macron speech in french

“We must...make people love the Republic,” said Macron. We are at a watershed on this issue, during which we’ll be able to grasp the full extent of the challenge facing us, or not. It’s a historic sum. Presidents, Prime Minister, Ministers, Members of Parliament, Ambassadors, Ladies and gentlemen, Dear friends, ... French diplomacy must also work for gender equality. We must guarantee them access everywhere to education, healthcare, jobs, and to taking economic and political decisions, and fight every kind of violence they are subjected to. Ambassadors’ conference – Speech by M. Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic. Here too, it is a battle which must bring us together. We are hosting the Replenishment Conference of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Lyon in 2019. I do not believe this because we are currently experiencing a crisis of the effectiveness and principles of our contemporary world order which will not be able to get back on track or return to how it functioned before. And there is no need to look for those responsible for this disintegration; they are here, in this Assembly. He believed in knowledge. It in no way addresses deep inequalities. He always wanted to give them a human face, discover the richness of otherness. EMMANUEL MACRON appears to have lost most of the battles he has ever cared about or been closely involved in, putting his future prospects as French President on the brink. The military engagement of certain countries has allowed the regime to re-establish itself, resulting in crimes for which the perpetrators will one day be held accountable. In a long-awaited declaration, the … Now we must tackle the deep causes of our imbalances, we must look together at the weaknesses of our international order and – beyond the crises I’ve just mentioned – look at the deep inequalities that have set in. It is what we did at the beginning of the year in Delhi with the International Solar Alliance. He who shows the greatness of thought teaches respect and shows what civilization is. We owe an answer to all those who look to us because their fate depends on what we can or can’t do here together, in this Assembly. So let’s withdraw into ourselves. ), MAEDI 21 - Global diplomacy for the 21st century, Future Leaders Invitation Programme (PIPA), Security, Disarmament and Non-proliferation, External action of local government bodies, Coronavirus - Advice for Foreign Nationals in France, Multilateralism: a principle of action for France, 70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Speech before the UN General Assembly delivered by Jean-Yves Le Drian (26.09.18), 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly, France and the UK host High-Level UNGA Event on the Rohingya Crisis: Joint Statement (24.09.18), Iran - Implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action: Joint Ministerial Statement (24.09.18), Syria - Joint Statement (New York, 27.09.18), Press Release: Chair’s conclusions of the September 24, 2018, Meeting on Libya (25.09.18), Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. A survival-of-the-fittest approach will only serve to increase frustrations and violence. This is what we have achieved over the last few decades. The heralded breakdown of the Paris Agreement has been averted, because we’ve managed to remain united, despite the American decision to withdraw from it. We will remember that our freedoms will endure only if we end hatred and violence, only if we respect others. IGF 2018 Speech by French President Emmanuel Macron Thank you, Secretary General, dear António, both for your speech, your welcome here today, but also your speech yesterday at the Paris Peace Forum, where you spoke about these same issues, Thank you, UNESCO Director-General, We will defend the freedom that you taught so well, and we will strongly proclaim the concept of laïcité [secularism] (3). I want us and our counterparts together to shoulder new responsibilities, in order to mark out a path at the Forum for specific actions to promote peace. We will love science and its controversies. He who gave himself the task of “making republicans”. What will resolve the problem of trade imbalances and all of their consequences on our societies? You know, that primary school teacher who taught us to read, add up and have confidence in ourselves. Merkel and Macron are paying the price for vaccine failure Across Europe, the consequences of being left dismally behind in the race to roll out the vaccine are being seen in the polls Let’s ensure our trade commitments include our environmental and social obligations. We will learn humour, distance. We must also fight passionately against gender-linked inequalities. (3) laïcité goes beyond the concept of secularism, embracing the strict neutrality of the State. We will ensure that by the end of the year at this General Assembly, two-thirds of its members can support the suspension of the right of veto in the event of mass atrocities. But I do believe in universal values, and on this point we must not back down, it is not the same thing! On Friday evening, at first I believed it to be a random act of madness, a senseless arbitrary act: another victim of gratuitous terrorism. And we have made progress: human rights have spread, trade and prosperity have been expanded, poverty has been reduced. French President Emmanuel Macron campaigned in 2017 with the slogan "neither left nor right." Born out of hope, the UN may become, like the League of Nations that preceded it, a symbol of powerlessness. France urges end to boycott of French goods as Macron defends Muhammad cartoons Read more It would be easy to think that Macron, facing record Covid infections, might look at his in … I know, my dear friends, that many people may be tired of multilateralism. And though this task today may seem titanic, especially where violence, intimidation and sometimes resignation take over, it’s more essential, more relevant than ever. All of us here have inherited a tremendous hope, that of saving future generations from the scourge of war, of building a world order based on law and on keeping promises, of helping humanity move forward towards economic, social and moral progress, with freedom that is increasingly guaranteed. I have made gender parity in France the great cause of my five-year term, and I issue an appeal here to make this a great global cause with you. In a speech delivered at Burkina Faso’s University of Ouagadougou in 2017, Macron invited Congolese-French writer Alain Mabanckou to lead a special project to examine ways to mobilize French … To all the women whose pay gap with men averages 23% worldwide and up to 40% in rural areas. I believe in the non-negotiable defence of our values, human rights, the dignity of individuals, gender equality. Fifty percent of our development aid will be devoted to projects to reduce gender inequalities. … Some countries here are suffering more than others and we owe them solidarity. 14 October 2020. This evening I won’t say any more about the vital unity all French people feel, which is invaluable and requires all leaders to express themselves appropriately and act rigorously. We’re told that solutions exist but that funding isn’t up to the mark. The great battle of our forerunners was the fight for peace, which is still incumbent upon us. Paris, 27 August 2019. He wasn’t an enemy of the religion they exploit: he had read the Koran, he respected his students whatever their beliefs and was interested in Muslim civilization. Then let’s speed up, let’s adopt together the Paris Agreement’s rules of implementation at COP24 in December. On Friday, Samuel Paty became the face of the Republic, of our determination to disrupt terrorists, to curtail Islamists, to live as a community of free citizens in our country; he became the face of our determination to understand, to learn, to continue to teach, to be free, because we will continue to do so, sir. We will provide all the opportunities that the Republic owes all its young people, without any discrimination. Are we going to give them all the resources for a solid grounding, enabling them to take control of their lives, fraternal lives in tomorrow’s world? Prince Charles stuns royal fans as he starts speaking in fluent French during Macron visit PRINCE CHARLES left royals fans stunned as he spoke fluent French during Emmanuel Macron's visit … It is with that continent. There is no other credible alternative to the solution of two states living side by side in peace and security, with Jerusalem as their capital. All those who were marginalized and frustrated by the humiliations they had suffered harboured a despair whose price we are collectively paying today. President Emmanuel Macron is to address the nation in a televised speech tonight at 20:00 on the Covid-19 situation in France, the second time in less than a week. What does this lead to? Credit: United Nations, Department of Public Information, AudioVisual Library. Let’s set ourselves the goal of concluding in 2020 a plan for an ambitious global pact for the environment, and making the Beijing COP on biodiversity and the IUCN World Conservation Congress in France in 2020 decisive steps. Isolationism, protectionism. We have made progress on reducing inequalities between our countries, and we have given ourselves the framework for this with the 2030 Agenda for [Sustainable] Development; but the battle is not behind us, it is far from over. But none of us, acting alone, can effectively combat these inequalities I’ve just denounced. As you see, I believe very strongly that in the face of these rifts, these challenges in the contemporary world order, we can build a new language of action and we must, at the same time, attack the underlying causes that contemporary inequalities represent. No, we must act! These commitments must be fulfilled under the auspices of the United Nations, with close cooperation from the African Union. Ladies and gentlemen. It’s at the United Nations first that I want to say this inequalities agenda will be central to the next G7. His … We owe an answer to the 700 million children who live in the regions most exposed to the effects of climate change, who are the victims of floods, drought, rising waters, diminishing resources. That is the point of the initiatives being taken in the Lake Chad region, which are also being shepherded by Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon and supported by the African Union. I call on everyone here to mobilize. Our responsibility in the 21st century is to end these kinds of violence, from harassment on the street to femicide. We’ve decided what action to take, we’ve made it tougher and will complete it. The French President is … As if it were a premonition. We must tackle inequalities of destiny. Mr President of the United Nations General Assembly, So I propose that the international institutions – the United Nations but also, of course, the OECD – support us in establishing this mechanism, for which the G7 will have to be the driving force. Without being naïve or complacent, but without any posturing, which will certainly be pointless in the end. Emmanuel Macron, président de la République française. The only effective way to manage the migratory flows affecting all of our continents in an orderly, controlled fashion is to create the conditions for a type of international mobility that is freely chosen, not imposed; to work together, whether we are countries of origin, of transit or of destination, to tackle the deep causes of such migration, especially when it is imposed; to dismantle networks of traffickers, which are the worst scourge in this situation; and to protect our borders in a respectful way while ensuring compliance with international law, and in particular the unconditional protection of those who have the right to asylum. We will not disavow the cartoons, the drawings, even if others recoil. The agreement brokered in Vienna in 2015. We will help our students discover literature, music, all the works of the mind and soul. This year, the G20 in Argentina must give us a credible road map for radically reforming the WTO. After studying history in Lyon and thinking of becoming a researcher, he took the path you, his parents – a primary school teacher and a headteacher in Moulins – mapped out, becoming an “educational researcher” as he liked to define himself, becoming a teacher. No, on the contrary, that’s precisely why Samuel Paty was killed. It is in the Libyan people’s interest and in that of their neighbours, the Europeans and the international community, which must unite around these goals in order to move forward. We will continue, sir. I believe in a third way forward for us, undoubtedly the most difficult, undoubtedly the most challenging, requiring us to forge together a new model, to find together a new world balance. Israel knows that France is a true friend and it is in the name of this friendship that I call on it to swiftly put an end to the fait accompli policy which threatens the very possibility of achieving a peace deal. But we will all have to provide an explanation to our peoples and our own children for this growing number of disasters. Paty was teaching a class about free speech and had used the Charlie Hebdo cartoons as illustrations of the issue—but only after first telling the class that those who did not want to watch could step out of the class without penalty or simply not look. Yes, we must tackle present-day inequalities today because they’re at the root of the evil I was denouncing at the beginning of my speech. So Ferdinand Buisson’s words echo back: “To make a republican,” he wrote, “it is necessary to give every human being, no matter how young or meek, the idea that he must think on his own, that he must be faithful or obedient to no one, that it is up to him to seek truth and not receive it ready-made from a teacher, guide or leader of any sort.” “Making republicans” was what Samuel Paty fought for. The active efforts the G7 has already begun to make under Canada’s presidency will have to allow further progress. Why? Samuel Paty was passionate about teaching and did it so well in several collèges (1) and lycées (2), right up to the collège in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine. It’s we, the leaders, who are responsible. What is generating crises everywhere? Samuel Paty was killed because Islamists want our future and because they know that with quiet heroes like him, they will never have it. France President Emmanuel Macron will face two journalists in a TV interview tonight at around 20:00, amid rapidly rising coronavirus numbers, tightening restrictions and dire warnings from his Prime Minister. Macron said there were “two kings in this system—shareholders and consumers,” with workers and the planet paying a price. Long live the Republic, long live France. In a keenly awaited speech, Mr Macron said a minority of France's estimated six million Muslims were in danger of forming a "counter-society". He loved relaying to his students and loved ones a passion for knowledge and the taste of freedom through books. It’s time our world stopped making women victims and at last gave them their rightful place – the one where they are leaders too! No. This evening I won’t talk about the string of terrorists, their accomplices and all the cowards who committed this attack and made it possible. Per capita wealth is 50 times greater in OECD countries than it is in low-income countries. So what better place than the Sorbonne, our place of universal learning for over eight centuries, the place of humanism, for the nation to pay him this tribute. I believe in our ability to establish equilibriums that are respectful of people and cultures, with no haggling about their universality – they are the reality! It is inefficient – as is the case with solar power – for countries with the largest potential and greatest needs to be those with the least access to the appropriate technology. His apartment was a library. No, I can’t agree to that, because I come from a country which promoted the declarations that brought us here, because I come from a country which stands up, which has made a lot of mistakes and done a lot of bad things but has, throughout its history and international history, had something universal about it! Inside and outside school, the pressures, the abuse of ignorance and obedience which some would like to establish have no place in our country. However, we must examine the period we are going through with a clear head. Therefore, in Syria, we are continuing the fight against Islamist terrorism. Nothing more, nothing less. To be honest, I don’t believe in one great globalized people. What will make it possible to truly resolve the situation in Iran and what has already started to help stabilize it? Thirdly, we must give Africa its full role, to ensure its role is central to the recomposition of the international system. It is this same imperative we must champion in the face of the demographic, climate and digital challenges awaiting us, which none of us can confront alone. Like you, we will relentlessly seek to understand, and to gain an even better understanding of the things they’d like to take away from us. This evening I won’t speak about the fight against political, radical Islamism, which leads to terrorism. On the 70th anniversary of the 1948 Declaration, we will recall that human rights are not a cultural phenomenon, revocable values or options, but a body of law sanctified by international treaties to which the members of this Assembly freely consented. Yesterday an important step was taken, one that I would like to applaud. In a few weeks’ time, on 11 November 1918, the Paris Peace Forum will provide an opportunity for a surge in intelligence and courage in order to regain what keeps us here together. That is not true. First of all, revise both our trading and social rules; rather than pursuing protectionism, we must all work together to radically revise the WTO rules. I won’t talk about those who have made us associate his name with barbarians; they don’t deserve it. Samuel Paty basically embodied the teacher Jaurès dreamed of in the letter to teachers, which has just been read out: “firmness combined with tenderness”. A survival-of-the-fittest approach does not protect any group of people against any kind of threat, whether chemical or nuclear. All together we are strong in the face of terrorism when states can count on their own forces to guarantee their security, and also when that security is based on regional and international solutions, according to the principle I have just elucidated. The teacher who not only taught us a piece of knowledge but opened up a path for us through a book, through their attentiveness. They divide the faithful and the unbelievers. We will continue, sir. And in no way will I yield the principle of the sovereignty of peoples to nationalists or to those in the international community who advocate retreating inwards, who want to use the sovereignty of peoples to attack the universality of our values - their strength is what keeps us all here in this room! Six hundred and twenty million more children in the world need to be provided with schooling between now and 2030, including 444 million Africans. It is not just on that continent that we will collectively win or lose our great battle against inequalities. Even those who dispute the reality suffer the consequences like everybody else. Heads of state and government, Ladies and gentlemen, at a time when our collective system is breaking up, I must say we have never needed it so much. Links in a never-ending chain, they will increase understanding of our nation, our values and our Europe. And they will educate young citizens. France’s schoolteachers primary and secondary school teachers will teach history – both its glories and its vicissitudes. I’m referring to the major digital players, in terms of both taxation and responsibility in the battle against the manipulation of information. We’ve honoured the pledge the President of Senegal and I made right here last year; the Global Partnership for Education’s Financing Conference in Dakar in February raised $2.5 billion to develop access to education in the world. Wearing a white medical mask, French President Emmanuel Macron went ahead with a planned speech by videoconference Thursday, hours after testing positive for … So I say to you very clearly: the century which has begun is watching us, and our children are waiting for us! The first involves seeing this as a moment, an interlude in history before things return to normal. Secondly, we’ll also have to develop the practical details of our action, bring into our field of collective action the major absentees from this hall and from our General Assembly, the major non-state actors who help change the world but who don’t play a sufficient role in reducing the inequalities these transformations bring about. When it comes to climate disruption, there are no free-riders or easy solutions either. The new equilibrium that we must create must be based on new forms of regional and international cooperation and will, I believe, be based on three principles: firstly, respect for sovereignty, which is at the very foundation of our charter; secondly, the strengthening of our regional cooperation; and thirdly, the provision of more robust international guarantees. Not unilateral initiatives, or ignoring the legitimate rights of the Palestinians to achieve sustainable peace, or underestimating the legitimate right of Israelis to their security. It’s today, it’s now! So don’t grow accustomed, let’s not accept all these forms of unilateralism! One of those humble people who questioned themselves a thousand times, as he did with the freedom of expression and freedom of conscience course he had been preparing in Moulins since July, at your side, and the doubts he shared because of his high standards and thoughtfulness. The Syrian people have tragically paid the price, and there can be no victors in a Syria in ruins. By Connexion journalist. When it comes to the great digital transformation, here too it is our duty to stand together to establish contemporary rules that will make it possible to reconcile the development of artificial intelligence with our ethical rules, to guide the digital transformation of our societies. However, two things are clear. Otherwise there will ultimately be only two solutions. This is why I have committed France to this battle to such an extent, it’s why I place so much emphasis on teacher training, vocational education and educational equality between boys and girls. We will therefore support the agencies working for a project of peace and humanity: UNESCO – the very conscience of the United Nations –, the Human Rights Council, the International Criminal Court, and UNRWA, for which we will increase our contribution because, I remind you here, it is simply about enabling hundreds of thousands of children to go to school.