worst food and nutrition security, 19 are in Africa. Thematic focus. The total population in the continent is projected to reach almost 2.5 billion people by 2050 with about 55% living in urban areas (figure 1). During this unusual period, I wish to emphasise that we need to think in terms of our own regional value chains because the global value chains are being disrupted. Solutions to Problems Facing Entrepreneurs in Africa. More than 600 Million Women in Africa. Clearly, merely adopting the 2020 theme ‘Silencing the guns: creating conducive conditions for Africa’s development’ will not achieve a conflict-free Africa. Urbanization projections indicate a slowing rate in Africa from the 1990s high rates of up to 8% down to a range of 1.9%−2.2% from 2020−2050, with significant variation across its countries [ 3 ]. The number of new 2019-nCoV cases has been rising in Africa, though currently lower than the cases reported outside the region. The crisis is bound to have destabilising effects on our economies as the health crisis worsens. Nontheless, while African countries have been enjoying notable social and economic progress, the gains made in this realm have, in most cases, not cascaded down to alleviate everyday problems such as us improved healthcare systems and the creation of the much needed jobs from Africa’s youths. The rating, which continues to have a negative outlook, was moved down from “Baa3” to “Ba1,” one level below investment grade; South Africa now has no investment-grade sovereign credit rating from any major ratings agency for the first time since 1994. Africa in 2020. Sustainable Livelihoods Challenges in South Africa Friday, 16 October, 2020 - 10:06 Livelihoods in Southern Africa are in crisis. The Ignite Africa Challenge 2020 is open. One of the greatest achievements on the continent has been the creation of the Continental African Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) endorsed at the AU Summit in Niamey, Niger on 7 July 2019. Solidarity for regional integration is the key. Therefore, in order to prepare we need to increase our fiscal space so that we can take adequate measures. Agenda 2063 embodies a renewed commitment by Africa’s political leadership to achieving the pan-African vision of an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena. President Salva Kiir and opposition leader Riek Machar signed a peace agreement in September 2018 requiring all parties, including rebel groups, to become part of a unity government which was expected to be formed on Nov. 12. Amidst positive steps, challenges in Africa ‘loom large’, UN chief tells Security Council ... 4 December 2020. Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki is the CEO of the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD, AU’s first ever development agency that aims to deliver on the development priorities articulated by the continent’s citizens and to offer knowledge-based advisory support to Member States on development strategies. South Africa 2020: challenges and opportunities in the year ahead. In this regard, the AUDA-NEPAD short-term response and support to Members States is geared towards slowing down the pandemic, knowing more about how COVID-19 is spreading and lessening the socio-economic impact of the pandemic. The landmark African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is slated to go into force on July 1, 2020. Africa: demo-graphic trends In contrast to industrialized countries, in developing countries, particularly those in Africa, life ex-pectancy at birth has re-mained relatively low for both men and women. The Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which has many rebel groups operating there, has been volatile and conflicts are expected to continue to dominate the regionç. Since then, some ot these countries have experienced impressive growth owing to the leadership of strong governments, the African Union and Regional Economic Communities. The AUDA-NEPAD COVID-19 Response Plan of Action, a comprehensive, proactive and multidimensional plan is helping to tackle both the current Covid-19 challenges and post-pandemic repercussions at regional and country levels. The world’s second-most populous continent tends to fall off US policymakers’ radar. Below are some of the important issues that we, as African People, need to work on collectively, in a proactive manner, to achieve inclusive growth, social and economic development (in alphabetical order): Berlin, 14th – 17th July, 2011 Introduction It is reported that Africa might lose 30 million jobs, while a third of the continent’s countries are at risk of debt distress (Ikouria, 2020). Barely four days before the end of 2019, a truck filled with explosives blew up at a busy intersection in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, killing at least 80 people and injuring 149 others. It is reported that Africa might lose 30 million jobs, while a third of the continent’s countries are at risk of debt distress (Ikouria, 2020). This year, the First Continental Report on Implementation of Agenda 2063, Africa’s framework for development, shows the continent Africa has made some remarkable progress towards attaining the goals defined in Agenda 2063’s First Ten-Year Implementation Plan. Through our new mandate, we are ready to support the continent’s transformation. Although HIV/AIDS remains the leading cause of death for adults, more and more people are receiving life-saving treatment. What is your message to the citizens of Africa as we commemorate Africa Day? Africa made great progress in a number of fields in 2019, including holding peaceful elections in many parts of the continent and increased economic growth. Rwanda claims there are some armed groups operating in Uganda that want to destabilize it. Mission Billion Challenge winners are eligible to receive a total prize of up to $150,000, participate in a high-level event at the World Bank, and receive mentorship and support from Google Developers Experts . The list below includes the 9 main themes we propose for the challenge, including subcategories to help spark your ideas! Join the first Pan-African platform and create your for-good-for-profit enterprise. Significant progress has been made especially under the aspiration for “A peaceful and secure Africa,” with a performance of 48% against the 2019 target. Africa faces significant challenges in reaching these goals. To this end, WURI is hosting the West Africa Prize of the Mission Billion Challenge to find solutions to these problems. Ebola viral hemorrhagic fever, which broke out in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Aug. 1, 2018, has so far claimed the lives of 2,231 people as of Sunday out of 3,373 declared cases of the disease. What are some of the challenges facing Africa countries and how could we manage them? One of the main challenges in Africa is having to go country by country to connect to all the local networks with local certifications. It works with the media in Africa and beyond to promote the work of the United Nations, Africa and the international community to bring peace and development to Africa. As AUDA-NEPAD, we take cognisance of the need to continue to push for increased regional integration, through which the challenges that we face on the continent can be best tackled. These include a lack of adequate safeguards against autocratic rule, high levels of corruption, low trust in institutions and authorities and ineffective public service delivery (APRM & AGA 2019; Mbaku 2020; Schultes 2020, Transparency International 2020). Experts fear the region might experience a food shortage in 2020 that could prompt calls for assistance from humanitarian agencies. However, the biggest realisation is that the impact of COVID-19 is not just on financial capitalisation but is equally on burdesome on various social sectors. Anadolu Agency website contains only a portion of the news stories offered to subscribers in the AA News Broadcasting System (HAS), and in summarized form. First, it was the struggle for independence from the colonial rule then liberation from dictatorships that merged from independence. The 1960s saw the greatest number of African states gaining independence. I will only but, mention a few. Hopefully the AfCFTA will be operational soon. Another milestone by African countries has been the adoption of an African-led and owned agenda for its growth trajectory–Agenda 2063. Africa made great progress in a number of fields in 2019, including holding peaceful elections in many parts of the continent and increased economic growth. What are some of the major achievements African countries have made since the inception of the AU? The challenges facing entrepreneurs in developing countries on … We therefore call on each and every African to play their part in shaping our continent for the better. Crops and homes were destroyed. Hunger. Therefore, together with countries, our COVID-19 Response Plan of Action focusses on the following seven thematic areas, through which countries can remain stable both during and post COVID-19 pandemic: Health Service Delivery; Human Resources for Health; Research & Development Innovation and Local Manufacturing; Education and Training; Skills and Employability; Food and Nutrition Security; and Financing. Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO of the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD). It will, however, galvanise stakeholders to take stock of achievements and challenges in implementing the roadmap. The exciting thing was that people like Nelson Mandela made huge contributions to the progress over the last 20 years and new individuals will get that same chance in the next 20 years. The conflict has killed tens of thousands and displaced almost 4 million people from their homes, including over a million refugees, who have fled to neighboring countries. The Africa Renewal information programme provides up-to-date information and analysis of the major economic and development challenges facing Africa today. The former staunch allies have been at loggerheads since March 2019, with their armies massing around their boundaries. South Sudan, which reached a ceasefire recently, has been mired in conflict between the government of President Kiir and rebels led by Machar since December 2013. However, history has shown that we emerge victorious when we come together to resolve our differences and work for the benefit of all our citizens. 09 January 2020 M&A Community. Major challenges facing Africa in the 21st century: A few provocative remarks Ibrahim Farah, Sylvia Kiamba and Kesegofetse Mazongo1 At the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Africa - Strategies to confront the Challenges of the 21st Century: Does Africa have what is required? Due to the fundamental role that small business owners play on the African economy, the fact that it is lagging behind should be a matter of concern. Without more deliberate and concerted efforts to address the challenges faced by the continent’s youths, especially unemployment, and lack of meaningful economic opportunities which rank high, Africa faces the real risk of frustration from the youth leading to a spike in instability and civil conflicts. If you take a good look at the African society, you will realize there are … Peace and Security. Livelihoods at individual, household, community and business (formal and informal) levels are being disrupted daily. Even though COVID-19 poses challenges on the operationalisation os the AfCFTA, the continent has no time to lose. For the African Union, 2020 is supposed to be a landmark year. Maximizing the possibilities of the AfCFTA will be an effective shock absorber as long as the pandemic, and uncertainty about its course, keeps the global economy depressed. When fully implemented, the trade agreement will … How do you think African countries can work together to tackle the COVID-19? At continental level, the AU has acted swiftly to establish a Coronavirus Fund with commitments already totalling $20 million. Complicating any response is the likely impact of extreme weather events related to climate change. Countries affected by the floods included Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan and Somalia. The report found that the country is facing massive challenges in achieving 16 out of 17 SDGs. African countries have activated their Emergency Operations Centres to coordinate responses and preparedness activities to the pandemic. Al-Shabaab wants to introduce a strict version of Islamic law in Somalia, a country with a majority Muslim population. Humanitarian Aid At the dawn of the next decade, a new World Food Programme (WFP) forecast of global hunger hotspots has revealed that escalating hunger will challenge sub-Saharan Africa in … Wild animals, especially rhinos, have been a target of poachers in Africa throughout the year and this is expected to continue to be a major challenge in 2020 if governments are to conserve wildlife. HIV/AIDS continues to devastate the WHO Africa Region, which has 11% of the world's population but 60% of the people with HIV/AIDS. Politicians in South Sudan are expected to continue holding talks to form a government of national unity in the first three months of 2020 after parties involved in talks failed to agree on a number of issues before the end of 2019. The call I am making therefore is for countries to rally together and invest in regional value chains. According to the International Rhino Foundation, poachers killed nearly 900 rhinos last year in Africa. Now, many African countries are facing a struggle of getting proper democratic governance. There is relatively good progress under the aspiration for “An integrated continent, politically united and based on the ideals of Pan-Africanism and the vision of Africa’s Renaissance,” with a score of 44%. Rwanda closed its borders with Uganda and the issue is expected to remain a challenge for the two countries to address in 2020. According to the World Bank’s 2019 Doing Business Index, five of the ten most-improved countries globally, are in Africa, with  six of the world’s 10 fastest-growing economies on the continent. Therefore, the appropriate actions to take should be prioritized and resources mobilized to cover the full scope of work. But a number of unresolved challenges including terrorism, conflict resolution, border closures and immigration are among those expected to continue to dominate the continent in 2020. Conflict is still Africa’s biggest challenge in 2020. Conflicts are also expected to continue in a number of countries in 2020, including Libya and the Central African Republic (CAR), where various rebel groups have been fighting along religious lines. We shall do this through harnessing knowledge to deliver the Africa we want. UN Climate Change News, 27 October 2020 – Increasing temperatures and sea levels, changing precipitation patterns and more extreme weather are threatening human health and safety, food and water security and socio-economic development in Africa, according to a … It can feel overwhelming. The disease, which presents signs and symptoms including fever, headaches, vomiting and diarrhea, is expected to remain a challenge in the DRC in 2020 as conflicts pose a danger to health workers and patients. According to the African Union Commission (AUC), ... on Human and People’s Rights in 1986 and the beginning of the second phase of the African Women’s Decade 2010-2020, it adds. — Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO of the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD). AfCFTA: Implementing Africa’s free trade pact the best stimulus for post-COVID-19 economies, ADS 2020: Africa's free trade area and integration will help silence the guns, say UNECA Chief Vera Songwe and other experts, COVID-19: People with disabilities facing tougher times, Cybersecurity in Africa: How to stay safe online in times of COVID-19, Stranded chef’s online cuisine classes help beat COVID-19 lockdown blues, Radio lessons: In Africa schools are closed, but learning goes on, AU Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat’s message on Africa Day, Challenges and opportunities as we mark the 57th Africa Day, UN launches policy brief on impact of COVID-19 in Africa, calls for global solidarity, OP-ED: Africa can build back better after COVID-19, UNAIDS Chief Winnie Byanyima: COVID-19 could roll back gains made in fighting HIV in Africa, Africa Dialogues Series 2020: UN Special Adviser on Africa speaks on COVID-19 and Silencing the Guns in Africa, VERIFIED: UN launches new global initiative to combat misinformation, Relentless locusts return in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, Mali: How a peace radio station is helping to fight COVID-19, AU Special Envoy Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala to youth: Use COVID-19 crisis to unleash your innovation, On Africa Day, UN Secretary-General reaffirms solidarity in the COVID-19 fight, ‘Women are effective in building peace and unity’, We’ll get through this if we support one another, New Africa digital hub to offer quick, factual information on COVID-19, Fighting COVID-19 is my contribution to my country, UN Economic Commission for Africa: COVID-19 exit strategies to bring African economies back on track, Ibrahim Mayaki: A united Africa against the pandemic, The Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA), New Partnership for Africa's Development (AUDA-NEPAD), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). Application Deadline: December 13th 2020. ... Human Migration Challenges. As the AU’s first ever development agency, we aim to deliver on the development priorities articulated by the continent’s citizen’s through the African Union. However, in my view, Africa has two major advantages. The AfCFTA will be the world’s largest free trade area since the formation of the World Trade Organization. Editor's Note: Below is Chapter 4 of the Foresight Africa 2020 report, which explores six overarching themes that provide opportunities for Africa to … What can we learn from the 2020 Sustainable Development Report? The global rhino population has seen a steady decline, dropping from a high of 29,000 in 2017 to 27,300 today. It examines the many issues confronting the people of Africa, its leaders and its international partners: economic reform, debt, education, health, women's advancement, conflict and civil strife, democratization, aid, investment, trade, regional integration, rural development and many other topics.