To host a silent disco, each attendee will have a pair of wireless headphones. Cool catchy titles that sound fun but don't really say anything of value don't draw as well as titles that clearly state what. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. An escape room is a fantastic way to develop essential skills and have fun. Check out how to format reverse italics as seen in the Bodnar poster presentation example above. Coming up with an amazing webinar title is an important step in standing out, attracting leads, and engaging customers. It is our job as the presentation designer (or deliverer) to make people want to pay attention to us. Pitting presenters against each other in the name of fun can help enliven any event. You can place small two- or three-seater tables throughout the room. The key is to distill your argument into brief text and a clear design that will facilitate conversation. What has been proven to work is 2-4 descriptive sentences followed by 4-10 bullet points of what the key take-aways will be (length depends on whether you are writing for an session, workshop or a course). Hosting a snowball fight is an excellent way for participants to see that other people struggle with similar issues and teach empathy. For example, How do you feel about utilizing productivity apps like Slack? or How much do you love chocolate ice cream? Then, all attendees line up based on how strongly they feel about the question. Many employees and leaders flock to these developmental meetings at least once a year and are likely familiar and perhaps weary with the normal routine and common session topics. To do both, write session titles that are fun and engaging while still aligning with the format of the other conference sessions. How to Write an Abstract for a Conference | Ex Ordo A prospect sees more content on the description then they believe they will learn more. If video available, include link at the end of the reference. If your title specifically tells the audience why they need to hear it, it is probably a good, catchy title for your presentation. Where do you provide the most value? Step number one is to turn your idea into a complete sentence. With 42% of marketers planning to host or join a webinar this year, there's no better time to work these online events into your marketing strategy. From there, workshop with other people on your team or get feedback from your customers to see which one resonates the most. If We Adjust the Project Plan on the ABC Building, We Can Get Back on Schedule without Incurring Overruns. To cite conference proceedings, follow the MLA format template. Now that you know what makes a good webinar title, try creating 3-5 solid working titles on your own. 1. You can award points for correct answers. How to Make Your Session Titles Mean More to Your Attendees <> How to Write a Conference Session, Workshop or Course - LinkedIn Readers should not have to review your session title more than once in order to gain an understanding of what will be discussed at the session. Original conference breakout session ideas can be difficult to imagine. Strategies for Success. Conference presentation references - American Psychological Association Engage the audience with poll questions. You can achieve these goals with engaging activities like Silent Discos and ask me anything sessions or with specific panel topics like Women in Business. Once you know what you're good at, work it into your webinar title. W%/GsB"RI Dg5`n]}A")!Np4ey,OyTdlk,'L0#XbFdF@Md|5':b f'`(-'xguwO/po3(^TMhIIz0Ud^$d As a general guideline, try to stay between 10 and 15 words, or approximately 70 characters. 127 Corporate Themes & Concepts for your next event Tips and Tricks. You can think of this exercise as a more academic version of an elevator pitch. When most presenters start creating their presentations, they often use sentence fragments as a way to remember what they want to cover. Team Impact. 2001 2020 The Leaders Institute, LLC. Free and premium plans. Speed networking is similar to speed dating. Here are some of the most important principles to keep in mind: 1. PDF Nudging the Ostrich: Using Behavioral Economics to Lead - NCSEA In that instant where you were scanning the titles, though, you probably had this inner monologue going. One of them is how we name our thoughts. The downside: competition. Here are some of the most important principles to keep in mind: 1. At this session, attendees can learn about the difficulties women face and how to overcome these trials. One of the most important takeaways from a conference is participants new connections. Here is the list: Conference Titles for Achieving Great Goals: Mission Clean Bold Go for GOLD Smash the Game Eye on the Prize Go Great Guns Paint it _______ (Your brand colour) Conference Titles for a Change Management Event: Turn The Tide Roar CATAPULT Metamorphosis Catalyst IGNITE Conference Titles that instil Energy: Step Up The Game Buckle Up Workshops have long been a great way to communicate ideas, bring people together, or get closer to accomplishing business goals. Truthfully, there's no perfect title length. Somewhere around 50-60 characters are optimal for a. While its true that this tactic will likely garner attention, it certainly wont be the kind of attention youre looking for. Human Spectrogram Despite the fancy name, this format essentially involves voting with your feet. Most conferences benefit from having these different areas covered during the event: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); David Big Dave Staughtonis a Specialist Practice Consultant and an Award-winning Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) with over 20 years of professional speaking & consulting experience. Also, make sure to visit our 101 public speaking tips blog post. This event is a wonderful opportunity to ensure attendees leave the conference with all the information needed to be successful in the future. Outside of the tech folks, no one really cares about website security. Keep it short and punchy Session titles should be brief, conveying their message in as few words and characters as possible while remaining specific and urgent. We also have a list of conference quotes, list of the best jokes for conferences and a list of leadership conferences to attend. This event also initiates relationships that can benefit both parties moving forward. This activity also develops essential skills like communication and reasoning. You can bring the facilitation power to your own brainstorming session! In 2020, a whopping 91% of webinar marketers said their events were a success. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> This length restriction does not include . Here are a few titles that tell the audience that your presentation will be a snoozefest. An eye-catching webinar title pulls people in for the next important step: signing up. Bringing People Together. Then, have a moderator organize a question and answer time for attendees. Share the Vision. Most of these conferences can be found in different regions of the United States and serve various industry sectors. What are you an expert on? make your presentation more audience focused, Frequently Asked Questions About Presentation Classes, Why We Need to Make Changes in Our Internal Processes. For example, run a . Pecha Kucha is Japanese for 'small talk'. How to Write a Conference Speaking or Session Proposal That - LinkedIn Back on Top. Your email address will not be published. 2023 - Speaker Advisor All Rights Reserved | Website by, Workplace Wellness, Wellbeing and Mental Health Speakers, Health Speakers & Lifestyle Speakers Personal Wellness, Best CONFERENCE MCs Master of Ceremonies LIST, Best BIG CELEBRITIES as a Headliner for your Conference LIST, Best MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKERS LIST Resilience & Reinvention, Best FUTURISTS & TRENDS SPEAKERS LIST Change, Transformation & Disruption, Best SALES SPEAKERS & SALES TRAINERS LIST, Best CUSTOMER SERVICE SPEAKERS & TRAINERS LIST, Best STRATEGISTS & STRATEGY SPEAKERS LIST, Best CEO / BUSINESS FOUNDER SPEAKERS LIST, Best Conference Speakers Based in MELBOURNE LIST, Best Keynote Speakers in NEW ZEALAND LIST, 2023 Guide to Australian Conference SPEAKER FEES (Click Here), Biggest Mistakes made during an Online Presentation or Webinar, WHS & OHS Health & Safety (at home WFH), Tech free Device Withdrawal and tech detox (Cal Newport), The Gut gut flora microbiome probiotics Vegus nerve tone, Running & Fitness triathalons & cycling, Being more Resilient and Developing Resilience, Great game of business GGOB by Jack Stack, Online Workshopping and Facilitation Tools, Influencing and presenting to a hybrid audience live in person and live online, Visual Storytelling is HOT Intimate Video presentations, Building your live tribe Clubhouse, Insta Stories, FB live, Being an Influencer or Working with Influencers, Useful Belief & Cut The Noise (Chris Helder), ROI ROE Return on Investment and Equity, Rise of Cryptocurrency bitcoin ethereum etc, Demographic, Social/Lifestyle and Environmental Trends, Accountability and holding others Accountable, Human Lie detection (Steve Van Aperen etc), Winning Team Stories (e.g AFL Richmond Football Club), Airport bookstands Singapore airport always has the latest books, National Association conferences speakers, Speaker Bureau Showcases of New & Breakout Speakers, An Opener/Closer for Inspirational Energy, Leadership for Direction & Improved Clarity, Performance/Productivity Improvement Work/Life Effectiveness, Energiser Change Mood/Pace of event after lunch or Start of Day 2 or 3, MC/Facilitation/Acts panels, crowdsource, hypotheticals. Titles should be in AP Style title case. That was a good conference. The play's title was 'Technically Speaking' and it revolved around stories of men suffering from mental health illness. Promise WIFA (what's in for the attendee?) Webinars are great for both models because updating knowledge and learning can be done remotely without losing productivity. Encouraging discussion about women in the workplace can be inspiring for young professional women and eye-opening for men. How to Choose a Catchy Name for a Training Program Marketing is not a frivolous effort that undermines the authenticity or academic rigor of your work. What specific financials are we talking about? Never simply write workshop or roundtable without stating what the topic focus will be..that is, if you want to get more registrations prior to a conference, course or workshop. A photo booth allows participants to have a little fun with new friends and take home a special memory from the conference. How to Write a Session Description for a Conference | Bizfluent Generally, lightning talks are not directly related to the conference topic. "Hack" = experimental, creative problem solving with a playful approach. For webinar titles, aim to incorporate keywords that are relevant to your content and target audience. Effective Poster Presentations | AHA - Historians It's your chance to draw in your target audience and turn people from passive viewers into engaged leads. Sessions can either be intimate gatherings or big-scale sponsored events, and organizing one can be quite challenging. You'll see a blend of technical and business that addresses the wide range of topics. Enjoy the meeting. Italicize the title. Breakthrough to Excellence. Lightning Paper Session A group of seven-minute paper presentations with time for audience discussion. The title causes the speaker to cover way too much content. NDDPI & Cognia Virtual Continuous Improvement Conference Some good conference breakout session topics are Team Building Ideas, How to Focus on Health in the Workplace, and the Importance of Communication. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Also bolding certain key words that you want to stand out because they will sell your session (not make a point) has been shown to work. So, rather than saying "meeting," try "team update" or "conference call." This will help people understand what the email is . Mental health is incredibly important. However, the department heads care very deeply about their bonuses. For example, consider historical sites or monuments. For more large-scale event planning tips, check out conference event entertainment, conference swag, and conference menu ideas. To combat this problem, plan a breakout session to include these extra topics. Annual Conference Meeting Sample Details File Format PDF Size: 7 MB Download Conference Planning Meeting Agenda Details File Format PDF Size: 28 kB Download Business Conference Agendas Small Business Conference Agenda Details File Format PDF Size: 33 kB Download Leadership Conference Agenda Example 3. Cognia invites you to the IMPACT conference, where we activate continuous improvement with a laser focus on the four key characteristics of high-quality schools and systems: leadership of learning, healthy culture of learning, engagement of learning, and growth in learning. Put the number three at the front Consider this title: Critical concepts for teaching bioethics Chairing a session is not about looking smart: It is about making everyone else look smart both the speakers. Bringing People Together. There are many interactive and board games that would be fantastic to use in a breakout session. PDF How to Write Great Conference Session Titles and Descriptions - TASB In most cases, they make that determination based entirely on the title of the speech. The effect of the conference is really appreciated. Then ask yourself, If I were sitting in the audience, why would I care about this? Use a hook to draw in the readers interest and encourage them to continue scrolling. Presentation Titles that Attract an Audience - Speaking about Presenting If We as Department Heads Can Communicate Our Teams Activities Better, We Should Be Able to Reduce Department Cost Significantly. More common, however, is to hand out simple evaluation forms for each session, and one for the overall conference experience (see Tool #4 for sample evaluation forms.) Guess what? During his spare time, he likes to spend time with his wife and 2 daughters and read on his kindle. 3. First, your conference abstract is a sales tool: you are selling your ideas, first to the conference organisers, and then to the conference delegates. That's because webinars are one of the most effective ways to engage with your audience. That's because research shows a consistent brand presentation can boost revenue by as much as 23%, and nearly 74% of people become loyal to brands through content. After the event, nurture people down your conversion funnel by inviting them to learn more about your company, sign up for a future webinar, or join your email list. You are really just wasting everyones time. A block of text describing your presentation/course/workshop doesnt draw. Moving forward. The key: specificity. The ABC Building Project is Behind Schedule. Growing Momentum. Ditch the filler words and phrases. Free and premium plans, Content management software. Planning an outside walk is also helpful if space is an issue at the conference venue. Once you have a list of attendees, use the contact information they shared to send updates and instructions for joining the webinar. Better by every measure. Environmental comfort (i.e., not too hot, cold, bright, dark, or stuffy) 6. Here are some tips to help you write interesting, engaging session titles that will encourage your audience to keep reading. These criteria force the participants to be creative and very much to the point. Incorporating this event in a breakout session is simple. Giving attendees a chance to focus on themselves and their mental state is a great use of a breakout session. Thus, brevity and clarity are extremely important. Citation Help for APA, 7th Edition: Conference Presentations Anything is Possible. Conference breakout sessions are events or activities that participants attend in small groups. Evaluating Resources: Conference Proceedings - Walden University Innovative Innovation Meetings: Formats, Designs, and Examples by Doug Staneart | Podcasts, presentation skills, Corporate Office The Leaders Institute 2016 E Randol Mill Rd, Suite 417, Arlington, TX 76011 (800) 975-6151, 2001 2020 The Leaders Institute, LLC. Symposium. It showcases a striking 50-word paragraph which will appear in the conference program book if your presentation is approved. This seems like a waste of my time.. A Three Minute Thesis event is a great way to present various topics concisely. So, if you want to catch the attention of your audience right away, realize that catch presentation titles can help. A World of Opportunities. But saying that the session will teach the top 5 ways to manage site SEO for best possible ranking is a good idea. Cool catchy titles that sound fun but dont really say anything of value dont draw as well as titles that clearly state what the presentation/workshop/course will be about and what attendees will learn. Here is a list of upbeat songs for conferences that work well for the event. We Exceeded Our Corporate Goals and Increased Profit Last Quarter, So Your Quarterly Bonus Has Also Increased. "marathon" = 24-48 hour event. Almost instantly, you eliminated a few based solely on the topic or title. Check out how these webinar titles stay true to the brand's voice. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 1 Use popular search queries. Then, the experts must use all the information and skills they have gained through their careers to answer the questions engagingly. Instead, you can invite attendees to host a discussion or give a short presentation about a subject of choice. These short, interesting presentations can be on a variety of topics. ", 125 Clever Catchy Trucking Company Slogans, 125 Catchy Law Firm Slogans and Attorney Taglines, 100 Best Side Hustles for Teens to Make Money, 10 Proven Psychological Pricing Strategies with Examples, 100 Office Etiquette Rules You Need to Know, 50 Best Business Letter Closings of All-Time. A fast-paced breakout session designed for healthy competition. Annual Conference of the International Lego Pedagogy Group, Boston, MA, United States. The following series of conference slogans exchanged by others are intended to inspire the creation of your next slogan. He is a past board member of Professional Speakers Australia, advisor to E-Speakers and a past advisor to a large Australian speakers bureau. 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How To Write Killer Conference Session Titles That Attract Attendees You can book most Speakers through a Speakers Bureau or direct via their own Speaker Website. The purpose of these activities is to encourage discussion and learning among attendees. A daily dose of irreverent and informative takes on business & tech news, Turn marketing strategies into step-by-step processes designed for success, Explore what it takes to be a creative business owner or side-hustler, Listen to the world's most downloaded B2B sales podcast, Get productivity tips and business hacks to design your dream career, Free ebooks, tools, and templates to help you grow, Learn the latest business trends from leading experts with HubSpot Academy, All of HubSpot's marketing, sales CRM, customer service, CMS, and operations software on one platform.