Please note: if the button doesn't work, please clear cookies in your browser. Directors can use the R2 Sports tournament software to simplify the process of running a tournament which will help save hours of time. These are available in both blind draw and seeded formats. Sutton LTC TENNIKS Ladder. This will complete prefectly the online score boards. Because your Geolocational Information is subject to abuse by others, please be sure to manage your mobile device and privacy preferences on the App on an ongoing basis. This information includes information about your operating system, your IP addresses, browser type and language, referring and exit pages and URLs, keywords, date and time, amount of time spent on particular pages, what sections of a website you visit, and similar information concerning your use of the Site and the Service (the Usage Information). Fill the scores and advance winners to the next round. Software import { Bracket } from 'react-tournament-bracket'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; render(