Charmander (Pokémon) using "Flamethrower". Edelgard grabbed Annette and hurriedly backed away from the widening gash as the remaining phantoms tumbled into the abyss and vanished into its depths. Should anybody stand in our way, kill them without hesitation—but leave Rhea to me!”, “Professor,” Rhea shouted to Byleth, “destroy these villainous traitors who dare dishonor our creator!”. Are you alright?”. Sometimes it is as though I’m trying to fly with only one wing.”, “I would not ask any other version of myself to do what I do,” he agreed. Not a soul. In private?”. The rugs begged for Hedwig to run across them, the books in the library begged for Pascal to read them. “Your presence soils this Holy Tomb and disgraces my brethren! 31. !”, “My place is with my professor,” she said, “wherever that path leads—not to be the victim of some theological experiment!”. His movements were surgical and methodical, not a single twitch of his muscles wasted—he fought with Ingrid’s strength and Felix’s swiftness and grace, and he probed her weak points the way Sylvain or Claude would when they sparred. “Oh! Brand. She hadn’t realized just how wonderful it would be to properly see her again. “Lady Rh—Rhea… W-What in heaven’s name—have you done?! On the platform was a stone table, and on the stone table waited a chisel, a dagger, and a goblet, along with a lumpy and misshapen Crest Stone that had been whittled away little by little from a perfect sphere to a potato-shaped lump of luminous red stone. He’s my father, not yours.”. She could hear faint, muffled sounds from beyond the door; as she’d expected, he was having as much difficulty sleeping as she was. I’m going to memorize as much as I can tonight and bring it back to the other world.”, With a knowing sinister cackle, he bowed to her. At her side, taller, lankier, looming, with the indescribable aura of a sword that had somehow been transfigured into a man, was her brother Jeritza von Hrym, the man once known as Emile von Bartels… and the Death Knight of this world. I—don’t know if I’m ready. “Oh, and Ferdinand—you mentioned that Linhardt is leading the research teams at Shambhala?”, Ferdinand nodded. They’re the ones ruining my world, too, aren’t they?”, “Well, I wouldn’t say they’ve ruined it just yet. The weight of her betrayal had weighed so heavily on her mind that she needed not to sleep for the nightmares to find her. “And I,” he said, “am the Hurricane King.”, The soldiers quickly moved to encircle the Blue Lions. Hanzo Hasashi/Scorpion (Mortal Kombat), a specter of the Netherrelams... Herrscher of Flame/Captain Himeko (Honksi Impact 3rd), FireMan.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network Series), HeatMan.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network Series), MoltanicMan.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network), ChargeMan.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network 6). It was a very subtle, mostly internal form of mellowing. “Shut up,” she snapped at Wedge, and with that she stepped into Dimitri’s room, closed the door firmly behind her, and wrapped her arms around him. “I know! Ness and Lucas of Earthbound/Mother were given PK Fire in Super Smash Bros. despite never learning it in the their original games. Occasionally she relaxed her grip on her body and allowed Ellie to take control when it felt appropriate to have her speak on her own behalf about her work. May be unable to create fire, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources. There are still plenty of open slots there! She hadn’t been aware the palatial library had such lewd material. “I was painting my nails, and now they’re probably ruined,” Hilda pouted. Dedue split away from the two of them and went to his room on the first floor of the dormitories, while Edelgard and Vual continued on to the staircase that led to the second floor. Dedue grabbed the sword and pulled it away, holding it with a death grip as it tried to force its way out of his grasp. “You do not come often to this world.”. No amount of repentance will bring their wretched souls salvation; I will see to it they burn in the eternal flames and spill every last drop of their blood into the Goddess’ soil. 34. Hapi hunched over and rested her chin atop her head, then covered her face with her paw again. How could Thales have resumed operations so soon afterward? An instant later, a black bow had slipped over his head and the bowstring was cutting into his throat as one of the Hurricane Kings yanked it backward and tried to twist it. Her pulse quickened and she hurried ahead of Byleth and Alois. But how, if the provisional research facility under Castle Gaspard had been destroyed? “Dima,” she said, “if anything happens to me, there’s something I want you to have. She’s already as tall as me, and I suspect that when she grows up—” The words caught in her throat. And that was four hundred years ago from my perspective. I wouldn’t want you to cut yourself open again.” She looked behind her shoulder for any trace of Biggs and Wedge. “Hwhuuh,” she muttered blearily, squinting at whoever was knocking. Because of Thales, Dedue, and this horrible charade, her adversaries had run out the clock. His lance barely parried the next strike of her axe, and failed to parry the next one—the blade came down on the opening created by Bernadetta’s apparently wayward arrow and tasted flesh. I hope someday we can liberate Shambhala with it.”. The ground shook violently, so violently it seemed as though it would invert itself and become the ceiling, and she and Annette both collapsed to the ground, their bodies numbed by the force of the shockwaves. “El! 18. “You’re visiting me now.”, “This is a special circumstance. “Saint Seiros received a revelation from the Goddess,” Ingrid said. “El… I… Tomorrow, whatever happens, it will be an end to everything we know here. I wanted to graduate. Raphael and I heard that Catherine’s been responding to requests for their aid from all over Fódlan. She didn’t believe that for a second. If he’d been the one in the costume who’d been stabbed by Catherine’s dagger, that would mean he had the Crest of Flames. “I suppose, then, that no matter what happens, I’ll see you soon.”. “Lady Rhea,” Seteth asked, his voice hushed, “what… in the world are you planning to do with this?”, “Something wonderful, Seteth,” she breathed. “But just as many follow him zealously, no matter how he mistreats them, as long as he mistreats their enemies worse. Leo Valdez (Camp Half-Blood Chronicles) as a chosen demigod child of Hephaestus to generate and control fire. 41. “Oh—of course, Your Highness,” Biggs said. Bloom and Daphne (Winx Club) are very powerful fire users. “El, please! They took up more space on its face than there was to spare. Our lips are sealed,” Wedge concluded. Foresight? Hilda took a halting step back, her eyes darting across the study as she struggled to think of a response. “I do not have any issues sleeping at all. “But I’m sure he’ll be off to his coronation as soon as we graduate. Same old Edelgard. Outside, the bells tolled ten. It was because of their very presence in this world—intruders, foreign objects, like dirt in an open wound—that Byleth’s hands were tied when it came to this incredible power. She’d often wondered what would have become of her classmates if Byleth hadn’t joined her. Sorry I started a war, I didn’t have a choice! One day, she’d once said to Byleth, the two of them would know the joys of idling and Hubert would have nothing new to pester her about. Maybe all he needs is a good soak—you know, wash all the bloodlust out.”. “I mean… you had a revelation from the Goddess already. “I… don’t suppose Annie is taking it well? “The heretics and traitors are gone. This Mercedes had thick, fluffy, luxurious champagne-colored hair like her brother, though she’d cut it short a few years back for the sake of the war, and she looked as hale and hearty as ever—her cheeks were rosy, her face was full, her skin was smooth and practically glowing. !”, “I suppose it is an unrealistic expectation,” Edelgard admitted. Thank you for your gift. Ultimate Ben (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien) possesses Heatblast's fire projection. Guardian ÄRM, Kikazoku Fire (Marchen Awakens Romance) as his name implies, is a guardian with the element of fire. “Lady Edelgard… I swear to you as your vassal that the fate that befell your family shall never befall another, neither in this world, nor the next one.”, “It’s… funny, though. As warm as her fur was, her paw pads were as cold as ice. Cinder Fall (RWBY) creates a flame in her hand. Desiccated flesh and dried sinew stretched over bones, but no life. 22. Or about him.”, She stared at Edelgard for a moment, dumbfounded. She didn’t know how often Byleth had made use of the Goddess’ power in her world, but she had to assume it was far less sparingly than in this one. The softly spoken words gliding gently into her ears seemed to recede farther and farther into the distance. “Lots to practice before the exam and not much time…”. Only myself, Byleth, Catherine, and Alois are in on it. But, of course, only as long as the government can guarantee its value…”, “…Which means,” Edelgard finished, catching on, “that the merchant class has a vested interest in our political survival. I—I wish I could stop the world from turning and the sun from rising so tomorrow can never come…”, Edelgard pressed herself closer to him and rested her head against his shoulder. The sun had set and a rime of frost was settling on the windowpanes. Even though Ingrid was taller, with longer legs and longer strides, Edelgard caught up with her fairly quickly. “…desire more girls to leer at?” Ingrid concluded. “He is, sir.”, “As soon as your men have taken everything they can carry, you and him will warp outside of the monastery and plot a course directly for Fhirdiad to announce his coronation to the masses.”, “Yes, sir,” he said. “Marianne is here,” Mercedes added cheerfully. And so is Thales.”, Vual was silent for a moment. Edelgard buried herself in the notebooks, branding every word she read and every diagram she laid eyes on into her memory, copying especially salient passages, figures, and maps onto scratch paper to aid her recall. “Edelgard, can you put me down for the earliest available time? “I get it, Your Highness.”, “Way too well,” Ingrid muttered. Jonathan McFee (Marvel Comics) a pyrokinetic able to generate small amounts of fire from the friction of his snapped fingers. She felt its eyes before she saw them, and when she saw them, she saw more than she could count, more than there were stars in the sky. “You’ll have to ask Hubert,” Mercedes said with a shrug. Natalie Lander was born on March 28, 1983 in Los Angeles, California, USA as Natalie Jenette Lander. 11. That counts.”, “But I digress,” Edelgard said. The rest of the day was uneventful, though Edelgard had her entourage to thank for making it so. “The truth is—” Claude said, “and this is really embarrassing, so don’t tell anyone—the other night, I was practicing some cool knife tricks in my room and my hand slipped. Sorry for waking you—we just wanted to check up on you.”, “We definitely didn’t pass out in front of your door,” Wedge said after another few nudges from Biggs. “Ashe did always say your personality had changed out of nowhere. 9. It was all completely out of my hands! So no excuses.”, “Thank you, Hapi,” Edelgard said. Is that alright?”. I have something to show you.”. “It was built to protect and defend this place, wasn’t it? “This is enough!” he shouted at Edelgard. “Lady Rhea wouldn’t like it,” Biggs said. The Same River Twice “I can show you some of them if you’d like,” he said, reaching into his satchel and producing a slim hunting knife. His lance danced around the swings of Edelgard’s axe once more. “I don’t mean to be rude, but you… you look awful.”. “It’s a pleasure to see you. Edelgard felt her other self’s eye wander and struggled to control herself. “Sometimes I feel like I do,” Byleth muttered. The Beasts of Garreg Mach Then who was speaking…? Would she stand with him and watch Ingrid and Annette glare at her, impotently furious over her betrayal? “Well, alright, here goes,” he said, placing a hand slowly on her head and patting her hair. She’d made a lot of false turns to throw them off, but she didn’t know how much time it had bought her. “It’s natural to be afraid,” she assured him. Claude, or rather Prince Khalid, will not leave until he brings an Agarthan back to the Almyran court. Deep, low, artificial; a voice altered beyond recognition by Agarthan technology. I’ll get you something from my supply. She stared down at him. She would have to return to the world she belonged to, where her dearest friends and dearest love waited for her. H-How is this thing moving?” Sylvain exclaimed. I cannot allow this! No, that’s not what I—” Edelgard sputtered. “I am a young woman. Ingrid, tell him how ridiculous he sounds.”, “Honestly, Sylvain, it’s bad enough that you accused Claude because he sprained his ankle…”, Byleth nodded, then waved the class away and took Edelgard aside. We gotta play by house rules, though.”. If someone snatched you up or stabbed you or did something unmentionable to you while we were away,” Wedge said, “she’d probably excommunicate us!”, “You wouldn’t do that to us, would you, Your Highness?”, Edelgard let out a heavy, contrite sigh. Byleth looked to Seteth, who had thrown his body over a cowering Flayn. Perhaps a sedative or a laxative I can slip in their tea…”, “You’ve got a lot of nerve asking for my help again after what happened to Hapi.”, “Given the path you’re walking, you’d better get used to being an accomplice—and to worse deeds than that.”, “I know, I know.” Claude put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer toward him. El! “El…” he sobbed, shivering from the cold. Cecil L'Ively (The X-Files) ignites his hand. She reached up to press a hand to Mercedes’ cheek and tease her fingers against her hair. “You must be busy, Your Majesty,” Jeritza said. If Lady Rhea gets mad at you two, I’ll take full responsibility.”. “Can you hear us?”, “Good. “Sometimes it feels as though nobles are meant to suppress everything that makes them human.”, “Well said! “What?”, “What in blazes?” Anselm exclaimed, loosening his grip just enough for Edelgard to drive the butt of her axe into his chin. The only path she could take. She was only just beginning to fully realize how immature she’d been before Byleth had came into her life. Edelgard enjoyed hearing Ferdinand’s voice as he blathered on about everything from war orphanages to the former Church of Seiros’ infrastructure to tax plans and his pride and joy, the nascent educational system. Which was why she found herself approaching her professor after battalion drills that Friday morning, before Biggs and Wedge could catch up to her from their positions on the sidelines. Tooth and Co was the major brewer of beer in New South Wales, Australia.The company owned a large brewery on Broadway in Sydney from 1835 until 1985, known as the Kent Brewery. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), 1. “You go right back to bed. I received my crown without your help or blessing months ago in a secret ceremony. You don’t seem quite… yourself.”, Edelgard’s blood ran cold. “Which one?” Sylvain asked with a sardonic snicker, standing at the ready with the Lance of Ruin on hand and glowing with a fiery aura. As the Flurry of Dancing Flames, Axel (Kingdom Hearts) has all the power of fire under his control. Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld (The Asterisk War). I fear for what he might do to them.”, Edelgard supposed she could lift Vual’s spirits. She found Hapi sitting in her little nest. Whatever she said, they heard. “Oh, but Vepar—”, “You’ve been quite reserved tonight. She doubted it. She was asleep the whole time!”. The day the normal life she’d pretended to have for nearly a full year shattered. A Metahuman, Claire Selton/Volcana (DC Animated Universe) is a powerful, Benatu Eshu (Arrowverse); via the Fire Totem. Yes. Faint gray crescents hollowed out her green eyes; her lips which took a natural pink so well were worn down as though she’d bitten them too frequently. In the middle of the night, Edelgard left the dormitories and returned to the meeting place. “It’s a tactical report, albeit quite a bit abridged, of a successful military assault on Shambhala.”, Vual stared at it as though he were gazing upon holy scripture. I’ll… invite her. “Why, might I ask, is Claude still here?” Edelgard asked, interrupting her counterpart. And besides, his hair was jet-black. Yes, at this hour. “It is time to go. For the third time Edelgard rode the mysterious floating platform down the hidden shaft that traveled deep beneath the earth, and for the second time she pretended it was her first time. She realized that she was being pinned to the floor by a muscular, seven-foot-tall woman and started thinking very hard about Byleth. “That’s right.” Edelgard slowly wormed her way out from under her. “Lady Edelgard, I have too much faith in you to waste my time worrying. She wondered what Kronya would do in her situation. “Men! “Are you okay, Edelgard?” Ingrid asked. “Lady Edelgard… Manuela is on her way… please…”, Someone in another world was calling her name. “Hello, Hilda,” Edelgard said. Natalie Lander, Actress: The Middle. “What would Jeralt say?”. Decency? I want you to take it. Edelgard could catch faint and shimmering glimpses of scales and feathers rippling across their skin. I know exams are a stressful time, but…”, “I can tell something’s wrong, Ingrid. And I want you to know it, if I’m not there when the time is right to tell you.”, “You speak as though you know you’re about to die, El,” Dimitri said. With a shrug Hapi stood up, releasing Edelgard, and walked up to Alois with tentative, hesitant steps. “What, do you think this whole thing was some kind of false flag?”, “Hey, the church has deep connections to the Crest of Flames, doesn’t it? “Well, here I am,” Edelgard said, reaching up to scratch under Hapi’s chin. For your professor, it’s obviously because of her connection to the Fell Star. “Now, I have work to do, so why don’t you go catch up with Marianne? The Scorpion and the Leopard Edelgard couldn’t believe that she, like Sylvain, was finding herself suspicious of him just because of a limp. How dare you call yourself a king of Faerghus! The first page of each detailed on a hand-reproduced map of the mountains separating Hrym territory from Ordelia territory the size and initial positions of combined Imperial and Almyran battalions—mage corps, archers, infantry and cavalry, wyvern riders, and so on. Her axe felt heavy in her hands. Rise of the Hurricane King What would the other Blue Lions do? I see. It was something that did not belong in this world—or perhaps the world did not belong around it. The Flame and the Wind Who was healing her? Web of Subterfuge He probably doesn’t think he’s ready for all that authority yet. 5. “Is something wrong with Hapi?” Edelgard asked once they were well out of earshot of anybody in the monastery. She hadn’t fully assuaged her loneliness, but at least she’d gotten a lot of work done. She was also beginning to realize that her empire was already humming along just fine without her. “Kill every last one of them!” Rhea shouted to her army of ghosts. I mean… she even looks like Archbishop Rhea now, and you… you talk to the Goddess. “The details will need quite some time to work out, at which point, hopefully, you and she will have returned to your rightful places. “Brother… what have you done?”. “A few bruised ribs, I think,” Edelgard grunted, clutching her side. “Thanks,” Edelgard mumbled, and with that she shut the door in their faces and went back to bed. Byleth leaned in close to her and held up a hand to her mouth. I don’t know if they’ve ever been stretched this thin in peacetime.”. Eventually, lying awake in bed became unbearable, and Edelgard slithered her way out from under the sheets, trudged across the rug, and threw the door open. In the other world, that is? Ferdinand snickered. Until the door flew open and Hilda barged in. Princess Edelgard!”, “Wait,” Edelgard said as Claude let go of her and slipped away. As Dangerous Allies as Enemies In the other world, Byleth uses her powers far more sparingly due to the collateral damage it risks, but…”, He raised an eyebrow and grinned a sinister grin. He let go of her and reeled away. “You don’t need to worry about him, Edelgard. “I won’t kill one of my students,” Byleth said. But it wasn’t the size of a sword or a lance or any other weapon that could be wielded by human hands. The flames Leno (Marchen Awakens Romance) creates with Nature ÄRM, Flame Ball can be hurled at the enemy and even used to coat his weapons. “Ahem,” she said. “The ghosts are back, El. Besides, early to bed and early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy, and wise.”, Edelgard dragged herself out of bed. Please.”. Get back here!” Anselm shouted out, pursuing her. I’ll take her heart back myself!”. “Come with me!”. Her body was growing older, and the two Crests and the cost of that burden didn’t exactly improve her situation. Sorry I killed Leonie and Judith and Lorenz! Skylar Storm (Mighty Med) is one of the few superheroes who can manipulate generate fire from her entire hand and maintain it.