Its all a matter of dog and what the owner is comfortable with! Im a 68-year-old skinny woman I dont have the strength for this dog and dont know what to do. I work with high drive, hard working dogs. The pulling she used to have has almost been eliminated by the training techniques my trainer taught us. You have that. What can Good luck with your future training of your puppy! Learn how to fit it and use it properly before employing. Or I could actually teach them to love a jellyfish on their head. Ive also used the gentle leader and it helped somewhat but she walked much slower and really hated it always trying to rub it off her face, which created a whole new set of issues. My question is I know it can be good for walks but can it also be used in training my dog to stop jumping and biting? ) Dont forget to train them off of it. You have to interpret the action, and tell your arm to move at a certain speed/pace/whatever else and deliver it quickly, or else your dog will not understand what youre correcting., If that window is that small and you make a mistake, would you prefer to be delivering confusing rewards, or confusing punishment?, No. You could have taught a loose leash without a prong. Ill let you know how our first walk goes! Period. If you have experience and skill in reading a study objectively and without bias, you can see that it actually disproves the point you and the citing website are trying to make. Do not be afraid to try a prong collar. Lindsay Lowe, "5 Ways Collars Can Harm Your Dog". Im thinking about buying for my dog a prong collar so your article is very helpful to me. Another asked if perhaps dogs, because they read human faces, including angry faces, very well, might get a "bad feeling" from their human when they choose to use something that causes them pain. I have yet to see a dog injured by normal use of a prong collar (of course I only use Herm as well. The San Francisco SPCAs website points out that the skin on a humans neck is ten to fifteen cells thick, whereas the skin on a dogs neck is only three to five cells thick. What appealed to me the most in your blog is when you talked about how safe prong collar dogs are because they cant damage your dogs trachea given that they are going to be properly used. Or pulling his owner over, cause owners not to walk their dog? And it absolutely does!!! Humane Society, PETA, & SPCA all speak against prong collars. We sometimes will put a bandana on our dogs to cover the prong collar. Good luck, I wish you all the best. I always enjoyed walking my dog because I love him and I like to get out and walk, but now walking him is sooooooo much better. Now he is eyes on me. WebProng collars are legal in most states, but there are some places where they are banned or regulated. She walked normal and actually we all enjoyed our walk instead of dreading it. The pair review the recent Norwegian breeding bans on English Bulldogs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Marylands newly-passed prohibition on feline declaw surgery, and other recent legal changes in animal law. Thanks. It takes time and a lot of consistency. Do you think these changes are happening quickly enough in the US? New Zealand, Austria, Australia, Switzerland, the Canadian Province of Quebec , and many others have made prong collars (and in many cases choke and shock collars) illegal. Many civilized countries have outlawed prong collars, recognizing the harm they can do! Just train the right way the first time and dont seek shortcuts.. I admit I was not paying full attention to him was conversing with a neighbor. Now we're loose leash and enjoying our walks and adventures. It was a lifesaver for me and he was a true angel to walk with it. The final decision rests with the TSA officer on whether an item is allowed through the checkpoint. A prong collar is a device that has metal fang-shaped prongs on it that is worn around a dogs neck. Bam. He is amazing on it, but I dont always use it because Im worried about what people might think. That should tell us something. Hi, I have a 90 lb intact lab that I adopted a week ago. Hes pretty good on our boring suburb walks with a regular collar, but any new experience he is almost uncontrollable. If you just allow him to pull on the collar and go after the rabbit, it may startle him and if he is sensitive dog, it may correct the behavior. We told our dog trainer all about this today and he introduced us to the prong collar with lots of instruction about how to gently tug the leash with just 2 fingers to get the dogs attention. And although I knew they were just barking and pulling because they wanted to investigate and make friends, staffies barks tend to be quite scary, which Im sure intimidate my neighbors. You lost me at suggesting a prong collar for a reactive dog! Results were immediate and wonderful with no signs of distress, only a few sounds of surprise. All of the images in this post contain dogs who are wearing prong collars incorrectly. Instantly what a difference, no pulling, no zig zag walking. She fitted the prong collar and leashed him and literally within MINUTES he was no longer lunging or pulling even though there were loud cars, people, and other dogs coming and going around us. (We are in the process of training him to be a therapy dog to take to local nursing homes/schools etc)He thinks everyone is his friend and wants to play. Recommended just for you: Top 5 Reasons to Take Your Dog for a Walk. Thank you for telling your story Melanie. Chest harnesses that clip in the front are a better choice for hard-pulling dogs because dogs generally dislike the sensation of being pulled to one side. And remove links for smaller necks. I wanted to get one for him when we first started having problems with him but my dad seemed so against it so I decided on not getting one. We recently attended a three week intensive training program for our 4 year old, 50 lb lab mix. Humanely training your dog as with children should be a personal choice not one dictated by supposed do gooders and government policies Thanks for your free download I look forward to reading it and sharing! This one is really important, before you use any tool with your dog that you understand how they work and why your dog will respond to it especially when they cannot communicate their needs or feelings clearly. I have a 120 lb Great Dane Mastiff mix. I did training and watched several videos regarding the use of the collar and in less than 2 week the lunging was OVER. Is there any advise other than your article on the prong collar you can help with please know though that my intention is to use the collar correctly and for the right reasons, i have paid special attention on how NOT to use the collar.. Ive seen collar covers that disguise the prong. If you think about the anatomy of the neck, it contains essential things like the windpipe. I just cant say enough positive about the usefulness of a prong collar. By using the prong collar, he is now interacting with me in positive and affectionate ways, instead of the aggressive and painful ways that came natural to him. I have physical disabilities and any pulling from my 62 pound Labradoodle will hurt me. Do you think there is growing interest in passing laws to improve animal welfare? rated as 2021 & 2022 worlds best pet blog! It hasnt had any negative impact on his love or desire to go on walks. This can create a scenario in which, at best, a dog doesn't offer any behaviors due to fear, and at worst, a dog who becomes more reactive, worried, and overtly aggressive, leading to bites.". I was a bit taken aback, as I didn't expect it and thought it was cruel. Why? I spend more than 40 hours a week writing, researching and helping dog owners, I can not do it for free and still feed my family. I want to make sure that they wont get hurt when using the collars that I will buy for them. Thank you for providing this resource, however nothing would change my mind about it, ever! Herm Sprenger brand (this is the exact one I have),,,,, How to make dehydrated sweet potato dog treats, 15 Tips for being a great foster dog parent, Spaying and Neutering Your Dog [everything you NEED to know]. He was supposed to be in a down but got up when my son went by with a musical toy so I gave him a small correction back to his down. They are simply NOT necessary; there are better ways to train! I recommend reading I signed us up for an obedience class. Any advice would be appreciated. From tracking to bite work (agitation work), and even an every day harness! Pulls a lot, lunges after wild rabbits and some other dogs etc. Had him two years now he has also been attacked by other stray pitbulls. If you use the prong collar correctly and correct your dog BEFORE he takes off for the rabbit, then yes. As a Chewy affiliate I earn commissions for qualifying purchases. The prong is simply a tool as if to tap the dogs shoulder to get her attention. Choke collars, prong collars or flat collars are harmful training tools, Choose a Dog Trainer as Carefully as You Would a Surgeon, Dog Training's Dirty Little Secret: Anyone Can Legally Do It, what's good for the human must be good for the dog. They also wondered if this could have long-term "trust issues." I would also suggest finding a good behaviorist trainer in your area that can help you one on one. Consider the woman about whom Mary wrote who chose to leave her choke collar at the veterinary clinic after her dog suffered from a prolapsed eye. Good luck! Unfortunately, people really just dont understand these collars and that they can actually help prevent damage or injury, and help owners bond and communicate better with their dogs. At what age do you recommend that people start using a prong Collar? WebThank you for downloading the San Francisco SPCAs Prong Collar Advocacy Kit. They take the easy route, as opposed to teaching proper, solid cues and commands. Choke Chain Collars A choke chain collar is another inhumane training tool. Reading this article and the comments made me realize I have to get over what people might think. This is always very stressful for me and I get there praying there wont be another dog in the waiting room. Reviewed by Jessica Schrader, "Collars are a vital part of dog ownership. Its not illegal to use Debi, this is a wonderful article, thank you. Used well, it gives dogs access to their world and can be a critically important freedom enhancer. She was still her happy-go-lucky self playing. I asked him why not? He went on to tell me theyre known for breaking dogs necks. How Psychologically Conditioned Rats Are Defusing Landmines, The Innate Intelligence Observed in the Dying Process. A prong collar worked wonders on my hooligan, made her walk like a lady. The puppy resumed her buoyant behavior, this time heading toward Mary and her dog, Buster. A short time later, Mary saw the puppy and guardian re-enter the park, with the puppy wearing an e-collar. I just switched him back to a no-pull collar, and its working much better w/ training him to stick around and not pull, especially w/ positive enforcement and treats. I switched him to a prong (Herm Sprenger 2.25mm) and his behavior improved immediately. Right this instant. He pulled on his leash and barked aggressively at other dogs and people when using a standard flat collar. We were working with a purely positive trainer for a while, who was really great, but when it came to real-world practice out and about it was still nearly impossible for me to get my dogs attention with just treats when they saw something they wanted to go after, usually a squirrel but sometimes a friendly neighbor. I think hes smart enough to realize that hes in control, if he doesnt pull, his collar is comfortable for him. Until Jackson was 10 or so and slowing down did he really walk loose leash style even with a Gentle Leader head collar. WebProng collars work by causing discomfort (pain/punishment) when the dog pulls against it. When we first adopted Bear he had no leash manners at all. Familiarise yourself with canine body language, particularly stress signs. She is very sweet but its obvious now that she hasnt been socialized at all. This sort of state is not a state where learning can occur, its a state where all their options have been removed., The analogy used by a lot of people is imagine your worst fear, and then someone sitting there and forcing you to face it., Prong collars are not suitable for anything fear-based, which is where reactivity falls., Regardless of my training preferences. If it werent for this collar we would never be able to do that. Now before you pass judgment, please read on to learn more and then decide for yourself. She chatted with me about the prong and said we could try it to see if it helped. Shes one of those rescues that really rescue you. My advice would be to give it a try w/ a professionals guidance to see if it could solve your dogs leash pulling habit. She said doing this just makes the training go faster, which is helpful since she only has the dogs for a limited amount of time. Its kinda like tapping your dog on the shoulder to keep his attention on you. He gets to decide to eliminate that discomfort by not pulling. ), All you have to do to unlock that? By: Evelyn Konopik, RVT As we were completing this essay, Mary told me the following story that horrified me. Please do more research, because your answer sounded very disturbing. So as I did my research as a new dog mom, I see all the ominous warnings of the pinch collar. I am looking forward to using this, in an even better way of using. But are prong collars cruel? And in the mean time the poor dog is confined to his home? He had good manners (or so I thought) and was very very love able. And by the way, love the name Bear, thats our yellow labs name too . I have a 60kg male rottweiler who got spooked by a kid on a scooter on one of our walks he lunged at the kid out of fear, one correction to my dog he snapped out of it place perfectly back into a heel position, I believe if I had a flat collar or a harness on that kid could well have a huge missing chunk out of his arm, thanks to the prong collar I was able to control my rottie and potentially saved that kids life and my dogs too. Your comments are spot on that trainers are obsessively against this collar so fear there will be no where for me to go to get training if I were to purchase. Misuse covers : poor or I would argue a year to 18 months is the minimum you should be considering this tool., Why? This is where a lot of pro-prong people will say But my dog loves their prong which is great, but in the same way youve conditioned them to love that prong? I dont see dog trainer in your credentials, but do see a link to a product which suggests you make money off of your recommendation. We rescued a super sweet lab mix from down south a few months ago. So yes, Prong Collars can have the ability to be very harmful, very easily. I have tried several different collars and leads to stop him from pulling. The Effects of Using Aversive Training Methods in Dogs: A Review. Journal of Veterinary Behavior 19 (2017): 5060. Immediately Im an abuser, bla bla bla. As soon as the collar goes on I have total control over him. Exhaust other options Fit it properly Use an experienced trainer (who admits what it is and how it works) Use as designed Pick a quality one (no rubber tips! We also tried the plain slip-chain/choke chain collar (per my Mother in laws recommendation), and found that she still pulled and choked herself despite us -trying- to use it responsibly and kindly, OR she would back out of it and completely slip away. As for the comment about it causing pain, no one has ever mentioned their dog cries out, winces in discomfort. My first dog was a female shepherd-mix rescue and I used a prong collar on her to amazing effect. Positively, constructively and with an open mind) theres a positive solution you can take to achieve the same goal. But in some situations all that goes out the window. Keep doing what you are doing . And if you follow my guidance with pupdates? I have just had a 1 to 1 training session with a trainer and when he first suggested the prong collar I said NO straight away, but I put the collar around my thigh to see the effect. Web1.England 1. As subjects go, Prong collars are pretty divisive in the dog world.. Just put it on when you are getting ready to take a walk. 1 1/2 Inch Keeper's Hidden Prong Double Leather Collar Gold and Silver Knots on Black Web with Metallic Gold and Black Leather and Brass Hardware $0.00. As a trainer, it breaks my heart, because I know how the story often goeswhile the owner may have been intending to diminish and disrupt jumping, she was likely unintentionally building an association between strangers, dogs, and shock. Check Latest Price. Dogs Watch Us Carefully and Read Our Faces Very Well. I am so happy you found a way to change the path of you and your dogs life. We now use the prong collar to train our own dogs and our foster dogs when needed. 4. Give it a chance, try it out and see what a difference it can make with your relationship with your dog. The links and ads are a way for me to cover my expenses. For her leash training she starts with a slip leash but if a dog is particularly difficult shell switch to the prong collar. It is much better than the flat collars we had tried since she doesnt pull now, her trachea isnt under pressure on walks. Honestly, I know, Ive taught a great, reliable loose leash (even without the leash) a lot with all sorts of dogs, all sorts of breeds. We got her at 8 weeks old. We dog sat for a friends dog last week that has no leash manners, and the way he pulled on his flat collar scared me! I will answer my own question for youIt works by causing pain and uncomfortableness for the dog, causing the dog to avoid the pain . Just remember, the collar needs to be high up on the dogs neck, just below the ears. I thought it was very well written and informative but also not an any other method is terrible. The use of these tools in any body of work (such as on police k9s) is not an excuse for you to use them on a pet dog. He clearly is afraid of the leash. Scotland The use of electric shock collars was The reason why I am so weary of collars is that when dogs pull they can cause a lot of damage.