reu programs summer 2020 biology

This species has been known entirely from cranial evidence until recently, when a femoral shaft fragment was published (Machiarelli et al., 2020, Journal of Human Evolution). Many arachnids are increasingly threatened by habitat destruction and harvesting for the exotic pet trade, which taken together with their often low vagility and narrow geographic distributions, exacerbates their risk of extinction due to human activities. … Mentors: Hollister Herhold (RGGS), Steve Davis and David Grimaldi (Division of Invertebrate Zoology). Nautiloids are a group of externally shelled cephalopods, a relative of squids and octoposes. Brandeis University seeks qualified applicants for an NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program for a 10-week period from June 1 to August 7, 2020. The program dates are June 9-August 17, 2021 (10-weeks). The Coastal Ecosystems Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site program is a 10-week paid research fellowship located on the campuses of Florida International University in Miami, FL running from May 24, 2021 until July 30, 2021. This project will further investigate the morphological affinities of this important femoral shaft from Chad. There is no comprehensive database of Mesozoic cephalopod occurrences that can be used as a basis for modern statistical analyses. If conditions allow, the participating student would be based at Black Rock Forest for part of the internship and would acquire skills relating to field and data analysis methods used in wildlife movement ecology studies (previous knowledge of R and GIS software considered helpful). The ideal student is patient, inquisitive, and enthusiastic, and might have prior experience with vertebrate anatomy (human anatomy counts), basic statistics, and coding in R and/or MATLAB. The REU student will be involved with all aspects of the project, including collecting and processing µCT scans, building and extracting measurements from digital bone models, and conducting phylogenetic analyses to test evolutionary hypotheses. APPLICATIONS: Students must contact the individual sites for application information and materials.NSF does not have application materials and does not select student participants. The jaw morphology serves not only to reveal their feeding strategy but also to reconstruct their phylogeny. To answer this question, paleontologists studied these organisms over decades, which significantly increased our understanding of these mysterious animals. The student will learn to (1) collect morphological data from osteological specimens, (2) conduct literature reviews, (3) perform statistical analyses using command-line approaches in R, and (4) interpret and present results. New York, NY 10024-5102Phone: 212-769-5100. Victoria reflects on her summer research experience and tells us about her work studying insects in New Hampshire streams – virtually. This research will test hypotheses pertaining to the evolutionary connectivity of the cranial, axial, and appendicular components that contribute to body shape diversity, and the adaptive significance of body shapes. This project will utilize the Museum's collections to produce genomic data for representatives of this understudied group, allowing unprecedented study of their evolutionary history, species diversity, and biogeography. Many of these understudied primates are highly threatened with extinction due to illegal wildlife trade and habitat loss, while much remains to be understood about their evolution and phylogenetic relationships. Sahelanthropus tchadensis from Chad, dated to approximately 7 million years ago, has been considered the earliest hominin species based on features of the cranial base suggesting the species walked upright. Program dates: May 26 to July 20, 2021. Choose number of result items per page. The femur shaft was qualitatively and quantitatively compared to extant apes and humans, but it should be explored whether this fragmentary shaft can be fully excluded from other fossil taxa. Applications will be accepted from January 1-January 31, 2021. All admission to the Museum is by timed-entry, and must be reserved online. Mentors: Ricardo Botero-Trujillo, Jairo Moreno-Gonzalez, Pio Colmenares, Lorenzo Prendini (Division of Invertebrate Zoology). This action will reload the page. The program is designed for students majoring in marine science, ecology, environmental science, biology and chemistry. The REU summer program funds undergraduate students to work in CMaT labs. For decades, bipedality has been considered the defining feature of the hominin lineage. REU- NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (For all programs) National … As such, arachnids are bioindicators of habitat degradation and climate change. Sites are ordered alphabetically by host institution. High school graduates who have not yet enrolled, and students who have already received their bachelor's degrees, are not eligible. Business – Harvard Business School PRIMO (Program for Research in Markets and Operations) Business – Columbia Business School 2020 Summer Research Internship. APPLICATIONS: Students must contact the individual site or program to apply. Computing – Undergraduate Research in Education Data Mining. CCMR REU students work directly with faculty on interdisciplinary materials research projects involving chemistry, physics, materials science, and engineering disciplines. This study will establish improved methodologies and understanding of using affordable GPS trackers in below tree canopy environments, and for finer scale spatial movements (where GPS position error becomes more important). HGT also occurs in eukaryotes, and it is believed to have been on continue to be crucial in the evolution of multiple lineages across the Tree of Life. However, experience in these areas is not a requirement. Interdisciplinary Materials Science Summer Program at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York 2021 REU dates: June 7– August 13 . The project could involve fieldwork and visits to other nearby museums, such as the Yale Peabody. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION. This REU Site “Undergraduate Research Experience in Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics” award to Florida A&M University located in Tallahassee FL, will support the training of 8 undergraduate students for 10 weeks during the summers of 2016-2022. In this project, we will examine mitochondrial DNA sequencing for a large diversity of passerines across numerous ecoregions. Application deadline: March 1, 2021. The overall objective will be for the student to map genus-level cephalopod diversity trends throughout the Late Cretaceous (~100.5 – 66.0 Ma), and to use these data to interpret inter-clade dynamics. Application period opens: December 15, 2020. 200 Central Park West scorpions, derived from aquatic ancestors that lived more than 425 million years ago. The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies' Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program is now entering its 25th year. Mentors: Mary Blair (Center for Biodiversity and Conservation) and Luca Pozzi (University of Texas at San Antonio). However, biologists still lack a full understanding of the underlying morphological components that contribute to body shape diversity in mammals. Our program brings approximately ten students to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City each summer for a ten-week experience working with our curators, faculty, and post-doctoral fellows. Summer 2020 REU Awards Updates for 2021: Students interested in a VIRTUAL experience at Georgia Tech (GT), University of Georgia (UGA), University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM), and University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) - Learn More . Although cephalopods possess an excellent fossil record, most of the existing diversity-through-time analyses are inadequate or outdated. APPLY NOW Mentors: Ashley Hammond (Division of Anthropology) and William Harcourt-Smith (CUNY, and Division of Paleontology). $6,000 stipend and housing costs are provided. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Click on the Title of the Site in the "Site Information" column to go to the homepage (if available) for that Site. A more comprehensive understanding of this poorly known group is highly likely to resolve knowledge gaps about the early history of primate evolution. The lorisiforms are elusive nocturnal primates including lorises, galagos, pottos, and angwantibos. June 1, 2021 – August 5, 2021. The evolution of flight is believed to be one of the major reasons behind this diversity. “Training and Experimentation in Computational Biology” REU program is a 10-week summer program that will provide a challenging and fulfilling graduate-level research experience to undergraduate students. To accomplish these goals, this research will generate a database of mammalian body shapes using skeletal specimens held at the Burke museum and test the following hypotheses: H1) skeletal components contributing to body shape diversity in carnivorans are evolutionarily integrated, H2) the relationship between body shape and limb length in mammals follows a similar trend as ectothermic vertebrates, and H3) locomotor and dietary ecologies influence the evolution of carnivoran body shapes. Their modern descendants Nautilus and Allonautilus are often called “living fossils” since they have retained a similar shell morphology over some hundred million years. REU and Independent Research Program. Undergraduate student participants supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. This finding has a number of significant implications for early hominin evolution and our interpretations of the fossil record, including the possibility that (a) bipedality may not distinguish the earliest hominins or (b) that Sahelanthropus may not in fact be a hominin. This femoral shaft, attributed by the authors to Sahelanthropus, reportedly does not bear hallmarks of a bipedal femur. Cephalopods, such as squids and octopuses, are among the most complex and intelligent invertebrates, and are key components of global marine ecosystems and nutrient cycling. Through examination of AMNH fossils and literature surveys, the student will assemble a new database that he or she can tailor to a variety of questions. Pending COVID pandemic conditions, and assuming the program is held onsite at AMNH, housing at nearby Columbia University is made available. The application for Summer 2021 will be available November 23, 2020 - February 7, 2021; 2021 Program dates are June 06–August 14 (including travel days)* $6,000 stipend, travel, and housing support are provided by the program; This program targets sophomore and junior-level students at 2-year or 4-year institutions of higher education The Research Experience for Undergraduates Program in Systematics and Evolutionary Biology is funded by the National Science Foundation and has been in place for 30 years. REU Site: Research & Training in Multidisciplinary field of Regenerative Sciences for Undergraduates, REU SITE: Systematics, Evolution and Conservation for the 21st Century, REU Site: Advancing Undergraduate Research Among Minorities in Plant Biology Enrolled in an Urban Community College, REU Site: Bioinformatics Research and Interdisciplinary Training Experience in Analysis and Interpretation of Information-Rich Biological Data Sets (REU-BRITE), REU Site: Control of Gene Expression for Biological Effect, REU Site: Global Engagement Research Experience for Undergraduate Students in Food Security: A focus on Indigenous Vegetables and Grain Crops; the "Forgotten Food" Crops of Kenya, REU Site: The Summer Systematics Institute: training the next generation of scientists for the field, the lab, and sharing their science with the world, REU Site: Next Generation Sequencing and Beyond: From Beetles to Beer", REU Site: Great Lakes ecosystem research to build foundations for successful STEM futures, REU Site: Plant Biology and Conservation Research Experiences for Undergraduates--From, REU Site: Research and Training in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign (B3) for Undergraduates, REU Site: Nature's machinery through the prism of physics, biology, chemistry and engineering, REU Site: CSHL NSF-REU Bioinformatics and Computational Neuroscience Summer Undergraduate Program, REU Site: Resilience and Response of Marine Organisms to Environmental Change, REU Site: Program in Molecular Biosciences, REU site: Molecular Biology and Genetics of Cell Signaling, REU Site: Brooklyn Urban Ecology and Environment Program (BUEE), REU Site: Research Experiences in Plant Science at the Danforth Center, REU Site: Interdisciplinary biological sciences research and community engaged learning experiences for undergraduates, REU Site: Disturbance Ecology in Central Appalachia, REU Site: Undergraduate Research Experience in Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, REU Site: proposed Summer Integrated Neuroscience Experience (SINE) in Jupiter, REU Site: Understanding Coastal Ecosystems – From the Everglades to the, REU Site: Interdisciplinary Research Experiences in Coastal Plain Science, REU Site: Evolution, Ecology, Environment, REU Site: Summer Research Program in Ecology at the Harvard Forest, REU Site: A Transformative Approach for Engaging First-Generation Underrepresented Minorities in a Research Experience, National Science Foundation - Where Discoveries Begin, Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), Environmental Research and Education (ERE), International Science and Engineering (OISE), Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE), Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research, Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG), Award Statistics (Budget Internet Info System), National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES), Proposal & Award Policies Procedures Guide (PAPPG).