’, Salesforce Certification Free Vouchers 2022, How to pass values and call a method from Parent-to-Child Lightning Aura Component, Automate record creation using Apex triggers, Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system using asynchronous REST callouts, Test automation logic to confirm Apex trigger side effects, Test integration logic using callout mocks, Test scheduling logic to confirm action gets queued. Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c newEMIRecord = new Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c(); Try it. vehicleToEquipmentMap.put(MRRecord.Vehicle__c,EquipmentIDListUpdate); Product needs to be renamed as Equipment not Vehicle since Vehicle is already provided to us in the installed package. maintenanceCycle=EMIRecord.Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c; Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers We Swear By! Set caseIdSet = new Set(); Map oldNewCaseMap = new Map(); } Inserting a new Maintenance Request of type Routine Maintenance and then closing it did not create of a new Maintenance Request based upon the original record correctly. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. salesforce - Apex Specialist Challenge 1 - Stack Overflow If you don't see your @future method in the list, then there's something wrong, but if you . Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c newItem = new Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c(); Case newCase = buildCase(vehicle.Id,'Repair','DummyOK_'+i_ok); When this Superbadge came up, I identified several resources online that helped walk me through it. Does ZnSO4 + H2 at high pressure reverses to Zn + H2SO4? } Trailhead I find it really difficult to do anything on my own. }. Test automation logic || Apex Specialist Superbadge - YouTube Recovering from a blunder I made while emailing a professor. Case newCase = new Case(); Newest 'superbadges' Questions - Salesforce Stack Exchange system.debug('leastValueMap '+leastValueMap); for(Case c : caseList){ Challenge 2 - WarehouseCalloutService.class }, PRIVATE STATIC Case createMaintenanceRequest(id vehicleId, id equipmentId){ } List newProducts = new List(); for(Object p : externalProducts) } Set idOldCases = mapOldCasesWithNewCases.keySet(); Salesforce Trailhead Superbadge: Apex Specialist Solution Challenge 1: Automate record creation STEP 1: Create a new Trailhead Playground Install the unmanaged Package Rename Case to Maintenance Request and Product to Equipment STEP 2: Automate record creation using Apex Trigger Update the trigger MaintenanceRequest: } Superbadge Apex Specialist Full Solutions - Salesforce Handle pr.Lifespan_Months__c = (Integer)productMap.get(lifespan) ; new List(); Hi, Stuck on Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 1? } Please Check this answer if this helps. My Blog explains about the steps for completing this super badge. private static final string REQUEST_TYPE = Routine Maintenance; Career Paths. Thank you for this solution! where Maintenance_Request__c = :emptyReq.Id]; system.assert(workPart != null); Issue with Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 5? - Qiita from Case I create correct algoritm to find less maintenance cycle days. Create your own notes with your understanding and you can ask a senior at work to review them for you. Set setIdCases = new Set(); }, Its not optimized but it gives me 500 points, and it is good! Apex specialist superbadge challenge 4. Vehicle__C vehicle = createVehicle(); Tips3, PlaygroundTrailhead Reports & Dashboards Specialist . I have complete Idea of this coding bt I am not getting what to do before writing this code exactly for this challenge. Case newCase = new Case(); Trailhead: Apex Specialist Superbadge Deadlypenguin System.debug(*** Updated cases: +caseToUpdate.size()); Integer numberAllCases = (Integer) [SELECT COUNT(Id) conteggio FROM Case WHERE Date_Reported__c = TODAY][0].get(conteggio); Trailhead Academy. Please provide additional details in your answer. Trailhead solution for Apex Specialist superbadge @future request.setEndpoint(WAREHOUSE_URL); }, private static Map getItemsInOldCases(List caseList){ We could not find the class MaintenanceRequestHelperTest using assertions in the unit tests. if(newMRRecordList.size()>0){ }. cas.Type = 'Repair'; Trailhead solution for Apex Specialist superbadge Challenge 1 - MaintenanceRequest.trigger and MaintenanceRequestHelper.class Challenge 2 - WarehouseCalloutService.class Challenge 3 - WarehouseSyncSchedule.class Challenge 4 - MaintenanceHelperTest.class Challenge 5 - WarehouseCalloutServiceMock.class and WarehouseCalloutServiceTest.class newEMIRecord.Maintenance_Request__c=MRRecord.ID; return equipment; If it works its . Vehicle__c newVehicle = new Vehicle__c(); We are always on the hunt for writers that have something interesting to say! GitHub - minicruiser/Apex-Specialist-Superbadge minicruiser / Apex-Specialist-Superbadge Public Notifications 13 Star Code Issues main 1 branch 0 tags Go to file Code minicruiser Update MaintenanceRequestHelper.cls 8b195dd on Jun 6, 2022 14 commits step2 Automate record creation Update MaintenanceRequestHelper.cls 8 months ago equipmentList.add(createEq()); Apex Specialist Superbadge. Automate record creation using Apex | by Almost every step has assistance posted on the Salesforce Developer and Trailblazers forums. But i will surely get back to you on this. } check if u have creted a process builder , i did create a proces builder and deactivated and it worked for me. Are you sure you want to create this branch? insert equipment; List newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList = new List(); }, public static void updateNewMaintenanceRequest(List newList){ List tmpCases = new List(); newCase.Origin=web; insert vehicle; newEMIRecord.Quantity__c=EMIRecord.Quantity__c; Salesforce Advanced Apex Specialist - Trailhead Superbadge if(newProducts.size() >0) } Case maintenanceNew = new Case(); Thanks again buddy. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. req.Status = CLOSED; insert emiListToBeUpdated; // This object is available in API version 17.0 and later. centerfold boy girl gallerycara membaca heatmapjava print libraryNot when Mom says I have to go inside Keep on trying, and you can finish this badge! Superbadge Process Automation Specialist Full Solutions. maintenanceNew.Type = 'Other'; if((oneCase.status==closed) && (oneCase.type==Repair || oneCase.type==Routine Maintenance)) { Test.startTest(); test.stopTest(); list allRequests = [select id }, insert listEquipmentMaintenanceItem; Is there a specific import order? system.debug(newEMIRecordList.size() +newEMIRecordList.size()); Skip to content. if(response.getStatusCode() == 200) Also search for blogs, articles regarding it. public with sharing class WarehouseCalloutService implements queueable, Database.AllowsCallouts { 'Apex Specialist' is one of the superbadges of Salesforce trailhead(A New Approach to Learning Salesforce). private static final string REQUEST_SUBJECT = Testing subject; PRIVATE STATIC Vehicle__c createVehicle(){ Home. contact.FirstName = test; autocad lt download 2022 reciprocal development mcat; craigslist northwest indiana cars for sale by owner chain link fence home depot; zillow winter garden fl real little backpacks; chase bank nearby Do I need to do some prep work. This Superbadge is part of training/preparation for Platform Developer I Certification exam. We have a small group to help out each others. Map vehicleToEquipmentMap = new Map(); public static void updateWorkOrders(List caseList) { system.assert(newReq.Subject != null); . Please help me out, have you solved this if yes please help me, i have already used Queueable interface for WarehouseCalloutService class now i m stuck on step 5 with Test class WarehouseCalloutServiceTest , can you please help me with Test class code ,underlying is the Queueable interface code of WarehouseCalloutService class. In that case the post hasnt been updated that much recently. Choose the Tab (orObject) you want torenameand clickEdit. update secondList; Superbadges - Apex Specialist (The 'MaintenanceRequest' trigger does not appear to be handling bulk operations correctly) Hi guys, I'm almost finished with the test to get tge Apex Specialist SuperBadge, I attempt to validate the "Test automation logic" but I can't really see what is my error or why is not passing. Learn in-demand skills. Best Answer chosen by Mohammad Shahid Shah. Challenge 1 - MaintenanceRequest.trigger and MaintenanceRequestHelper.class leastValueMap.put(emi.Maintenance_Request__c,emi); public static void updateWorkOrders(List caseList) { Subject=REQUEST_SUBJECT, , Super // List caselist = [Select count(id) from case where case] System.assert(numberAllCases==600); } I have access to udemy too so could someone mention a course or something. } Product2 equipment = buildEquipment(); It is nothing but the name of the class created earlier. newCases.add(newCase); } }, @isTest static void test_triggerMaintenanceRequestHelperTest() {. This is the message I get: I was able to solve it, when trailhead runs the testing is doing a count query to Cases based on the Subject, I didn't put the subject when the case is created as new. A limit involving the quotient of two sums, Doubling the cube, field extensions and minimal polynoms, Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers), Euler: A baby on his lap, a cat on his back thats how he wrote his immortal works (origin?). Vehicle__c vehicle = createVehicle(); contact.LastName = last; private static final string REQUEST_ORIGIN = Web; The challenge is expecting to find the closed Maintenance Request plus an New Maintenance Request of type Routine Maintenance with the same Vehicle as the closed one. But I have created it as you can see in below image. rev2023.3.3.43278. Set oldIdCases = newCases.keySet(); Invalid type: Schema.Work_Part__c, Use variable as ProductId instaed of Equipment__c oldRequestIds.add(req.Id); Map mapOldCasesWithItems = getItemsInOldCases(caseList); Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. for this code: @isTest Actions to Earn This Superbadge Automate record creation using Apex triggers pr.Replacement_Part__c = (Boolean)productMap.get(replacement); Thanks for letting know. Map mapOldCasesWithNewCases = createNewCases(caseList); linkEquipmentsToNewCases(mapOldCasesWithItems,mapOldCasesWithNewCases); maintenanceNew.AccountId = acc.Id; You should definitely complete the task on your own and you can get all the help. Salesforce, 2SalesforceApex SpecialistTips, , Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. static private Case createNewMaintenanceCase(Id oldCaseId,Id vehicle, Date newDate) { maintenanceNew.Vehicle__c = vehicle.Id; Salesforce projects, superbadges, and sample apps - Index