biol 359 quizlet

This evaluates the strength of a hypothesis by testing patterns across lineages or species and this requires knowledge of the evolutionary relationships of the species being considered. A chance change in allele frequencies from one generation to the next due to the random sampling of gametes of each generation. They provided a direct observation of the divergence of species as the result of descent w/ modification. The Balance Hypothesis for Genetic Variation: Individuals are heterozygous at many loci and balancing selection maintains genetic variability. Their fossils have been good at showing the occurrence of plate tectonics and how the world has changed over time. He is the father of modern geology and is responsible for the Principle of Uniformitarianism. The idea that it is "the gift of an artistic designer" is not an explanation. These are mutations that have a beneficial effect on fitness. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. [PMID: 22459407 ] Lieberman-Aiden E, van Berkum NL, Williams L, Imakaev M, Ragoczy T, Telling A, Amit I, Lajoie BR, Sabo PJ, Dorschner MO, Sandstrom R, Bernstein B, Bender MA, Groudine M, Gnirke A, Stamatoyannopoulos J, Mirny LA, Lander ES, and Dekker J. 1. - does not apply for asexually reproducing taxa. BIOL359. These are regions that possess unique fauna and floral assemblages. Larger phenotypic changes that over time are large enough to place an organism into a different taxon. This is the reconstruction of the origin, dispersal and extinction of taxa, as well as biotas. An example of this is the selection created by fisherman and Ram hunters on Ram Mountain creating a significant change in the size of the fish and horns respectively. This can result in a change in allele frequencies in a population but one bout of random maiting will restore HW equilibrium. It is important to note that only 4% of all extinctions occurred during the mass extinctions, 96% occurred as a consequence of. The father of comparative anatomy, palentology and a proponent of catastrophism. These systems are fixed so that the worker bees who are sisters are more closely related to each other (3/4) than they are to their own offspring(1/2) or brothers(1/4). NDSU Genetics 315 Final Exam. But just imagine the difficulties the poor barnacle faces, permanently glued to an underwater rock or hull. What forces can change genotype and allele frequencies? He was known for the creation of the idea of the inheritance of acquired characteristics through the use and disuse hypothesis. 2012; 24 (3):359-66. This is speciation that occurs in a geographically contiguous population, that is they are not physically separated. Biology. Occurs b/c the Earth's plates are constantly being created and destroyed, the oldest rocks have already been subducted and are no longer around. Inbreeding is breeding amongst cloasely related individuals, this increases the frequency of homozygotes and decreases the frequency of heterozygotes. View Notes - Hist-HW#1 from BIOL 3330 at University of Houston, Victoria. You get a hybrid zone and then divergent species. A female produces an egg w/ a genotype identical to here own, but for it to develop it must be stimulated by the sperm of a male in a closely related species (but it is not fertilized!). He created the framework for modern bionomial classification called the System Naturae in the hope of discovering the pattern of God's creation. A locus at which every individual in the population has the same allele, there is no variation. Asexual populations are doomed to accumulate deleterious mutations which are maintained and passed along to the next generation, this is why ancient obligate asexual organisms are rare. Whenever we have two selective forces acting in opposition of each other. The simplest explanations are preferred over the more complex ones. This can occur through parallele evolution, convergent evolution or seconday loss. While now a days we use DNA sequencing, the first method to be used was protein electrophoresis where the different amino acids move differently. This occurs when the males are unable to monopolize the females or their resources as is the case w/ red collared widow birds. In humans we have the coccyx and the arrector pili muscles. A character state shared b/w two DNA states or taxa b/c of a common ancestor. Sister species, these were recognized across the vicariance by Jordan. For molecular genetics this would be nucleotide positions for which there would be four character states: A, T, C, and G. A state derived from the ancestral state, one of two types: synapomorphy or autapomorphy. Professor. This quiz is incomplete! A group of hoofed mammals w/ an even number of toes. Only organisms w/ dissimilar phenotypes will mate. Migration can work w/ or against natural selection. This consists of the direct fitness (through own reproduction) and indirect fitness (through reproduction of closely related relatives), an individuals direct contribution to the next generation by reproduction (number of offspring contributed). Selection is much more powerful when population size is large, and genetic drift when population size is small. A consequence of the formation of the Panamanian Isthmus which lead to the divergence of sister species.